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My 115MM Spotter Setup KIT (1 Viewer)

That kit looks great!

How would you describe the optical performance of your particular ATX115 sample? Have you star tested it or measured it's resolution?

Regards, Juhani
You might want to read this thread before testing your scope:

A diffraction limited ATX-115 would be very interesting. So far I haven't heard about one.
Zero testing and zero interest in star gazing and sorry i can not help you but i can say I am quite pleased with the kit as well as my Swarovski ATX 95MM Kit as well...

If I may ask, what is your impression when comparing the optical performance of this 115mm module to the 95mm one you also have; 115mm must be brighter but does it feel it has more resolving power/does it appear as sharp (or sharper) than the 95mm?

Regards, Juhani

If I may ask, what is your impression when comparing the optical performance of this 115mm module to the 95mm one you also have; 115mm must be brighter but does it feel it has more resolving power/does it appear as sharp (or sharper) than the 95mm?

Regards, Juhani
Not really done any comparing as my 115MM is here with me in the States and my 95MM is back at my winter home in SriLanka... Both are really special and your a winner with either of them..
If I may ask, what is your impression when comparing the optical performance of this 115mm module to the 95mm one you also have; 115mm must be brighter but does it feel it has more resolving power/does it appear as sharp (or sharper) than the 95mm?
The X115 is the only scope model on a new class!
Being using the X115, the X95 seems now a small scope...:LOL:
However, in terms of resolution the gain is small, even the extender, if there is any real gain...
Will see when I will have some free time to write some text comparing both models.
If money and weight aren't limitations and/or do digiscopy, get the X115. If not, the X95 doesn't lose nothing, except having a bit more CA that doesn't affect resolution. In my sunny conditions, for visual, the gain on brightness is not as noticeable as expected.
However, in terms of resolution the gain is small, even the extender, if there is any real gain...
So basically that indicates (another) not so good sample of 115mm, would you say? Have you star tested your 115mm sample, how did it turn out?

So far I believe we have seen just one thoroughly tested sample (by Henry Link) and Kimmo Absetz also wrote that he has seen couple of not particularly good samples which had issues with spherical aberration. Furthermore there was one sample tested on Cloudy Nights forum, which also had quite a lot of SA (and also CA).

All concluded, the Swarovski ATX115 seems to be plagued by the same optical problems (mainly SA) as the new big Kowa 99A and it seems it's hard to find a really good sample?

Regards, Juhani
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So basically that indicates (another) not so good sample of 115mm, would you say? Have you star tested your 115mm sample, how did it turn out?
See My X115 - I think the right words to be used are that the X115 is a very good scope but not as excellent as it should be, speceally when compared to the X95...
On my previous post I forgot to recommend it to be used with the BTX... I speculated if the X115 Spherical Aberration is a result of a design "tuned" to work with the BTX module and/or a sign of new ATX/STX eyepiece modules to be released BTX115 star test, or just a limitation of production process.
I still didn't wrote something until now since I need to redo some measurements I made to confirm a possible small increase on the zoom range and I also would like to compare my STX115 to a ATX115 that I know that also exists in Portugal... ;)
So basically that indicates (another) not so good sample of 115mm, would you say? Have you star tested your 115mm sample, how did it turn out?

So far I believe we have seen just one thoroughly tested sample (by Henry Link) and Kimmo Absetz also wrote that he has seen couple of not particularly good samples which had issues with spherical aberration. Furthermore there was one sample tested on Cloudy Nights forum, which also had quite a lot of SA (and also CA).

All concluded, the Swarovski ATX115 seems to be plagued by the same optical problems (mainly SA) as the new big Kowa 99A and it seems it's hard to find a really good sample?

Regards, Juhani
Do you actually own one yourself..? I happen to own one and quite pleased with mine 110%.. I am so happy I also own the 95 as well... Hard to find..? What's hard to find..? Spreading internet BS..! This thread is how happy I am with mine and "NO BAD COPY" here COUGH..
Do you actually own one yourself..? I happen to own one and quite pleased with mine 110%.. I am so happy I also own the 95 as well... Hard to find..? What's hard to find..? Spreading internet BS..! This thread is how happy I am with mine and "NO BAD COPY" here COUGH..
I'm glad if you are happy with your scope!

I just wanted some information how good sample you in fact have; you may of course have a cherry one and therefore are super happy with it.

Best regards, Juhani
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