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Monk Parakeets (1 Viewer)

I doubt the site will be made public as DEFRA will run round and kill them. It is a small population, go to the well know sites in North and East London to see them.

I doubt the site will be made public as DEFRA will run round and kill them. It is a small population, go to the well know sites in North and East London to see them.


Thanks mark
i live in hayes next to southall so it was these i was interested in. ill have a search myself
If you go to Island gardens DLR you will find them in the Millwall park across from the back of the station. Everybody on the island kens fine they are there!!
I doubt the site will be made public as DEFRA will run round and kill them. It is a small population, go to the well know sites in North and East London to see them.


If DEFRA try or indeed succede in killing these birds, they can be prosecuted by the RSPCA (not the RSPB), for illegally killing any bird, mammal etc without a licence. It is not, as far as I know, Government policy to collude with bird extermination policies. However there are some who would willingly eliminate any non-British animal , and that could be seen as racist.
As far as DEFRA is concerned, have never forgiven them for the awful and uneccesary suffering they caused to thousands of fit cows/sheep/goats in UK during the last foot and mouth outbreak a few years ago. unbelievable ,-like Auschwitz extermination camps. never again will this happen here.
DEFRA please leave the Parakeets alone in peace, and "buzz off" !
If DEFRA try or indeed succede in killing these birds, they can be prosecuted by the RSPCA (not the RSPB), for illegally killing any bird, mammal etc without a licence.

They did some trial exterminations on the North London population a couple of years ago, hence my hesitance to give out a site to someone with two posts.

If DEFRA try or indeed succede in killing these birds, they can be prosecuted by the RSPCA (not the RSPB), for illegally killing any bird, mammal etc without a licence.

How come? Along with Corvids, LBB Gulls, Canada Geese, and certain Columbiformes, Monk and Ring necked parakeets are on the 2011 general licence permitting authorised persons to kill them for crop protection or disease prevention reasons. The RSPCA would only become interested if inhumane methods were used.
As far as DEFRA is concerned, have never forgiven them for the awful and uneccesary suffering they caused to thousands of fit cows/sheep/goats in UK during the last foot and mouth outbreak a few years ago. unbelievable ,-like Auschwitz extermination camps. never again will this happen here.
DEFRA please leave the Parakeets alone in peace, and "buzz off" !

Having been envolved with cattle at the time of the 1967 outbreak my worst fear was that if there was another out break animal rights etc would prevent them going in hard and fast and killing herds.

In 2001 this proved to be the case and many thousands of animals were killed. Had they

a) Been notified of the outbreak at the first signs and

b) Slaughtered the naimals on that farm and a small number of farms contiguous with it then much animal and human suffering could have been avoided.

Sadly the next outbreak is likely to be handled even more slowly due to such attitudes.
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