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Me and my latest art work (1 Viewer)


Well-known member

press on the link, all C and C welcome. Paul
Truly amazing piece of work, Paul - I think you're right to leave the area around the cat uninterrupted; allows the animal to inhabit the space. Terrific!
nice work paul,i like the way youv'e focussed on the animals head making it appear to emerge from the painting

cheeky sod thats me, Im in front of the painting.... lol... thanks guys. means a hell of a lot. Tim Ive decided to take the advice of an artist I greatly admire... you.... and leave it be.... thanks mate... love the book by the way... Paul
Stunning Paul. The sheer scale of it would scare the bejeebers out of me, let alone the subject matter! Superb eyes on a right proper strong looking male...;)

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