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Martin's 2024 Bird List (Chevy Chase, MD, USA) (3 Viewers)

Spent the whole day in the Grand Canyon, which was amazing, and only saw one new bird for the year list. But it is a lifer!

The Grand Canyon, AZ, USA
256. Pinyon Jay

Latest lifer: #1037 - Pinyon Jay (The Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA)
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Spent the whole day in the Grand Canyon, which was amazing, and only saw one new bird for the year list. But it is a lifer!

The Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA
256. Pinyon Jay

Latest lifer: #1037 - Pinyon Jay (The Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA)
Well it's definitely one I haven't added to my list Martin :)
Have picked up a few more great ones over the last couple of days.

Navajo Tribal Lands, Page, AZ, USA
259. Eurasian Collared-Dove
260. Rock Wren (+)
261. Black-throated Sparrow

Along the freeway, outside Kanab, UT, USA

262. Horned Lark (+)

Zion National Park, UT, USA
263. Canyon Wren (+)
264. White-throated Swift (+)
265. Golden Eagle (+)
266. Townsend's Solitaire

Latest lifer: #1040 - Townsend's Solitaire (Zion National Park, Utah, USA)
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Had a great day birding, despite steady rains. First I participated in an early morning walk with a great group of local birders at the Bethesda-Chevy Chapter of the Isaak Walton League of America, where we saw more than 63 species at this beatiful private 366-acre farm in Poolesville, Maryland. That included for me a lifer in the Hooded Warbler. We also got great looks of Green Heron, Great Crested Flycatcher, Eastern Kingbird, four types of Vireo, lots of warblers, and a magnificent Yellow-breated Chat.

Then I visted a few spots along the Potomac River in search of the Tundra Swan, another lifer for me, which I found after about an hour of searching, and ended the day with 74 species!

Bethesda-Chevy Chapter of the Isaak Walton League of America, Poolesville, MD, USA
272. Wild Turkey (+)
273. Ruby-throated Hummingbird
274. Green Heron
275. Great Crested Flycatcher
276. Eastern Kingbird
277. White-eyed Vireo
278. Yellow-throated Vireo
279. Warbling Vireo
280. Red-eyed Vireo
281. Purple Martin
282. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
283. Brown Thrasher
284. Swainson's Thrush (+)
285. Wood Thrush
286. Chipping Sparrow
287. Field Sparrow
288. Yellow-breasted Chat (+)
289. Orchard Oriole
290. Baltimore Oriole
291. Black-and-white Warbler
292. Hooded Warbler
293. Northern Parula
294. Magnolia Warbler
295. Yellow Warbler
296. Prairie Warbler
297. Scarlet Tanager
298. Rose-breasted Grosbeak
299. Blue Grosbeak
300. Indigo Bunting

Riley's Lock, Poolesville, MD, USA
301. Caspian Tern

Violette's Lock, Potomac, MD, USA
302. Tundra Swan
303. Eastern Wood-Pewee
304. Yellow-throated Warbler (+)

Latest lifer: #1042 - Tundra Swan (Violette's Lock, Potomac, Maryland, USA)
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Visiting my daughter at the University of Colorado, Boulder and got in a nice walk today, seeing 37 species in total, and three lifers, including the amazing Bullock's Oriole.

Denver International Airport, Denver, CO, USA
305. Swainson's Hawk (+)

Boulder Creek, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA
306. American Pipit
307. Lark Sparrow
308. Green-tailed Towhee
309. Bullock's Oriole

Latest lifer: #1045 - Bullock's Oriole (Boulder Creek, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, USA)
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Went out for a nice birding session, and saw 42 species for the day, including two gracious Mississippi Kites floating overhead...

Hughes Hollow-McKee Beshers, Poolesville, MD, USA
310. Prothonotary Warbler (+)
311. Pine Warbler (+)

Violette's Lock, Potomac, MD, USA
312. Spotted Sandpiper
313. Mississippi Kite (+)
314. Louisiana Waterthrush (+)

Latest lifer: #1045 - Bullock's Oriole (Boulder Creek, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, USA)
Went for a great morning out, seeing 62 birds, including three excellent lifers!

Watkins Ponds - King Farm Stream Park, Rockville, MD, USA
318. Common Nighthawk
319. Alder Flycatcher
320. Blackpoll Warbler

Lake Needwood, Deerwood, MD, USA
321. Acadian Flycatcher (+)
322. Ovenbird (+)
323. Bay-breasted Warbler

Latest lifer: #1048 - Bay-breasted Warbler (Lake Needwood, Deerwood, Maryland, USA)
Went out with a local group this morning and then a party on the Bay, and chalked up 56 species for the day. But adding to the year list is getting harder and harder...

Rocky Gorge Reservoir--Browns Bridge, Silver Spring, MD, USA
328. Cliff Swallow

Bay house, Pasadena, MD, USA
329. Snowy Egret

Latest lifer: #1049 - Sora (Hughes Hollow-McKee Beshers, Poolesville, MD, USA)
Spotted a few more birds for the year list in Amsterdam and Maastricht...

Amsterdamse Bos, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
330. Common Swift
331. Common Buzzard

Maastricht, The Netherlands
332. Greater Whitethroat (+)
333. Northern Lapwing (+)
334. Eurasian Collared-Dove

Amsterdam, The Netherlands
333. Mistle Thrush ### Not sure why my numbering is going down, but I guess something was removed by ebird ###

Latest lifer: #1049 - Sora (Hughes Hollow-McKee Beshers, Poolesville, MD, USA)
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Had a great time birding on the Dutch coast, seeing 51 species on the dunes around Zandvoort beach, although surprisingly no lifers.

Now closing in on my most species seen in one year, 357 in 2018, and it's only June...

Later that day I joined my father, family and friends for a climate action across the coast, which was fitting after a great morning birding.

Amsterdamse Waterleidingduinen, Bentveld, The Netherlands
334. Common Cuckoo (+)
335. Eurasian Curlew
336. Common Tern
337. Great Spotted Woodpecker
338. Eurasian Kestrel
339. Wood Lark (+)
340. Eurasian Skylark (+)
341. Common Grasshopper Warbler (+)
342. Willow Warbler
343. Eurasian Blackcap
344. Lesser Whitethroat (+)
345. European Starling
346. Spotted Flycatcher
347. Common Nightingale (+)
348. European Stonechat (+)
349. Dunnock
350. Tree Pipit (+)
351. Eurasian Linnet
352. European Goldfinch

Latest lifer: #1049 - Sora (Hughes Hollow-McKee Beshers, Poolesville, MD, USA)
Spending a few days in London for work and managed to get in some great birding this morning before meetings.

June 26

Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, London, England, UK
353. Stock Dove
354. Water Rail (+)
355. Lesser Black-backed Gull
356. Eurasian Sparrowhawk (+)
357. Peregrine Falcon (+)
358. Common Reed Warbler
359. Cetti's Warbler (+)
360. European Greenfinch

Latest lifer: #1049 - Sora (Hughes Hollow-McKee Beshers, Poolesville, MD, USA)
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Got in a couple more hours in Olympic Park and the nearby marshes today. Really a great place to bird, and ended up seeing 40 species over two mornings.

June 27

Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, London, England, UK
360. Rock Pigeon
361. Eurasian Treecreeper (+)

Latest lifer: #1049 - Sora (Hughes Hollow-McKee Beshers, Poolesville, MD, USA)
Enjoying a nice family vacation in the Azores, and seeing a few birds during family outings! Was very cool seeing the Bulwer's Petrel twice out on the ocean, despite it being a relatively calm day, and probaly around 80 shearwaters.

July 22

Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal
362. Ruddy Turnstone (+)
363. Yellow-legged Gull (+)
364. Roseate Tern
365. Island Canary

Lagoa Verde, Azores, Portugal

366. Azores Chaffinch

July 24

On a boat outside Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal
367. Bulwer's Petrel
368. Cory's Shearwater (+)

Latest lifer: #1053 - Bulwer's Petrel (In the Ocean outside Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal)
In Los Angeles for family engagements, and trying to get out a bit for some therapeutic birding...

July 28

Lota de Matosinhos--Acesso Condicionado, Portugal
371. Western House-Martin

August 14-15

Elyria Canyon Park, Los Angeles, California, USA
372. Allen's Hummingbird
373. Oak Titmouse (+)
374. Cooper's Hawk
375. Nuttall's Woodpecker (+)
376. Red-crowned Parrot
377. Western Flycatcher
378. Black Phoebe
379. California Scrub-Jay
380. California Towhee (+)
381. Orange-crowned Warbler
382. Western Tanager (+)
383. Lazuli Bunting

Latest lifer: #1055 - Lazuli Bunting (Elyria Canyon Park, Los Angeles, California, USA)
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