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Mark's 2023 list (2 Viewers)


Well-known member
United Kingdom
A lazy start to the year at home:


1. Feral Pigeon
2: Woodpigeon
3. Carrion Crow
4. House Sparrow
5. Blue Tit
6. Magpie
7. Song Thrush
8. Blackbird
9. Robin
10. Long-tailed Tit
11. Redwing
12. Black-headed Gull
13. Great Tit
14. Starling
15. Collared Dove
16. Red Kite
6/1/23 (along Stort Valley):

17. Moorhen
18. Mallard
19. Jay
20. Wren
21. Chaffinch
22. Goldfinch
23. Cormorant
24. Jackdaw
25. Grey Heron
26. Mute Swan
27. Coot
28. Little Grebe
29. Teal
30. Shoveler
31. Ring-necked Parakeet
32. Great Spotted Woodpecker
33. Kestrel
34. Tufted Duck

First fox of the year too, great views of it hunting
So many of my childhood stamping grounds in this thread - lived in Harlow and went to school in Bishop's Stortford in the 70s & 80s. A copy of the Birds of Hatfield Forest pamphlet on my shelf at home - Hawfinch, Willow Tit, Tree Sparrow, Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, etc... Amwell was effectively my patch in the late 80s & early 90s but visited it irregularly. 👍

All the best

15/3/23 (Birchanger Wood):

79. Yellowhammer

Had a lovely weekend in Suffolk and Norfolk, with two lifers and a mammal lifer and saw the hundreds of grey seals at Horsey.

18/3/23 (Suffolk coast off Broadlands):

80. Turnstone
81. Purple Sandpiper, lifer - lone one among a flock of turnstone

Grey Seal, Roe Deer and Chinese Water Deer (lifer) at Horsey brings mammals to 10.

19/3/23 (Minsmere):

82. Marsh Harrier
83. Reed Bunting
84. Bearded Tit, lifer, pair showing briefly by Island Hide
85. Avocet
86. Pintail
87. Ringed Plover
88. Curlew
89. Oystercatcher
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