MikeI went a-nightjarring tonight, if that’s a word.
I find my local parc of Mondragó to be the best spot and it never fails.
Because I have been away, it was much later in the breeding cycle than normal and when I expected the usual loud and persistent “churring”, all I heard was a frog-like “krit “. Only then did I remember that’s a Nightjar. I heard 3 or 4 birds which then began to churr very briefly and quieter than earlier in the season.
Altogether, I reckon there were 5 calling birds.
I saw 2 in flight, one superb male just above my head and letting out a very timely call, very loud and shrill.
It was a superb, if brief performance but it was sufficient to fulfill my yearly craving.
I just love Nightjars and in another life, I would love to travel widely and try to see every Nightjar in the world.
Well, you can always dream.
To me it sounds that you are already living the dream? (Don't wake up).