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Mallorca 2024 (3 Viewers)

I went a-nightjarring tonight, if that’s a word.
I find my local parc of Mondragó to be the best spot and it never fails.
Because I have been away, it was much later in the breeding cycle than normal and when I expected the usual loud and persistent “churring”, all I heard was a frog-like “krit “. Only then did I remember that’s a Nightjar. I heard 3 or 4 birds which then began to churr very briefly and quieter than earlier in the season.
Altogether, I reckon there were 5 calling birds.
I saw 2 in flight, one superb male just above my head and letting out a very timely call, very loud and shrill.
It was a superb, if brief performance but it was sufficient to fulfill my yearly craving.
I just love Nightjars and in another life, I would love to travel widely and try to see every Nightjar in the world.
Well, you can always dream.

To me it sounds that you are already living the dream? (Don't wake up).

Boquer Was the Balearic on the left side of the drop off ?
Just boarded the coach at the airport maybe get there ready for breakfast ; 90 min delay at Stansted didnt't help...
Back home in good old Blighty again after two weeks on the island. In the end I didn't get as much birding done as I'd hoped, but then it was a family holiday after all. Ended up with 69 species on this years list, which was a bit disappointing, no new species and some glaring omissions. Having said that the highlights were the cracking views and photo opportunities of both Blue Rock Thrush and Bee-eater, the latter a bird I've only had a brief glimpse of previously on the island last year, though seen plenty in the UK. Still got a couple of days left of my holiday at home and going to look for some birds that I'd hoped to see in Mallorca, Great Reed Warbler, Osprey and if I'm really lucky Cirl Bunting, so if the sun decides to shine I may be able to imagine myself still being there.
Thanks for the help, and hopefully will be out again soon.


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In what’s become a regular Sunday ritual when we’re on the Island, I dropped Mrs B off at Pollenca for the market and drove round to park at the Roman Bridge for a walk up the Ternelles Approaches as far as the security gates and back.

There was quite a bit of cloud around the mountains and it was pleasantly cool for the outward walk. Too cool for dragonflies on either of the roadside tanks, and just Nightingale, Chaffinch, Blackcaps, Mediterranean Flycatchers, Serins and Blue Tit by way of birds. There were up to four Ravens around the slopes when I arrived at the top.

Once the sun began to burn off the clouds there was some raptor action. The first vulture, a Griffon, appeared at 9.50, followed shortly by a nice pale Booted Eagle. The first Black Vulture appeared at 9.55, and for the next 20 minutes or so there were vultures on view. I had up to eight Griffon and up to nine Black, although it’s impossible to rule out double-counting. Three or four Crag Martins were around the slopes near the gates and an Eleanora’s Falcon crossed the gap. Things then went quiet for a while, so I began the walk back.

The intermittent clouds crossing the sun were clearly discouraging dragonfly activity and I had to settle for a few Keeled Skimmers, an Emperor and a Broad Scarlet. Two Eleanora’s were hawking over the fields and orchards as I returned to the car at around 11.15.



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My Sunday ritual turned out quite interesting today too – Salobrar before breakfast as usual, arriving at about 6.30 with heavy cloud and a cool breeze. But it enabled me to see a group of four stone curlew in action, not just hunkered down during daytime. Almost impossible to photograph in the gloom though. I also got to see one adult shelduck babysitting a group of 45 young, a flamingo scratching its back in flight, a posse of six common redshank, a marsh harrier close enough for some decent flight shots and, to round it off, a red kite obliging circling above me as I was just about to leave. No year ticks as usual but all together a very good prelude to breakfast!

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Went to S’Albufera on Friday,too hot 30deg plus.was looking for little bittern,no luck.Took a walk down to Es Cibollar 1,good numbers of flamingos,little,little ringed and Kentish plovers,several terns feeding young as well as avocets,a nightingale was singing just of the track.
Most productive hide was Sa Roca,lots of glossy ibis,gadwall,marbled ducks,sheldduck,and then the star of the show,a full summer plumage squacco heron,nightingale also off raised footpath on way out.


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My first day largely spent catching up from no sleep and getting the car sorted out and stocking up with beer..... Mid pm onwards at the Albufereta familiarising with the butterflies ; a lot of Clouded Yellows and Common Blues. For gull enthusiasts a very approached 3rd Sum in front of Pollensa Park hotel on the beach. I have previously struggled to catch up with this age group here. A likely age type to make it to the UK so a good education bird. I can only manage BOC images I'm afraid.
Also a lot of Med. Flycatchers about, one almost came into my car in the Pollensa Park carpark! Tricky to photograph well though.
It’s my last day before we head for the airport tomorrow afternoon for our return flight to the UK. I thought I’d spend it mooching around some local sites.

I started at Can Cuarassa. I usually give the path past the pools a miss, but today I walked the circular route, and it was surprisingly worthwhile. On the first pool there was an adult and a juvenile Night Heron, two Little Ringed Plovers and a Black-winged Stilt. There was nothIng on the second pool, but the walk round also produced Yellow Wagtails, Purple Heron, Nightingales and Hoopoe. The main track was pretty quiet, although there were Spotless Starlings (two) on the roof of Pins 16.

I called at the platform behind the Club Pollentia and saw another Purple Heron and three singing Serins. The Sa Barcassa screen produced four Flamingos, Black-winged Stilts, Common Terns and Kentish Plovers.

There was a compact group of nine Flamingos at Maristany, together with two Marbled Ducks, a Great Crested Grebe, Purple Heron and my first Red-crested Pochard of the trip (a female). Dragonfly variety was disappointing- single Lesser Emperor and Red-veined Darter, but lots of Black - tailed Skimmers.

At the Albufereta there was a total of 21 Flamingos across the pools. Avocets, Kentish Plovers, Red Kite and Grey and Purple Herons made up the best of the rest.

I finished with a quick visit to Cami Volantina to check out the dragonflies. There was a lot of activity with Violet Dropwings, Broad Scarlets, Keeled Skimmers and Blue-tailed Damselflies. A single male Emperor was patrolling the stream.

It’s been a lovely two weeks! Looking forward to being back in early September.



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Quick visit to Maristany this evening. Distant Marbled duck, 9 flamingos and a flyover flock of 3 night herons + one in reeds


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Monday 17 June; Road to Tenelles gate this morning; 6 Eleonora's just before the gate.
Dragonflies; Three Orange-winged Dropwings:

Afternoon at Albufera treatment works; 6 Bee-eaters and Gull-billed Tern feeding over fields just before the main works area.
The very reliable Med. Flycatcher feeding two juvs in the Pollensa Park hotel carpark. I realise now why it tried attacking me as I had parked under the two juvs
Yesterday morning our plans fell through at the last minute so I grabbed my camera and binoculars and headed off to S'Albufera, which was fine because my wife grabbed her paintbrushes and spent the day painting. Division of labour. S'Albufera rarely disappoints, and yesterday it was pleasantly quiet apart from about 100 schoolkids, but they were not long in evidence, who knows where they went. The heronry on the main canal was bursting with activity, but once again, Sa Roca I was most productive hide with lots of glossy ibis, various egrets, purple heron and purple swamphen, with a juvenile looking amazingly prehistoric. I also made the trek down to Es Colombars, accompanied by a friendly young man who showed me the photos of all the birds I had missed, but I did get to see a brief glimpse of a water rail in a gap through the reeds on the way back from there. And the Cibollars hides produced some lovely views of Kentish plover chicks and feeding common terns. And because I had arrived early, I managed to get away before it became unpleasantly hot. A lovely day.

18 Jun ; Albufera - full 9 hour day of wandering around looking for dragonflies and butterflies; despite the many Lesser Emperors failed to find one perched!
I nearly walked on a Little Bittern in the heat of midday just below the old viewing mound near the work depot (near the big sign of introduced wildfowl) ; it flushed briefly into the reeds and then came straight back almost in front if me again. It may be regular along here and used to people so worth looking out for.
Down to closest focus.....
Yesterday, I had a grey-headed wagtail intergrade from the Sa Roca hide at s'albufera at 12.50. Beleived to possibly be a hybrid with ashy-headed. Tawny pipit also


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I was watching this wagtail yesterday and thought it looked a bit odd but dismissed it as a 'rough/worn' - 'Spanish' as it still had a obscure faint supercilium and full white throat . It was feeding two juveniles and I believe the juvenile you posted is one of these. It looks a bit Pipit like but has all the features of a very young juv 'yellow' wagtail. These are the shots of the birds I saw around mid day.



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Wed 19 June; my first visit to Son Real; wow isn't it large! I didn't have much plan in place but wanted to try the beach area for potential Two-tailed Pasha butterfly. I think I located the area as indicated by StewB ; to the right of the Mirador near the large navigation beacons . A good hour of searching failed but it was very hot. If anyone sees any I would be very pleased to hear.
I tried the hide/drinking pool off trail 4 late on, very busy with continuous stream of birds. 4 or more Turtle doves were in the trees but were flushed by a runner who ran by the pond. Had it been at home I would have verbally 'challenged' then with some short words...
I will try a morning visit next.
Tawny Pipit and Woodchat Shrikes seen

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