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Mallorca 2019 (2 Viewers)

Apparently the owner of Bocquer Valley threatened to close it because of the erosion. Not sure if this was to get funding or not!

The owner of Boquer is not the owner of the path, as the owner of lands besides a road or street are not owners of the streets.
It is a public path, so nobody but authorities may close it.
Thank you Pep.
I looked into this many years ago when I was told that the path was to close. Pep is quite correct in that the path is a public footpath and always will be so it cannot be closed thank goodness.
The problem is erosion with the amount of walkers visiting The Valley. I have read a lot about the Lake District in the UK where over ten million visitors every year cause so much damage to the environment. The solutions are only temporary in that they repair many paths and walkways but this requires continual maintenance.
I’m not sure what the Mallorcan authorities feel about this as they may take a different stance to the UK, I don’t know.
It’s such a beautiful walk with magnificent views at the end so I hope a solution is found so that we can all continue to enjoy the beauty of the Island.
Good morning,
Here in the Bird Centre you can get the Systematic List of Mallorcan Birds and their Status (English/German version).

And I attach the birds seen this morning in the Park.



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Hello again!
s'Albufereta Reserve already has bird list. You can find it following this link:

And s'Albufera Natural Park birdlist:

I have seen that they are not updated very often but, anyway, is another information that it's accessible. Now in the CTO we have some copies of the s'Albufereta birdlist from15th-31st of January.

Thanks Christina for very useful info.

A pleasent walk up Puig de Sant Marti this morning.

Quiet on the bird front but must be good for migration.

Birds seen included Ravens, Kestrels, Crossbills, Serins, Goldfinches, Song Thrush, Sardinian Warblers, Great tits and Firecrests.

First orchid seen as well as Hummingbird Hawk Moth, Speckled wood and Cleopatra Butterfly.



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Had a thoroughly entertaining day with Mike Swiss and Kevin yesterday in and around Albufera. Highlight was a 15 minute viewing of a close by male hen harrier hunting over the fields in front of Es Cibollar 2 hide and an osprey paddling in front of Sa Roca hide. And so to today... around 12 stone curlew in first field on the right on Llenaire road just in from the roundabout on main road bypass. Then spent a few hours at Son Real. Not sure if I only go there for the walk, scenery and the shoreline as I don't seem to see many birds there but do enjoy the circuit walk of the reserve out by the blue route and back via the red route. Female crossbill at drinking pond, Balearic warbler at the coast near viewing platform, hoopoe and thekla lark being the main events of an otherwise quiet day
Thank you Pep.
I looked into this many years ago when I was told that the path was to close. Pep is quite correct in that the path is a public footpath and always will be so it cannot be closed thank goodness.
The problem is erosion with the amount of walkers visiting The Valley. I have read a lot about the Lake District in the UK where over ten million visitors every year cause so much damage to the environment. The solutions are only temporary in that they repair many paths and walkways but this requires continual maintenance.
I’m not sure what the Mallorcan authorities feel about this as they may take a different stance to the UK, I don’t know.
It’s such a beautiful walk with magnificent views at the end so I hope a solution is found so that we can all continue to enjoy the beauty of the Island.

I agree that there is a lot of visitor pressure, from us birders as well as walkers, runners and more casual visitors (I’m always amazed to see people walking the valley in flip-flops!), but I think some of the erosion is also down to water damage and other causes. There are some deep runnels along and across some parts of the path which appear to be the result of running water, and of course there are goat trails too. (Although is it my imagination, or are there fewer goats in the valley in recent years?).

And don’t get me started on those horrible piles of stones that keep springing up.. (I think they are worse than graffiti, and must confess that I knock them down).

The Bocquer is quite a contrast to other local birding sites - the Albufereta, C’an Cuarassa and La Gola are examples of fantastic conservation efforts with brilliant (free!) visitor access, which I believe could teach us in the UK a great deal.

Sorry for rambling on!

After all the Bocquer discussions, I needed to go and kick pointless Cairns.
There was at least 14 Cars in the carpark. The valley is a great tourist attraction that should be maintained.
The Birds seen there are also great. Booted Eagles, Kestrels, Audouin gulls, Ravens, Blue Rock Thrushes, Sardinian Warblers, Blackredstarts and Wryneck seen today.
Did destroy two piles of Stones!
A visit to postage stamp wood to hunt StewBs dunnock followed but this clearlywas fake news!
The wood has been cleared up and paths are good however people are still dumping rubbish there.
This still looks a great site for the Spring.

After all the Bocquer discussions, I needed to go and kick pointless Cairns.
There was at least 14 Cars in the carpark. The valley is a great tourist attraction that should be maintained.
The Birds seen there are also great. Booted Eagles, Kestrels, Audouin gulls, Ravens, Blue Rock Thrushes, Sardinian Warblers, Blackredstarts and Wryneck seen today.
Did destroy two piles of Stones!


So no Balearic Warblers today Mike?
Hi Larry,

Did not go down to the end where the balearic warblers normally are.Too lazy.

As Geordie Dave reported ..around 12 stone curlew still in first field on the right on Llenaire road just in from the roundabout on main road bypass. They are hidden in the grass and seem to enjoy the company of sheep.



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Larry, let me know when you are here..I can take you to Fishermans walk in Cala Sa Vincente if you dip in Bocquer ( hopefully not)
Took a trip down south today, started at Cap de ses Salines. Red kite over the approach road, quite a few shearwaters in small groups mainly heading west to east, single oyster catcher in off the sea and 2 auduoins gulls. On to the salt pans at Salaobrar de Campos and a walk along Eddies track. Counted 44 flamingos in the ponds to the left of the track going down about level with the small shack with 2 windows. Also a group of 11 cranes circling the ponds. Plenty of booted eagles and marsh harriers around. Followed the road towards Es Trenc, plenty of Kentish plover and black winged stilts around together with little stints. Finished off at polo fields, other than hoopoe and black redstarts not a lot about
Hi David. Well done with the Oystercatcher, it’s been very hard catching up with them this year but the Cap is a good place.
Also nice to know that there are still some Cranes around.
Nice day for it today although I have got a friend here at the moment and I can’t get away. I took him up to San Salvador from where it is possible to see the whole island, spectacular.
I heard that Alpine Accentors can be seen there but in all the years that I have been going there, I have never seen one. Today just incredible numbers of Robins, I don’t think I have ever seen so many.
I have been seawatching for many years now, usually two or three times a week, and I still don’t understand the movements of shearwaters.
Last week 1,700+ birds and today over the same period, 204.
I am also constantly surprised how variable the Balearic shearwaters are. I saw a very grey bird today and wondered if it was another species but when next to others, I could see it was Balearic. The problem would arise when seeing lone birds, nothing to compare it with. My hat is off to all those experienced sea watchers who recognize a rarity when they see one, it is extremely difficult.
I also saw one Gannet and three Dolphins. It was freezing when the sun went down.
A North ESRA group walk on a glorious day along Betlem.
Birds seen included YL Gulls, Audouin Gulls, Cormorants, Booted Eagles,Kestrels, Blue Rock Thrush, Serins,Song Thrushes, Goldfinches, Crossbills, Sardinian Warblers and Balearic Warblers.


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Could someone please advise me on Black Kite status and time of year for seeing them in Mallorca. I was at Cami des Polls this morning on the way to S'Amarador. A kite was working close by(only 30-40 metres away) low down over the cultivated field opposite side of the road to the allotment sheds where you park before walking down to the sluices. Dark grey brown all over including the head, no fork to the tail. No light red/brown or light grey anywhere. No light panels or strongly contrasting colours. Later in the day saw a regular red kite at Albufereta by way of comparison
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