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Mallorca 2019 (16 Viewers)

Awesome Stew..Wish I was there!

Another Airport drive...Quick visit to Cala Gamba and Ciutat Jardi.

Birds seen included: Yellow Legged Gulls, Audouins Gulls, Black headed Gulls, Cormorants, Greenfinch, Sardinian Warblers, Black Redstart, Stonechat, Kestrel, Sandwich Tern.

9 Turnstones and 2 Ospreys (doing aerobatics) were also seen.



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Morning walk around La Gola.

The centre opens on 1st February


Birds seen today included: Little Egrets, Sardinian Warblers, Crossbills, Common Snipe, Common Sandpiper, YL Gulls, Audouins Gulls, Crag Martins, Black Redstarts, Song Thrush.

Looking forward to the monthly lists from La Gola

Hello all; I'm back in Mallorca next week staying again in Port de Pollenca. I am intending spending at least 1 day in the south heading towards Salobrar de Campos area and the salt lakes. I have heard mention of the polo pitches. Are these in this area and are they worth a visit? Could anyone please provide directions? Other than that nothing else planned apart from Son Real and S'Albufera and the usual haunts nearby. I'll definitely call in to La Gola to say hello. The forecasted weather of 16-17 degrees will contrast nicely with the minus 7 in Northumberland last night!!
Hi David. Let me know when you are going to the salt pans and I will try to join you for a while.
They are best approached from Hotel Fontsanta, Park there and walk down Eddies Track. It’s very flooded so wellies are advised.
The polo pitch is always worth a visit because you just never know although I am convinced there will be a rarity there one day.
The back roads and polo pitch are found by coming out of the hotel car park back to the main road and turning left, down a short stretch of dual carriage way to a roundabout. Take the first left. Keep going a couple of kilometers and take the turning left opposite a signpost to the right saying “Campos” it’s a very minor road but it leads past some fields which are terrific for larks, pipits and sparrows. Keep going to a large building at the end and the road goes right a then left to the pitch.
I suppose a google map and coordinates would be better but that’s all beyond me. Someone may help!
A Great spotted cuckoo was trapped near Menorca a couple of days ago.
I have never seen one here but managed two in the UK. The Shoreham-by-sea one I bunked off work for and got great views. I eventually returned to the office looking a bit dishevelled and sweaty. I’m sure they all thought I was up to no good. I never did tell them it was just a bird.
Afternoon visit to Cala Sa Vincente

Lots of building and renovation of the hotels.

Birds seem immune to the noise and traffic!

Birds seen included Blue Rock Thrush, Sardinian Wablers, Song Thrushes, Black Redstarts, Audouins Gulls, YL Gulls, Cormorants, Shags, and distant view of several Shearwaters (most likely Scopolis- long wings, very light underneath, twisting as they flew).



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I don’t remember ever seeing so many White Wagtails as there are this year, carpets of them here in the south.
As has been mentioned, Black Redstarts are the same.
Very few Thrushes though, I remember going on walks locally and seeing lots more than there are now. No Fieldfare yet in the south and I haven’t heard of many elsewhere either.
Perhaps we need a really cold snap with some snow.


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Thanks estebannic. We are staying with Mike Swiss for the weekend for some serious birding.
Perhaps he can take this on as his next challenge, to show me how to do that!
It won’t be easy. Mike
Despite rain and strong winds, I managed a scoot round the south.
Most sensible birds were hiding but Salobrar had big numbers of Marsh Harrier on the wing, lots of Red Kite and Flamingoes seen from the Es Trenc road.
Driving from the salt pans to the Polo pitch produced large flocks of Sparrows, Linnets, Skylarks, Meadow pipits and some singing Corn Buntings. No sign of any Cranes.
The Polo pitch seems to be in disrepair as it has turned orange and many weeds are growing. I believe there is a lot of work going on, mostly to the drainage system it looks like.
Lots of Hoopoe but nothing like the 29 I saw last time, Meadow pipits, Lapwing, Starlings, White Wagtails and Black Redstarts.
I tried to get to the lighthouse but it really was too windy.
Windy up North.
Short visit to Pollensa and S’Albuferata.
Met up with Keith, Pete and his family.
Birds seen included: Griffon Vultures, Red Kites, Ospreys(3), Marsh Harriers including stonking Male, Kestrel(hiding its prey under a bush), Water Rails, Little, Cattle and Great Egrets, Hoopoe, Shoverlers, Gadwalls, BW Stilts, Pintails(4), Meadow pipits, Green finches, Goldfinches and Song thrush.

45 Flamingoes still there - seen from the tower.

Looking forwardto the Battle of the Bad Birders with Mike M

Mike S.


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Look Pal..12 pintails..is that enough
Great views of Flamingos
New hide at Calle Salvador Dali
Great day out with Mike M and Mrs M

Report to follow


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It was a great start to the weekend Mike, those Pintail being the highlight.
It was impossible to stand up at the Mirador because of the gusts of wind and the Alpine Accentors were hiding. Shame, but we will get them later today.
Nice to see Cristina again and hear her account of finding the Red-flanked bluetail first hand.
La Gola is a gem of a reserve right in the heart of Pollença.
Improvements to all the reserves continue and the hide and scrapes at Albufereta will help transform this reserve into one of the premier sites in Mallorca, it is now a fabulous place to watch birds.
Son Real and Maristany today, Mike has a schedule all worked out. I will post later with hopefully some good sightings.
Another full day out with Mike and Susan. We first called into Maristany where there were a few House Martins in with the flocks of Crag Martins, also Tufted Ducks, Black-necked Grebe, lots of Little grebes and a Grey wagtail.
We then went for a long walk around Son Real. It was very pleasant as usual but devoid of bird life.
For last knockings we went to the Mirador where we were greeted by at least two ridiculously tame Alpine Accentors. A nice way to end our second day here in the north.
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