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Leica: to APO or not APO? (1 Viewer)

Nexus6 said:
It came with what I assume is a quick release head as part of the kit for birders, but this is pretty poor and as I said keep coming loose. I can't find the Leica adaptor on any of the Manfrotto web pages, any help appreciated. By the way this is the model I have, Manfrotto 190NAT3 Tracker Tripod Green with 128RC Head Grn.


Try Southwest optics. I got mine from them at just £12 including postage.

Nexus6 said:
Thread Enlightment, I bought the Manfrotto Nature 128NC and wondered why my Leica kept swivelling on the tripod. So now I will find the correct head for the Leica.

Thanks Darrell.

I'm afraid this got into the wrong thread! Has got nothing to do with the APO-question. :h?:
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