Well-known member
Dear Bill
I have not turned on you at all and am in awe of your knowledge of repairing binoculars. But I have told you several times in the past that too often your posts aren't about binos at all but about you, and this thread is no different.
Hi Lee,
Yes, you have counseled me on the puffery several times. And I have counseled you on why it matters an equal number of times. People say they come here for knowledge. From my perspective some people come here to see and be seen. Others come here to get praise from the unknowing who they have succeeding in making believe they know MUCH more than they do.
When failing to wrestle 3-axis binocular collimation comments from me on BirdForum, one former member moved his show over to Cloudy Nights where he had a much more approachable audience. There, with Drawings, Graphs, Rulers, Compasses, and Protractors he was able to make himself a brilliant hero to the group while convoluting a relatively simple task into a daunting undertaking. This was a disservice to all who saw it, and the opposite of what I had been trying to accomplish for the community.
Example 2:
Hours ago, here on BirdForum one fellow tried to prove me wrong concerning Leupold MAKING binoculars. He used sales literature and newspaper reports to prove me wrong. The idea that I had been in the plant in Beaverton more than one on business or that my Leopold rep confirmed that they were bought binos “OFFSHORE” didn’t seem to matter one whit with this fellow. After all, he had seen it in print, which of course settled it ... in his mind.
After the rep realized I was in no mood to be bamboozled, he told me the real story. For a short time in the last part of the 1990s, “Leopold ASSEMBLED two pocket models from Asian parts.” Some may remember me taking that bull by the horns here on BirdForum.
(So, LittleCrazy2 if you can prove Leopold MANUFACTURED (not assembled) binoculars in their plant between 1995 and 2005, I will DOUBLE my offer to $100! Talk is cheap, especially on binocular forums. Do you have facts of just air?!)
Lee, the puffery that gets your goat is caused by the literally HUNDREDS of such examples in which people who don’t know what they’re talking about have thrown caution to the wind and are willing to refute someone who does. Hey, that’s the way birding forums are supposed to be. NOT ON MY WATCH! I don’t lie, I don’t twist the truth; I care; I do research and believe on evidence.
Don’t worry Lee, I won’t be around much longer. See attached.