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Is Nikon Monarch HG 10x42 the best choise for me? (3 Viewers)


Hi colleagues!

I would like to use your advice. I am a totaly amator birdwatcher and I have been using so far a no-name binoculars. I decided that is time and I can aford buying myself a new mid-price model.

So far I am leaning throwards Nikon Monarch HG 10x42. However that might be because I had a chance to check myself.

Is this model a good choice? Or in this price range I can select something better? I am also considering leica trinovid hd 10x42?

Zeiss conquest hd 10x42 are a little bit over my budget but are those ones worth the extra price?

Or is there any other model in this price range that is considered as the best one?
Hi Denis.

Personally I would avoid the leica HD in 10x42, it's a very nice binocular in many ways but has quite a lot of chromatic aberration - colour fringing round high contrast subjects. I got rid of mine quite independently of forum reading etc when I was looking at egrets at a good range across marshland and could scarcely see they were white due to the amount of colours the c.a was producing on them!

If I were in your position I would look at the second hand market, I've got most of my bins that way over the years as it represents very good value - you should be able to get a very good binocular for the not inconsiderable budget you have. It's worth bearing in mind that these purchases can cost very little, if anything if you buy a well thought of model smartly as if you ever sell you can get most/all/maybe even more of your money back.

The other thing to bare in mind is whether you need a '42mm size. If you only view in daytime a '30 size may be all you require and they usually cost a little less- I wouldn't go below that size for a general purpose binocular though.

The size and weight of larger binoculars isn't a huge issue if binoculars are all your carrying but as your birding progresses you may want to add a scope to your equipment - it's at this point that you may wish you had a little less weight to carry.

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Hi Will,

Thank you on your update regarding Leica. I was also looking for a second hand but unfortunately I couldn't find anything good in my 'neighborhood'.

I will go for '42mm since it will performe better than '30mm when light conditions are worse (ex forest on cloudy day).
I think the two you mentioned are the best choices in your price range. Either the Nikon HG 10x42 or Zeiss Conquest HD 10x42 are hard to beat. The HG will have more saturated colors with a bigger FOV and the Zeiss Conquest HD will be a little brighter. I think the Zeiss will WOW you a little more because of its brightness. Compare the Allbinos test on the two and pick the one that suits your needs the best. The best way of course is to try them yourself.

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The MHG is an excellent choice. The only better bin, in my opinion, without spending a LOT more, is the Zeiss SFL. But local market pricing on these differs. I got SFLs at quite a discount.
First off, please tell us what led you to choose the HG 10X42.
Based on my budget that I can spend I checked different reviews and this model sounded the best. Also that was the only one I could check on my own. I wanted to check on forum if I am not making mistake because it is known that other model/producer is better for the same price.
Ziess SFL on my market is much more expensive.
I’d agree with a few here that if you could get a deal on an SFL, it’s a step up from the MHG, but not super noticeable the first time you pick them up, but it is superior glass. That being said I’d say to you that either the monarch HG or the conquest , which as far as I’m concerned are in the same class optically, you will not be disappointed with either one of them. Over the last few years of owning many Binoculars in the $500 range, thousand dollar range all the way up to the most expensive binoculars available, I find this $1000 range the sweet spot in binoculars. You get excellent build quality (not crazy about Conquest eyecups) , optics that are literally approaching the best of the best at half, or a third the cost, and will give you equal amount of life of the optical tool.

I really don’t wanna throw a wrench in here and make things more complicated but, there have a been a few sellers here on BF that have sold Nikon EDG’s and Leica Ultravids for close to the same price as a new MHG. If you’re new to the game I’d be a little bit weary of buying used, but if bought here, your in good company, I’m confident you’d get a good product.

I tried the Nikon Monarch 12x40 binoculars and they were OK. The Vortex that are often on sale at B&H at a 25% discount are the best value at this time in the middle price range ($400 to $1400). I bought the Vortex Razor HD 12x50 a few months ago and paid only $799 for them. About a third of what I paid for a Swarovski 10x32 El binocular.

Always a good idea to try other people's binoculars to see what works the best for you in terms of clarity and image magnification and how they feel in your hands.
Love my HGs and think they are the best in their price range. Agree SFLs are a step up but considerably more expensive so not apples to apples. I love the lightweight, wide fov and immersive image of the HGs. Have been considering an upgrade to the SFL but it’s hard to justify the added expense for not a lot of improvement. Plus you can find used like new HGs for $700-750 regularly. My pair was $700 and absolutely like new.
The Zeiss SFL is IMO without a doubt a better binocular than the HG and well worth the difference in price. Here is my Hillbilly Review comparing them to the HG.

Since I am kinda of a hillbilly, this is my hillbilly review of the Zeiss SFL 8x40 compared to the Nikon MHG 8x42.

Well if you had a good hog season, I'll tell you right now, just go out and buy the Zeiss and then don't you have to read the rest of this baloney review. It is better. No hogwash about it. Just remember it will cost you almost $900 big ones more, though, so don't tell your better half. The Zeiss has nicer, more comfortable armor so when your hog hunting they ain't going to fall out of your hands and then the pig runs you over, and the focuser is better placed being more forward on the binocular.

The focuser on the Zeiss is smoother and more fluid than the MHG, as is normal for most of them Zeiss. So I guess we could say what is that big word, oh yeah ergonomics is better on the Zeiss. The big circle or what's that called FOV looks about the same, although the specs on the MHG say it's larger. The edges are sharp as a good hunting knife on both and are about the same. The colors are more accurate and purer on the SFL. I could make out the difference in a boar and sow hog easily with the SFL.

The contraster seemed a little better on the Zeiss, and the view seemed a little clearer and more real to me. The big difference I noticed was when I got near the sun, I didn't get as many reflections in the view with the Zeiss as I did with the MHG. The Zeiss SFL is much better around the sun than those big fancy alpha type SF and NL's for sure. Especially that glare monster, NL. CA is about the same on both and was very good.

Those rubber thingies you stick your eyes in are better on the Zeiss than the MHG also. They are rounded and more comfortable than the MHG and I don't know why the MHG cups have to be so gol darn long. The Zeiss SFL cups are also much better than the Zeiss Conquest HD cups because you don't need vise grips to get them out and are more like the gooden ones on the SF. I don't get none of them blackout things either with the Zeiss SFL.

The Zeiss is a better binocular, but for $900 more smackers it darn well outa be. Well, anyways, let's get this thing done here. I told you I liked the Zeiss better, didn't I? Well I do. Darn straight. This Zeiss will be real nice when we're making shine down in the woods, watching out for the law. The Nikon HG 8x42 are on eBay if anybody wants them. For $700 I don't think you will find yourself a better binocular. If you buy em, I will throw in a bottle of my best shine.
Love my HGs and think they are the best in their price range. Agree SFLs are a step up but considerably more expensive so not apples to apples. I love the lightweight, wide fov and immersive image of the HGs. Have been considering an upgrade to the SFL but it’s hard to justify the added expense for not a lot of improvement. Plus you can find used like new HGs for $700-750 regularly. My pair was $700 and absolutely like new.
HG's great glass and very nice build quality, I understand your love for them. I also hear where coming from with the SFL, although its definitely a step up from the HG, the double price optical bump is not there for me as well. At that price range id go Swaro EL, imo one of the best deals going right now, under $2000 and a high end alpha. One could also consider the Nikon EDG, great deals there as well. But if weight combined with fantastic optics is what you want the SFL is probably the only game in town on that level. Now Ive been seeing used SFL's go as low as $1200, that is hard to beat. Don't worry to much about what a small group of people are saying about glare, thats mostly from people who have some eye issues or extremely overly sensitive to glare. Complety disregard anything being said by the resident glare monster perpetuator. If you did want to go SFL, You could wait until his SFL goes up for sale, and get a good deal on them.

Hi guys!

To summarize. I bought myself the monarch and I am really happy with them!

The Zeiss SFl were way out of my budget. I checked few models but finally I narrowed down the choise to Monarch and Conquest. Both were quite similiar, zeiss has a little bit brighter view however I got much better price for Nikon.
Hi guys!

To summarize. I bought myself the monarch and I am really happy with them!

The Zeiss SFl were way out of my budget. I checked few models but finally I narrowed down the choise to Monarch and Conquest. Both were quite similiar, zeiss has a little bit brighter view however I got much better price for Nikon.
Nice choice Denis. We’ll need pictures and your first impression review. 🤣🙏🏼

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