"that would be an 8x(40-42), (with NO bulky rubber).'8x30 or 8x32 is what usually goes out in the hilly woods.
That or the precision flat-field 7x35s of yore (Kowa Prominar, Bushnell Custom, Scope/Custom Model 3010, etc).
8x40 seems to be sharper, but the bulk is so much less at 8x32. Most modern 8x32s are amazing.
If I really want something sharp and strong, a 10x50 with nice EP is the bee's knees,
with a haze filter to cross the distance. So, the 8x40s and 8x42s are a tad batter,
but they are kind of orphaned in a larger collection by the power and sharpness of 7x50s and 10x50s
on one side and compactness of 8x30s.
If I had one pair for everything, birds, yard and pond, fishers, coyotes, night stars,
beaches...that would be an 8x(40-42), (with NO bulky rubber).
I think you can only call one size "better" if you want to only own one size,
and then it's personal. Most of us would be pretty sad with only one pair for all
the days and moods.
So you mean like the Leica Ultravid Blackline with leather so it is lighter and more compact?