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Introducing myself (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Hi all,

I am an amateur birder from Québec, Canada.

Glad to find so much passionate peoples here.

I live sixty miles (100 km) south-east of Québec city. At this time of the year, I do some hawkwatching on week-end on a nearby hill. Not very lucky last week-end with only 3 raptors after suffering some periods of hail and snow.
This week driving to work, I saw some flocks of Canada geese. They were not in a hurry to go more south and land in the corn fields around.

It will be a pleasure to read your posts.

Good birding to all of you,
Hi Luc,

On behalf of Admin and the Moderators, welcome to Bird Forum :t:

I'm glad to hear that you like the site. We do have a great bunch of members here of all levels of knowledge and experience activly involved with posting on the site.

I certainly look forward to hearing about your birding experiences around Quebec.

See you around.
Hi Luc. Welcome to Birdforum.You will certainly find plenty of entertaining and informative posts on this forum, and maybe you can add some tales of your own birding adventures. Enjoy yourself. John. :t:
Salut Luc

Bienvenue! Comment ça va? Je suis bien. J'habite à Vancouver, C.B. J'aime les oiseaux depuis j'étais une jeune fille. Je sais que tu aimerais ce website. J'espere lire des oiseaux de Québec de vous.

à bientot
Thank you very much to all of you for your warm welcome to the forum.
Hello Michael.
Salut Kate, très bon français, meilleur que le mien.
Welcome! I promise you'll love it, whether you look at the site religously like many members or just check in every now and then, there's always quality time to be spent here.
Hello, Luc! I'd like to welcome you also -- I remember you from another forum, and look forward to seeing some of your pictures, which I hope you'll add to the gallery.

This is a great site, and I hope you'll enjoy it as much as the rest of us addicts do!
Tell us what birds you see in winter. Western Canada is fairly familiar to me, but East is unknown for birds. I was in Newfoundland years ago, but never noted the wildlife much.
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