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Identifying a wader (1 Viewer)


This picture was taken at Wells next the Sea, North Norfolk, England.
Feb 14th 2012. Being relatively new to birdwatching waders are the bain of my life. I'm sure this is a very common little wader, but which one???
I think it would be about 15cm.
Wells next the Sea cropped 1.jpg
Thank you.
I had spent more than two hours trying to find out what it was and come to the same conclusion that you had all arrived at in minutes!
Its good to know that I had got there in the end though.
Thanks again
Thank you.
I had spent more than two hours trying to find out what it was and come to the same conclusion that you had all arrived at in minutes!
Its good to know that I had got there in the end though.
Thanks again

I'm a hopeless birdwatcher and have to give birds personalities to remember what they are - Grey plover (to me) are a bit sad and lonely - don't see them in flocks and they look like they've just been beaten up (black eyes).
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