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Hummingbird Feeder (1 Viewer)


New member
United States
I live in the White Mountains of Arizona, which is a dry climate. I have one hummingbird feeder hanging on my back deck, which I fill with commercial hummingbird food. I have noticed that the food is congealing, almost to the point of being jello-like. I would assume the birds can't consume this? Could it be caused by evaporation? How can I prevent it from happening, please?
I replace the home made sugar solution every 2-3 days in the winter and every other day in the summer. When the solution becomes cloudy it is time to replace it with a fresh batch.

All one needs is to boil water and make a mix with 1 part suger to 4 parts water. For orioles though the ratio should be 1 part sugar to 6 parts water. I mix the solution and pour it into a metal bowl to cool faster.

I have enough feeders to make rotation easy and the feeder I take from outdoors is rinsed and then I use a weak bleach mix to kill anything inside the feeder.

I like this feeder which is the easiest to clean. During the winter I make a 2 cup batch for this feeder. I have also found that multiple feeders spaced apart results in less aggression by the hummers.


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