Wrapping out my 2024 numbers before the end of January here. Just getting my bearings back after recovering from the fires.
Apropos the fires...
287. Red-lored Parrot
A September sighting - heard first - in Altadena at my daughter's former school which now in January is, tragically, completely lost - fallen victim to the Eaton Fire. We are extremely lucky to not have lost our home as well. We are 1 mile away from the nearest burned out structures. If the winds had gone a different direction the night of January 7th, it would be a different story.
In December, CBCs:
Lancaster, CA:
288. Vesper Sparrow
289. Brewer's Sparrow
290. Merlin
291. Sandhill Crane
Tejon Ranch, CA:
292. Rock Wren
293. Ferruginous Hawk
294. Prairie Falcon
295. Greater Scaup (outside CBC circle)
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA:
296. Swinhoe's White-eye
297. California Gnatcatcher
Bear Valley Springs, CA (I restarted this CBC circle as compiler after it went unsurveyed for a 5-yr hiatus):
298. Wilson's Snipe
Final bird of the year on December 30th, overdue no doubt, but happenstance freeway flyby of a gorgeous flock:
299. White-faced Ibis
Yes one short of 300, but I took solace in spending the final day of the year very happy with family, content to not bird just to chase a semi-arbitrary number. I did not travel outside the U.S. in 2024, and generally my ABA number the past 10 years floats within ~25 species above or below the 300 mark. So an average year domestically. Cheers, everyone.