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A light drizzle which became a downpour by early afternoon put an early end to birding today. (On January 1 I usually bird all day, right up until dark). Despite the weather, I did manage to see 32 species.
‘01. Black-capped Chickadee
‘02. American Goldfinch
‘03. Song Sparrow
‘04. Dark-eyed Junco
‘05. White-throated Sparrow
‘06. Northern Cardinal
‘07. Tufted Titmouse
‘08. Downy Woodpecker
‘09. White-breasted Nuthatch
10. House Finch
11. Cooper’s Hawk
12. American Crow
13. Mourning Dove
14. Red-bellied Woodpecker
15. Blue Jay
16. European Starling
17. Canada Goose
18. Eastern Bluebird
19. American Pipit
20. Pileated Woodpecker
21. Hairy Woodpecker
22. Golden-crowned Kinglet
23. Winter Wren
24. Hermit Thrush
25. Rock Pigeon
26. Hooded Merganser
27. Mallard
28. Red-tailed Hawk
29. Sharp-shinned Hawk
30. Common Raven
31. Red-shouldered Hawk
32. House Sparrow
Got going a bit late after evening home festivities, but was able to get out on a nice 2 hour hike in the late afternoon for my first 30 in Santa Paula:
1. American Crow
2. House Finch
3. White-throated Swift
4. House Sparrow
5. Yellow-rumped Warbler
6. Turkey Vulture
7. Western Gull
8. Band-tailed Pigeon
9. Common Raven
10. Rock Pigeon
11. Ruby-crowned Kinglet
12. Eurasian Collared-Dove
13. California Scrub-Jay
14. Acorn Woodpecker
15. Northern Flicker
16. Oak Titmouse
17. Lesser Goldfinch
18. Anna’s Hummingbird
19. American Robin
20. Red-tailed Hawk
21. Black Phoebe
22. Hairy Woodpecker
23. Golden-crowned Sparrow
24. Say’s Phoebe
25. White-breasted Nuthatch
26. Wrentit
27. California Towhee
28. Merlin
29. Spotted Towhee
30. Dark-eyed Junco
As of January 4, 2021:
(Walk around my neighborhood)
1. Egyptian Goose
2. Muscovy Duck
3. Pied-billed Grebe
4. Rock Pigeon
5. Eurasian Collared-Dove
6. Mourning Dove
7. American Coot
8. Ring-billed Gull
9. Anhinga
10. Double-crested Cormorant
11. Great Egret
12. Little Blue Heron
13. White Ibis
14. Black Vulture
15. Turkey Vulture
16. Osprey
17. American Kestrel
18. Monk Parakeet
19. Loggerhead Shrike
20. Blue Jay
21. Fish Crow
22. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
23. European Starling
24. Northern Mockingbird
25. House Sparrow
26. Common Grackle
27. Boat-tailed Grackle
28. Palm Warbler
29. Yellow-throated Warbler
30. Prairie Warbler
(Coot Bay CBC)
31. Blue-winged Teal
32. Ruddy Duck
33. White-crowned Pigeon
34. Sandhill Crane
35. Spotted Sandpiper
36. Laughing Gull
37. Wood Stork
38. American White Pelican
39. Brown Pelican
40. Great Blue Heron
41. Snowy Egret
42. Tricolored Heron
43. Green Heron
44. Roseate Spoonbill
45. Bald Eagle
46. Red-shouldered Hawk
47. Broad-winged Hawk
48. Eastern Screech-Owl
49. Barred Owl
50. Belted Kingfisher
51. Red-bellied Woodpecker
52. Downy Woodpecker
53. Pileated Woodpecker
54. Eastern Phoebe
55. Great Crested Flycatcher
56. White-eyed Vireo
57. American Crow
58. Northern Rough-winged Swallow
59. Tree Swallow
60. House Wren
61. Carolina Wren
62. Gray Catbird
63. Red-winged Blackbird
64. Brown-headed Cowbird
65. Ovenbird
66. Northern Waterthrush
67. Common Yellowthroat
68. Yellow-rumped Warbler
69. Northern Cardinal
70. Indigo Bunting
71. Painted Bunting
43. Common Merganser
44. Bald Eagle
45. Great Blue Heron
46. Belted Kingfisher
47. Ruddy Duck
48. Bufflehead
49. American Black Duck
50. Killdeer
51. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker