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Hoaxes. (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
It seems to me there is alot of hoaxes happening in birding these days.And more are happening ever year.There have been several this year.Its a shame people putting pics of rarities on forums saying so and so have been seen.Also giving false info to the rare bird info services.Certainly wastes birders time and money looking for these birds.Just dont know what these hoaxes get out of doing it.
It seems to me there is alot of hoaxes happening in birding these days.And more are happening ever year.There have been several this year.Its a shame people putting pics of rarities on forums saying so and so have been seen.Also giving false info to the rare bird info services.Certainly wastes birders time and money looking for these birds.Just dont know what these hoaxes get out of doing it.

Worst hoax was the absurd claim that Shetland is better then Scilly for megas and rarities. Clearly nonsense after this year's results. ;)

cheers, alan
by hoax do you mean mis-identified birds, or out and out lies?
I mean out and out lies.For eg someone posted a pic of a Yellow throated Vireo which had supposed to have been seen at Portland Bill a few years ago.It was discovered it was actually taken in America.Someone id the tree which it was an american species of tree which we dont have growing in the UK.
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Just wondering with this thread if anyone will admit to crashing a car whilst trying to watch a bird?

I have never done this but I now try not to bird whilst actually driving as I have swerved a few times in the past trying to ID passing raptors - was wondering if anyone found the same or had had a worse experience ?!

Somebody in Ireland posted two pics of a Zitting Cisticola on overhead cables, turned out only one was ZC the other was a Cetti's if I remember correctly. That raised a few questions, pics had been taken on holidays. Pleaded drunkenness (with a touch of bitterness), in mitigation. Should have been banned for life from submitting records, see he has sneaked back in and is submitting again though. In case he's reading this...we haven't forgotten. You p****.

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A Dutch birder once claimed a Blue Jay. He even had a picture of it. In snow, which was a bit of a giveaway because it hadn't snowed in months...
Another one posted a picture of a Red-footed Falcon which turned out to have been stolen from elsewhere on the net.
(Then there is the infamous Dutch stringer, but he doesn't want his findings to be twitched anyway).
I believe there was a story many years ago about a guy who had a Black lark carved out of wood and photographed it in a field in the UK. He was rumbled as, even photographed from various angles, the bird was in the same posture!That takes some beating, if true of course!
Did you read the heading for this thread, or could you not be bothered?

Yes I did read the thread heading, however I had multiple threads open in my browser at the time and being slightly tired from a long day what I failed to do was check which thread I posted in. I meant to post that comment in the thread;
Where it might have been slightly more relevant to the topic.
My mistake.
Yes I did read the thread heading, however I had multiple threads open in my browser at the time and being slightly tired from a long day what I failed to do was check which thread I posted in. I meant to post that comment in the thread;
Where it might have been slightly more relevant to the topic.
My mistake.

My apologies then. Have deleted my comment.

Your topic will be interesting to follow. ;)

I believe there was a story many years ago about a guy who had a Black lark carved out of wood and photographed it in a field in the UK. He was rumbled as, even photographed from various angles, the bird was in the same posture!That takes some beating, if true of course!

Hi Mike,

I think I've read about that story, maybe in Mark Cockers excellent book "Tales of a Tribe" at least I think that's the tittle.


ps, Somewhere in Lincolnshire
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Then there was the Rock Bunting In a tree with a clear Blue sky in North Yorkshire.

Who has ever seen Blue sky in North Yorks.

Steve, (in North Yorks)
So, it sounds like this rare bird hoaxer has been rumbled then.....

Let’s face it, using your own mobile phone to report make believe rarities to a host of different bird news services is a supremely idiotic thing to do !..... An excellent candidate for the Darwin awards I’d say !!

Anyway I have it on very good authority that the mobile phone number in question has been traced, it belongs to a bloke from Roker, Sunderland.

I hope he’s feeling very proud of himself.
IMHO, I cannot abide people who live a lie at all in any sense birding or otherwise. :C

Sadly people do exist who lie endlessly, at the expense of honest people who only want to see facts of what birds are around them from all countries in the world.

People like this will fail, and will be found out sooner or later and what is said after is of their own making. They are their own worst enemies.

When they are found out, just tell them how it is, and they will scuttle off somewhere else.

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Isn't the guy who started this thread from Roker?

Almost certainly and has had a real rare Autumn, Sooty Tern, Pallid Harrier, Sandhill Crane, Buff-breasted Sandpiper, Hume's Warbler and who knows may well be 'Till Smith' and 'Tiler Marks' so can add Eyebrowed Thrush to his sordid little list of stringy bollox.

If anyone would like to drop him a text or a fuel bill 0784...or would that be too cruel?
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