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Hi im Ann live in S Wales & interested in all wildlife including birds. Especially the birds that visit my garden on a daily basis. (1 Viewer)

Ann yates

New member
United Kingdom
Hi im Ann. I live in S Wales, am interested in all wildlife and especially the garden birds that visit my garden on a daily basis which includes this beautiful goldfinch
Welcome to Birdforum. I hope you enjoy your visits. Leucistic birds are relatively common.
Hi, welcome to the forum. I think you will find us a friendly and helpful group. According to studies published in avionreport.com only 1 bird in 30,000 has leucistic or albinistic plumage, so about .0033% seems that would be pretty rare to me. And what a lovely shot of the little one.

Hi Ann and a warm welcome from me too. I often see black birds with varying amounts of leucism but have not noticed any in Goldfinches.

You can read more about leucism in our Opus Dictionary: Dictionary G-L - BirdForum Opus

I'm sure you will enjoy it here and I hope to hear about all the birds you see when out and about.
Hi im Ann. I live in S Wales, am interested in all wildlife and especially the garden birds that visit my garden on a daily basis which includes this beautiful goldfinch
Welcome Ann from a fellow S Wales birder. I have been posting mostly on the Mallorca part of the bird forum as I have a lot of connections there bird wise. Back here, only had 1 chaffinch and 1 goldfinch in the garden, but plenty of everything else, including a flock of 11 long tailed tits which are very entertaining.
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