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Heron I.D..yellow feet cause confusion for Singh Brain..lol.. (1 Viewer)

Hybrid Cattle x Little's rarer than plain old Cattle Egret anyway Doc. :t:
p.s. I still think it's a Cattle Egret 3:)

I have seen Cattle Egrets frequently in Thailand and Myanmar and would have no qualms about this being one -- I think it is. Certainly I don't feel it's too slender. The only feature I thought a bit unusual was leg length -- and maybe those yellow feet. So a possible hybrid with Little cannot be discounted, I guess. We'll probably never know....

Marie :smoke:
I may be missing something here, but based on structure why isn't it an Intermediate Egret??


I don't think you are ;)

Looks ok for Intermediate Egret - note black tip to the bill, structure as mentioned. A few anomalies with pigmentation, lores, and the feet especially etc
See and scroll through these - http://orientalbirdimages.org/searc...esult&Bird_ID=1109&Bird_Family_ID=&pagesize=1

Egrets do seem to pick up some strange pigmentation fairly regularly it seems, this is probably diet ? - http://orientalbirdimages.org/searc...esult&Bird_ID=1109&Bird_Family_ID=&pagesize=1

and Little here - http://www.lincsbirdclub.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=9118&sid=3ca3cc454e3d9a87dc91ff958d95d444
Bill is clearly too long for intermediate, colouration as well.

I agree. Not only is the bill too long and the wrong shape (rather parallel-sided with strongly curved culmen) for Intermediate, the head is too large and wedge-shaped, and the neck looks short.

I am pretty sure this must be a Cattle x Little hybrid.

Here's an Intermediate for comparison, photographed yesterday.




  • Intermediate Egret_Penaga_290409_IMG_2545.jpg
    Intermediate Egret_Penaga_290409_IMG_2545.jpg
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I agree. Not only is the bill too long and the wrong shape (rather parallel-sided with strongly curved culmen) for Intermediate, the head is too large and wedge-shaped, and the neck looks short.

I am pretty sure this must be a Cattle x Little hybrid.

Here's an Intermediate for comparison, photographed yesterday.



Fair enough, trust the Doc to find a hybrid! ;)
After browsing through lots of shots of putative Egret hybrids I have to say that the bird in question is probably a hybrid ( with lots of Cattle Egret in it :t::t:)
IMO, it's not a Little Egret. Bill structure (and colour) looks wrong, the legs are too thick, the eye is very pale.
I don't see an Intermediate Egret either, but I am not familiar with the Asian subspecies of Intermediate.

Legs thickness seems to point towards Swinhoe's Egret (a bird I am not at all familiar with...):http://www.mangoverde.com/birdsound/picpages/pic20-24-1.html

Definitely not a Swinhoe's/Chinese Egret. The bill and neck are too short, the head too large, and a bird with bright yellow bill (ie coming into breeding condition) should show substantial head plumes (cf here)

That may well be a good call. As long as its not a Cattle, I'm happy!

How big was the bird in the field?

Jane it appeared bigger then a Little Egret..but dont forget i was about 180 or so feet from it..it did appear larger then a Egret..two birds but only one had the colouration...the pissky birds took off after i had just managed to get three shots..only two were worth...leave it to me to find a contraversal bird..WHY ME..:'DB :):t:Thank you Jane and others..Dave B...will send you the pictures...as soon as i find them in my raw files my friend.:t:
I am going with a Cattle x Little Egret hybrid. I see Cattle Egrets quite frequently and I am all but certain that this isn't a Cattle Egret (unless they look different outside the U.S.A.--which I doubt). It just doesn't look like any Cattle Egret that I have ever seen and I have seen hundreds, if not thousands, of them.
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Just wondering, does a Cattle X Little look different from a Little X Cattle, in much the same way that different combinations of Aythya do ???
I have only just seen this thread. if I were to plump for a hybrid I would probably say Intermediate x Cattle due to buffy colouration, dark legs and rather thick dagger-like bill.

Strangely that putative Little x Cattle hybrid in France looks an awful lot like a summer-plumaged Swinhoe's.

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