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Help for next week - Sproughton (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Hi all

I'm doing some training near Sproughton on Hadleigh Road next week and I was wondering if anybody knows any close by places I could pop after for a quick spot of birding?

I've looked on google maps and there does appear to be some small lakes almost behind the venue. I also wondered if Suffolk Water Park was a viable birding spot?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Joe,
the area I think you are referring to is an Island formed by the course of the River Gipping and an old canal cut, the small lakes are very difficult to access from the Industrial Estate. There was an old Bailey Bridge from the old Sugar Beet Factory, to get to it you would have to walk down stream from Sproughton Village. Even then the bridge may be gated and locked.

The waterpark has a large carpark with a café, suppose you would have to make an enquiry as to whether you could have a walk and bird watch. Sorry I can't be of more help.
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