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Hello, Just Registered, Found a Bird and Have Questions About It (1 Viewer)


New member
Firstly, hello to all. It's a admirable, nice and old forum. I read this thread. Still have many questions.

I found it 2-3 days ago on my street, front of my home. I live in an urban district but we have some trees on sidewalks and my home is a bit weird, sometimes we have bird nests at/on (I'm not good at prepositions) my attic (no people live there, it's a closed area but no proper furniture, kinda workshop). I looked the trees, the attic and the roof but couldn't find any nest. Got it home.

My sisters love it. I don't have that much authority at home. I put it in a box. It eats bread crumbs and drinks water. Searched online in Turkish but there's no good source about it. I tried to give it boiled egg (white and yellow parts), ant (ate little white stones looked like bread instead), butterfly, sunflower seed, pumpkin seed and some "bird food" (says parakeet food on the package) from a local shop (I don't trust him at all but there's no other place). It didn't eat any of them.

It can't fly. It only tries to slow her landing (sorry, I don't know much vocabulary). I put it front of window (inside) it looked like wanted to go. Took it to the attic, opened the window. It did it's fly thing. Struggled with wind. Jumped to other branch. Then the other one but I lost the visual. I thought it fell and went downstairs then found it on floor. Took it back to home.

We don't have this type of bird around. I don't see it often. I see crows and this (couldn't find the English name).

I have several questions. I don't know if I should open new thread for every of them or not so please tell me. But I'm gonna ask them here, It can be moved if needed.

What is its specie? Its gender? Its age? I mean is it too young to live its own? What should I give it to eat? Is its tail OK? One feather is short, the bone is short. There's almost no feather on it. It sleeps that way, is it normal? It easily sleeps on my hand, is it healthy?

Thanks for your help.

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Hi Vavien and a warm welcome to you from all the Staff and Moderators. I've unhidden your pictures so other members can see them more easily.

You appear to have a fledgling (just out of the nest) House Sparrow which is basically a seed and insect eater. You could try small amounts of tinned cat food. He needs to gain some strength in his wings in order to be able fly. Try and follow the instructions in the injured/baby bird thread that you linked to. Advice from a local vet to ensure there are no injuries would be helpful (he may have escaped from a cat, hence the loss of some feathers), but there may be more hidden injuries.

Most vets will provide free advice and emergency treatment for wildlife and may be able to advise if there's a wildlife rescue centre near you. Please let us know how he gets on.

I'm sure you will enjoy it here and I look forward to hearing your news.
Thanks for your answer.

Vets and lots of places are closed due to a holiday in Turkey. That's why I couldn't find any cat food.

I found 2 feather parts on floor and looked its tail. They were its. It has 12 tail bones (if I counted correctly) and 4 of them are damaged.

Also it comes to my hand to sleep. I don't have that much time. Even now, I'm currently writing this with one hand. Because it wants to sleep on/in my hand.

My priority is to keep my sisters happy, they are not old enough to take care of it. I can't keep doing this. I'd throw it near a park and who knows after. It was raining heavily yesterday. If I let it after the tree thing, I'm sure It would die.

Box seems to deep enough to keep it inside. Top of it is open. It's 30x40 cm and 30 cm deep. Didn't see it leaving the box. I see no point putting it in box all the time. So that doesn't look like a reasonable solution. Also it just keeps hittin the walls of the box when It want to leave. If I put it in sleep while its in box, It wakes up after a short while.

I'm looking for useful ideas.
Hi, Vavien. Welcome to the forum. I am sorry can’t help with your questions on the bird. Hopefully you can get some help when the Vets reopen.
Hello Vavien,

welcome to birdforum from me, too.

Not the important question here, but with such a massive, chunky bill this surely has to be a juvenile Spanish Sparrow.
Yes, recently fledged birds regulary show unusual/strange proportions, but such a bill seems out of variation for juvenile House Sparrows (really? As you know, I learned much here about birds, that I thought I have much experience of. A big thank you to all again!)

No offence, Vavien: regarding post 4, is that the emoji, that you wanted to place? Its easy to make a mistake here, even when you have done it several times
No offence, Vavien: regarding post 4, is that the emoji, that you wanted to place?
I understand that it's technically a hello thread but I've been told it's OK to ask questions here. So did I. I'd prefer a like instead of welcome, enjoy.

Put it in box cause I have to work. I wrote this to here but looks like forgot to send it. Rest is new.

Thanks guys, It's dead. Body is cold. I looked it about 1.5 hours ago and it was sleeping in the regular form.
IDK if it's loneliness/indifference or something else. I left it with enough food (did it before, it wasn't over-eating) and the "bird food" (there was some in the container, maybe it was the cause but 90+% millet shouldn't have harmed it). I left it in the box that long before, hadn't died. I didn't think it would make it out there anyway. It was so fragile. R.I.P.

So, you have any suggestions about burying?
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