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Gwent birding (2 Viewers)

What a buzz that was !! Moff to camera club shortly but had to come on and say to anyone who hasn't been...GET ALONG TOMORROW!!

Fabulous shot Mike...think I need to get my lens calibrated...focus point on the bird but things in fron seemed sharp and not the bird?

Just happy to see though...back tomorrow morning before I gotta go shopping :(


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Still 5 birds there this morning but light was awful for pics. Managed this hand held so quite pleased. Not many berries left on their favourite tree though.


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When the berries run out at the leisure centre try the roundabout near the Cenotaph. Theres quite a lot of berries still on the rowans.
Brambling numbers are increasing at Silent Valley now.This morning I had seven down at the feeding station and about twenty in the trees above.


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Loads of birders turned up through the day with not a sniff. Me and Sian were there between 12 and 1(the noon lull) with only the mistle thrush to look at. My luck needs to change
Loads of birders turned up through the day with not a sniff. Me and Sian were there between 12 and 1(the noon lull) with only the mistle thrush to look at. My luck needs to change

I saw them about 8.30 Steve with three other birders and then took the dog for a walk and some brekkie.Was back there within an hour and they had gone!
seems like you need to try before 9am. the leisure centre opens then and presumably put the bird off from feeding on the rowan right at the entrance??
Cheers Al ;-)

Garden's busy...Blue, coal, great and marsh tit, goldfinches and chaffinches, siskins, a brambling, nuthatch, GS woodpecker, treecreeper, wren, robin, dunnock
3 waxwings showing well this morning 9.00 to 10.15 in and around the area opposite the Leisure Centre, especially amongst the OAP housing to the North. They were chased of by jackdaws, crows and a sparrow hawk which spooked everything. They returned willingly, landing in trees above me! But rowan berries nearby are dwindling.
I managed a photo, but I'm a bit shaky...


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11 Waxwings in Newport at Mendlegeif retail park this morning. Amazingly approachable birds particularly in a car. The birds were feeding on white berried trees that are only a few feet tall. As traffic was queing to leave the retail park the birds were only a few feet from the cars.

If this infux is anything like the last one and it's certainly building that way, it's not worth travelling to see Waxwings. Just keep your eyes peeled and they will come to you. Last time round I had multiple sightings, both in Cardiff and Newport
3 waxwings showing well this morning 9.00 to 10.15 in and around the area opposite the Leisure Centre, especially amongst the OAP housing to the North. They were chased of by jackdaws, crows and a sparrow hawk which spooked everything. They returned willingly, landing in trees above me! But rowan berries nearby are dwindling.
I managed a photo, but I'm a bit shaky...

Glad you finally got to see them Steve, the photos are great, what were you using?
EOS 30D & 100-400L. Not enough pixels to play with by today's standards. I haven't tweaked any of the shots yet. I was sitting on a bench and birds flew into the tree next to me and were eating the berries 5 metres away!
Fabulous shots Steve....glad to got to seem them :t:

They have been eating the white berries around there so perhaps they will stay and eat the red ones too. I called around there twice later in the day but didn't seem them.
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