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Gwent birding (1 Viewer)

5.30am start this morning, me and 3 other Staffordshire lads decided to come and look at your MEGGA. Arriving to thick fog, our hopes were low, we hund around chatting quietly for a while and it showed as well as it could in the fog giving views from around 8yds. We decided to go for breakfast (Waitrose in town, full english only £4) and return later when the fog had lifted a little. It was still a bit foggy when we ruturned but conditions were improving all the time. We ended up with crippling views of it from as little as 4yds away. Other species seen were, Whinchat, Tree pipit, Meadow pipit, Yellowhammer plus other common species, Cuckoo also heard. Great part of the Country. Thanks. Neil, Les, Glyn and Charlie from Staffs.


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5.30am start this morning, me and 3 other Staffordshire lads decided to come and look at your MEGGA. Arriving to thick fog, our hopes were low, we hund around chatting quietly for a while and it showed as well as it could in the fog giving views from around 8yds. We decided to go for breakfast (Waitrose in town, full english only £4) and return later when the fog had lifted a little. It was still a bit foggy when we ruturned but conditions were improving all the time. We ended up with crippling views of it from as little as 4yds away. Other species seen were, Whinchat, Tree pipit, Meadow pipit, Yellowhammer plus other common species, Cuckoo also heard. Great part of the Country. Thanks. Neil, Les, Glyn and Charlie from Staffs.

Fabulous image and glad you enjoyed yourself.
Neil, Superb Shot!!

Alan, I missed you flashing...I had my eyes closed:)

Garden busy at the moment... young blue, great and coal tits catching insects and discovering that water lilies don't support their weight! Gold and green finches at the feeders. Currently watching blackcap and chiffchaff in the trees next to the house.
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saw the warbler yesterday lovely song was well worth it with about 8 whinchat wasnt really counting them
2 tree pipit

wentwood area
4 wood warbler
loads of buzzards
1 red kite
Looks like it has gone now judging by Ruths report on the GOS site.
I did pop up to see it yesterday and it was still collecting wool for a nest.

Oh typical! My brother comes back from his holiday on Tuesday and I was thinking of popping down:-C

Friday 18th June

Lots of juveniles around the woods in the cardi this morning...long tailed tit, blue tits, siskins, redpoll and goldfinch.

Been having goldies into the garden all week (5 / 6) but no juvs.
Garnlydan Reservoir

Had a wander around the reservoir this morning to see how the breeding has gone up there.Good numbers of juvenile Wheatear with at least three broods fledged.A few young Skylark and Meadow Pipit around along with juvenile Reed Buntings and Starlings.Two pairs of Common Sandpiper one of which had a recently hatched youngster and a late Swallow nest with eggs.Dissapointed not to have seen Stonechat or Whinchat though.


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Saturday 19th June 2010

Nice shots Mike, there were a lot of juvs up there a few days ago too.

Walked over Newtown this monring.... willow warbler feeding juv....at least 4 greenfinch juvs and parents.....whitethroat...lots of linnett, dunnock, wrens singing in at least 2 places...heron on the splash of water that been left in the middle of the long feeder - I don't reckon they are going to make a pond up there and if they do it will be so minute it won't be worth having...makes me a little angry at their timing too...lots of gorse bushes have been ripped up. Hoping to see the Jim Davies lot in the week to see if they can show me the plans for the place coz I can't see anything more than filling the pond in. :C

Back in the garden today...2 collared doves feeding merrily this afternoon...goldfinch, at least 3 siskins, dunnock, great tits too.
Friday 25th June 2010

...this thread is just about managing to keep going....

The week's in one post.

Highlights....Red Kite flew directly over the garden today and was only 50 ft max above me...on Luke's rule I am claiming a garden tick :-O

Newtown today...went over without the dog for an hour as I had real close viewings of a whitethroat juv yesterday and hoped to get a pic....unfortunately I didn't get a shot....distant shots of linnet was abt it.
Stopped at the magpies nest behind FB rollers...the juvs were out in the tree hoping about.

Goldies n Siskin in garden all week, occasional robin n great tit.

Green woodie seen a couple of times over newtown.

Long tailed tits juvs (10+) over the Cardi woods a few days ago....lesser redpoll spotted to....along with willow warblers aplenty.

Clydach Gorge this afternoon....couple of GS woodies having a go at one another? Dipper flew past me on the river.

Kestrel over the ponds....couple of GC Grebes on top pond.
sounds a good couple of days Alan. Its probably worth just noteing down somewhere the breeding records from newtown and other spots. Chris Jones the county recorder would be more than grateful for the records at the end of the season.
Popped up the Garnlydan res this morning to see how the Swallows and Sandpipers were getting on.The Sandpipers were going nuts as a few fishermen had decided to camp overnight on the banks of the res near to where the young were.The Swallows havent faired much better as I found the nest/eggs on the floor.I ruled out a predator as the eggs were still there and to be honest the nest didnt look too stable last weekend anyway.They have started rebuilding though with the fresh wet foundations of a new nest so not all bad news.

Male Wheatear on the way back to the car.


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Trying (and failing) to photograph my local Swifts above the back garden this evening and this little gem came past.Not bad for a garden tick.


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Trying (and failing) to photograph my local Swifts above the back garden this evening and this little gem came past.Not bad for a garden tick.

Nice one Mike.

The young and the parents were flying on the bottom path over Newtown last night and perching up in easy locations for shots (well for you anyone!) Stood on a few different spots to watch them being fed and then flying about and with the wind about last night I thought it was one of them chances you could have had a good go at it - if you carried the camera...whcih I didnt :-O
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