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Gull ID please (1 Viewer)


Active member
Juv gull SW England late-July 2014

Help with ID please. Onsite birders claiming yellow-legged gull but I am thinking juvenile LBBG?



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Personally I'd always be interested in hearing a little of birders thinking and rationale when it comes to ID confirmation/queries rather than straightforward yes/no. Especially with large gulls.
Personally I'd always be interested in hearing a little of birders thinking and rationale when it comes to ID confirmation/queries rather than straightforward yes/no. Especially with large gulls.

Hi Paul,

Quite right. The main feature is the dark inner primaries. No hint of pale webs at all so basically you have an entirely dark trailing edge to the wings.

The tail looks thin and the black band extends a long way up the tail (outer retrices show a thinner band on Yellow Legged Gull).

Subjectively, the bird looks slightly greyish and the head is dirty looking with a weak, droopy bill. Yellow-legged juvs are often slightly more strikingly black and white with whiter heads and thick, lozenge shaped bills.

Lou will correct the above if necessary. ;)


Hi Paul,

Quite right. The main feature is the dark inner primaries. No hint of pale webs at all so basically you have an entirely dark trailing edge to the wings.

The tail looks thin and the black band extends a long way up the tail (outer retrices show a thinner band on Yellow Legged Gull).

Subjectively, the bird looks slightly greyish and the head is dirty looking with a weak, droopy bill. Yellow-legged juvs are often slightly more strikingly black and white with whiter heads and thick, lozenge shaped bills.

Lou will correct the above if necessary. ;)



Good stuff, Andy!!!!

Many thanks,

Excellent stuff Andy, just the ticket. I'm spending quite a bit of time on large gulls at the moment so every little helps :)
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