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Gull ID please - Musselburgh, Scotland (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Hello, Based on the size, I wondered if this was a slightly darker herring gull, but the legs were yellow. It looked too big to be a lesser black backed gull. It has a dark ring on the bill and a white tip. The red patch can also be seen on the lower bill, so its on its way to becoming an adult soon. Could it be a Yellow legged gull (3rd year-4th year)? (Seen on the 3rd of June, 2023).

Thanks for your help.


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Here's a study of an individual yellow-legged gull in plumages at different times from each year, I would trust your observations at the time, see if there are any that match. (Scroll to photos)

None of the plumages seem as dark as your bird, so I would suggest lesser black-backed
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It might have looked too big to be a lesser-black-backed at the time because in relation to the other gulls it was standing. I think we agree that it is a lesser black-backed. Case closed, Sandeep?
It looked too bulky to be a lesser black backed gull to me. It was more herring gull size (comparing to the ones at the back). But guess the colour is darker. So I am beginning to think LBB now. Have never seen an LBB with a ring on the bill and the white at the tip. Learning as I go...
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