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Goose ID help needed - Belgium (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Allot of (friendly) discussion among some friends concerning this goose. Can you please help us ID-ing it???

What are your thoughts about it? I don't give anything of aou ID's so you can analyse with an open mind

Many thanks in advance ๐Ÿ™+๐Ÿป


  • KR2.jpg
    142.1 KB · Views: 99
  • KR1.jpg
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The colours seem to be off and I can't see the tail well enough, but based on the short neck, rounded head, and short bill this looks like a Pink-footed Goose to me. I guess the confusion is with Tundra Bean Goose, as the bill colour appears a bit yellowish in the first picture?

Lรผtzen Portengen
My immediate thoughts were Pink-footed too when I saw this but it really isnโ€™t the clearest of images to apply much forensic analysis to! (no offence meant ๐Ÿ™‚)

An image of it standing might help!
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Isn't the bill color atypical? Shouldn't there be black at the tip and ending?

I think you can see the black nail quite clearly on the picture where the bird is standing. The basal area of the bill usually shows more extensive black markings, but this varies just as it does for Tundra Bean Geese.

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