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Garden/Yard List 2022 (4 Viewers)

A quick check for the Otters came up blank, which is a blessing and a curse. I would really like them to be visible from my patch, but if they are not present it means I have more time for the garden and it’s airspace.

A near adult Great Black-backed Gull #66 flying over with a Lesser Black-backed Gull was new for the year and an expected winter sighting.

A singing Coal Tit was the first this month, a long and strange absence for a fairly regular bird.

2 Siskins feeding on top of one of the tallest trees were the first to have landed for a while but defied digi-binning.

A Little Grebe is getting late here, maybe my latest. I’m hoping it makes it to next week as I’ve never had a March record.
Certainly an early spring this year, often still very quiet across the lands till middle of March, but lots of action today - skeins of Bean Geese every half hour or so, both Whooper and Mute Swans over, White-tailed Eagle back on territory (bred just off my land last year), exceptionally noisy Cranes trumpeting all day, lots of Skylarks, my first ever February Starlings on my land. On top of these, one Greylag Goose too, only the fifth for my land. And warm enough to sit a couple of hours or so upon my veranda to soak it all in ... an excellent early spring day.

29. Greylag Goose
30. White-tailed Eagle
31. Starling
32. Greenfinch
All quiet on the Eastern Front.

Glorious sunny, but no geese moving today. Only two new for the year - also early, several Linnets over, three Stock Doves.

33. Stock Dove
34. Linnet.

New 'bird' for my land yesterday ...Chinooks flying over, courtesy of NATO


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Out of the front door and flush 2 Teal from the river. Oops. Only the third time they’ve been in the garden, and all in 2022. I shall check tomorrow before I blunder over.

Across the road to check for Otters. Nada, but flush 2 Herons. Oops. Very unusual to see more than 1 at a time. Turns out there was a third back at the end of the garden too.

Stick a pile of seed out for the Birds, unfortunately it’s mostly eaten by Woodpigeons and Jackdaws but occasionally something else gets a look in. Nail an Apple to the fence, I’ve heard Blackcaps like them, but I’ve only ever seen Blue Tit and Magpie actually eating them and suspect Squirrels end up with most of them. All I know is a whole Apple disappears in an hour or two.

Check the more extensive grassy area, now I’ve had it cleared, flush a Kestrel, oops. It did come back for a sortie later. I’m certainly hearing lots of Rodent squeaks lately, so there’s a bit of food for them. Sparrowhawk made a pass through later too.

Back in to the front door and a Kingfisher and a Little Egret is fishing outside. Fortunately these I saw before they saw me. Unflushed. Yay.

Egyptian Goose passed the window as I was having my cereal.

Lots more Snowdrops, they have been out for a couple of weeks, but the Daffodils only flowered this week. A decent morning.

This afternoon I could see a headless, legless, small Egret through a narrow gap in the trees, standing in a Horse field. It needed closer investigation. I walked round there but it was just a Little Egret. My wait for a Garden tick Cattle Egret continues.



Excellent HB, in my experience a distant headless and legless egret usually turns out to be a plastic bag! SIX Hawfinch feeding outside the kitchen window at breakfast this morning and more Song Thrush have arrived, a Crag Martin tantalisingly close by down in the village.

Afternoon edit: whilst scanning with the 'scope in the hope of perhaps seeing the Crag Martin distantly I jammed in on something else - for such a large bird they can be amazingly discreet around their nesting sites (which is my excuse for not having refound it in the eleven days since seeing it just 200m up the road)

48 Red Kite

I hadn't realised that it's our first February record of the species here. It was very busy too, firstly diving down onto two Carrion Crows and stealing whatever they were squabbling over, then a few minutes later it managed to manoeuvre itself between two chalets twice to pick up something discarded (this week we have lots of ski tourists from the Paris region, the recycling bins were overflowing with loads of (empty, unfortunately for me:() cardboard cases of champagne (which 'we locals' believe the Parisians sprinkle on their muesli for breakfast ;) ).
Unless something else turns up before nightfall I finish February on 48, my best ever total after two months in our 6 years at this house.
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An early start this morning, searching for local-ish Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, Mandarin, Firecrest and Woodlark for the year. A clean sweep I’m happy to say. However this meant no early garden round.

I did have a quick look at lunchtime and noticed a second new Rook nest being built in the tree nearest the kitchen window. The first was new 2 days ago and is nearly complete. They are amazingly quick at building. I usually have a count up later in March to see how many nests can be seen from the garden. I’ve not noticed any lining material being brought in yet so there’s a bit of activity to come in the near future.

A look out of the bedroom window mid-afternoon revealed a suspiciously small Duck which on checking with bins proved to be a female Teal. I watched it for some while before realising there was a Drake even closer. Hastily set up my digi-scoping kit in the bathroom, but needn’t have rushed as they fed for over 40 minutes until accidentally being flushed by a neighbour. Well chuffed to get such good views. Only the 4th time actually in the garden and 2nd time seen from the house.

Finished the month on 60 species. Year list now on 66, which is 4 up on last year I believe. Cumulative February list is now 71 and just beats January’s 70.

March is traditionally the best month, with 79 species, so really looking forward to it.


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A “Blue Chip” at last this am, 4 Egyptian Geese low and North, followed by Sprawk South, pair of Siskin on the feeders, Song Thrush on the lawn before being chased out by the Blackbird.

With everything cleared out, I checked the adjacent oaks for Treeper, yet again, no joy!
Until I caught a movement partially hidden by oak twigs…what looked like a “finch coloured green!” I looked again repeatedly, not believing my eyes!…only a male Greenfinch, then dropping down into the stream to slake his thirst….I cannot remember the last time I’ve witnessed such a sight!

This was the spur for me to venture out to the woods outback!
Slowly moving through the leaf litter, lots of Chaffinch unfortunately without Brambling😩 when a male Peregrine creased over the canopy putting all to flight, to include this “red-top!” Although I can’t have that, I’ll take the Greenfinch as a consolation prize no.51.

This last figure 51 is an error!, as a recheck has found that it should read 53! 😮 due to me ending my last “Audit” on 46, when it should have been 48.
I humbly apologise to all those garden listers who’ll now be kept awake at night by my latest surge.😂

And now March 1st….yet another correction!!!
(Thankfully I never went into Accountancy) my final, absolute and definitive tally is now 54…😮


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Trauma and drama in my little strip yesterday. An Allen's Hummingbird made a nest in my upstairs neighbor's hanging bird ornament. The first fledgling left yesterday and it was hanging out in my garden. First near the ground on a wooden log I used as a plant stand, then flew up an sat on my gate for a bit. Mom found him and fed him. I watched him through my bedroom window as he practiced flying. Next time I go out, I see an adult hummer chase the fledgling around the building across the sidewalk from me. I followed and saw the adult hummingbird forcing the fledgling to the ground behind a shrub. The adult took off as I came up and baby left shortly after--going away from home. I was really distressed that after such a traumatic morning he was forced to leave before he knew what to do. I looked at the nest and saw the sibling was still in the nest and mom was gone. As I was wondering if it was mom who chased him away, I notice another female building a nest at the apartment directly across from me. Ah, she did it. I kept checking and soon saw the little guy had found his way back and was on my wind chime in my patio area. He then flew into the tree in front of my place. Mom came and fed him. Next time I look, he is perched on top of the hummingbird feeder hanging from my eaves. Eventually Mom comes again and gets him to land on the feeder perch and after a bit, he gets he is to drink from it. Today, both fledglings are out and perched in the tree. Mom is caring for them.
23. Pigeon
24. Northern Rough-winged Swallow
Pretty sure 25. should be a Mitred Parakeet, but only have terrible photos. Not sure they can be identified. So I'm not listing it yet, if at all. A small flock of nine of them flew around the building twice.
I also put up a Bluebird nest box. Unfortunately, the best place for it was next to the chair I put out so I could sit and scan. So, if I fall even farther behind Dan, it's because I don't have a place to sit and scan. Hope the nest box gets used. Maybe I'm too late putting it out? Possibly, next year?


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Can anybody here confirm or correct me about the ID of these? Really lousy shots, sorry. Are the wings too long and narrow for Mitred?


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My last one in Central Park Sue, May ‘16, almost understated by American standards nevertheless a “real beaut”.👍
They are a pretty bird. The bird that is staying around is a really beautifully colored one. Some are very washed out.
I also put up a Bluebird nest box. Unfortunately, the best place for it was next to the chair I put out so I could sit and scan. So, if I fall even farther behind Dan, it's because I don't have a place to sit and scan. Hope the nest box gets used. Maybe I'm too late putting it out? Possibly, next year?
Excuses, excuses, excuses ...! You know it's all about getting the ticks and not about actual conservation/caring about the birds ... ;-)

Nah, seriously, nice one. Reminds me we have a hole in our wall which the Blue Tits* are already showing far too much interest in - need to block it up and move the nest box in the front garden to a more suitable location in the back garden ... we need to insulate at some point and low enough for the cats to be interested in ...

*(No asinine comments please anyone re other recent posts on here lol ;-) )
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