That really depends on how badly you want one. If you are a collector that for whatever reason needs a Leitz of that model in that condition, you would probably (unless you were absolutely determined to get one for less) be happy to pay $100.
As to whether collectible/desirable or not ... if you're into 1950s era single-coated porros, you'll want one (for the right price of course). It's certainly a great nostalgia piece, still enjoyable to use (not with glasses though, unless you can get the special short eyecups that Pinewood has, and even so you'll need to be a bit lucky) but a definite step backward if you're coming from a modern alpha. But for some folks, the feeling of using a binocular is more important than what you actually see through it.
I have my own opinion on the nature of the marks on the glass but will keep it "in-house".