Fascinating to read your sightings - great project. Often give my son a lift to Fort Dunlop but have never been lucky enough to see peregrines there. Several years ago they nested and there was a live RSPB webcam. Only one egg was laid and then deserted. From memory it was believed female was inexperienced. There also used to be a Pied Wagtail roost at Fort Shopping Centre - not sure if they still roost there. Will read your sightings with interest.
Horrible drizzly day today - not great for birds...
BUT - from the car park viewed a Peregrine land on one of the buildings ledges and dashed to the roof for a better view. Stunting small male, keeping out the rain.
I then heard something new above me which turned out to be two Redwings batting around. Love a bit of speed birding.
You seemed to have circled a tree.
2. THE ledge (with what I think is a Little Grebe's head...any other suggestions?)
Probably is Little Grebe with the pale bill, although the cheeks look rather whitish!
Imagine if you looked over there and a peregrine was sitting on the ledge. i don't know who would be more surprised - you or him!
And yes it does look like little grebe to me too.