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Flamborough Head bay brambles, 20.09.21 ID help (1 Viewer)

its either a Garden or a Barred Warbler. After seeeing the first picture, it looked good for a Garden Warbler, by uniform jizz and grey wash to the neck. But the second picture seems to show pale fringed greater coverts and maybe tertials. Espacially pattern of the tertials doesnt look like the real deal to me, therefore I suspect it might well be enhanced by picture quality. Ignoring the wings, bird seems better for Garden Warbler imo by

  • warm buffish coluration (enhanced by light?)
  • greyish wash to the neck
  • weak bill
But I realize, that I just sort out the points to support my gut feeling that its a Garden Warbler and try hard to throw away the feature pointing towards a Barred Warbler. This seems not advisable with pictures of this quality (no offense). Do you have more pictures? Because if the pattern of the greater coverts is real, than I might well change into Barred Warbler camp.
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Jazz was interesting, lots of downward tail flicking and occasional wing flicks. Following pics are screen shots.


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Seems to have changed colour? On current cosmetics it is looking very unlike Garden Warbler, assume not a different bird?
I agree with Ken presumable (?) that its better to wait for the original picture. Having said that, I thank you for your fast reply to my request for more pictures.
The second bird is a Garden or Barred Warbler for me, too. And I think its the same bird, just the screenshot alters details and colours.

And I agree with Ken, that the grey, colourless upperparts contrasting with whitish-cream underparts might support Barred Warbler jizz in the second set of pictures, but
  • I was reminded not to lay much confidence in fine hues in pictures with bad qualiry (no offense as allways)
  • such a colouration is within variation for Garden Warbler, a remark towards picture quality is not need here
@trentman: can you describe the tail flicking in more detail? Did it remind you of a Chiffchaff (also in frequency?)
The frequency was Chiff Chaff like. Possibly more frequent. Here is a pic taken by Thomas, a birder I met on site.


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Upper mandible looked black, lower mandible was pink/red, certainly at base. Bill looked wide at the base. 2_3 times wider than nearby Blackcap's. There was a white eye ring and head was streaked lightly. Not as bold and obvious as Spot Fly. I thought bill was like a Flycatcher.
again thank you for your fast reply! I still think, that its one of those two and that at least I need to see the original pictures for a possible confident identification.
Barred Warblers behaviour is described as slow and clumsy, but Garden Warbler usually flicks its tail less frequent than a Chiffchaff and with a smaller amplitude (seems more pumping, I hope thats understandable), but yes, behaviour is often dependent on situation. I was a little bit surprised, that this behaviour was so prominent to you, that you mentioned it.
Maybe others can jump in, that have seen many autumn Barred Warblers (maybe for them these pictures are enough for a confident ID?)
Size, build & overall 'jizz' doesn't bring to mind Barred Warbler at all for me - nor Garden Warbler come to that!? The bill looks too slender for either of these two species and I've never seen Garden Warbler wing flicking and tail pumping like that, even an agitated one! I must say I'm at a bit of a loss at the moment.

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