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Essex Birding (2 Viewers)

Glaucous Gull again seen today at Vange Wick from the Marina at Wat Tyler Country Park. Additionally the Bittern has been seen again at Wat Tyler the past couple of days whilst Waxwings are moving back north with upto 31 at Oaken Grange Drive in Prittlewell in recent days.
Hey all,

I don't know how sensitively the LEO at Wivenhoe is being treated, but as I have seen RBA reports and blog entries with details about the bird I presumed it was OK to ask?

I was wondering if there been any sightings the last couple of evenings? I haven't seen anything online.

I Wanted to perhaps try for the bird tomorrow, been struggling for one in Norfolk for a long time.

Any details could you please PM me.


Try Magic Seaweed. http://magicseaweed.com/UK-Ireland-...pe=WMAG&_suid=1363349854532015547986878227021

This gives wind directions etc from the North Atlantic so it will give an idea of where the winds are originating from.

....... .

Thanks. Looks the most easily interpreted weather site I've seen.

Best local winter birding I've had in my last 3 years since taking it more seriously but nothing super exceptional. Fieldfare in garden was a first, and waxwings in the village albeit briefly.

Took a patch walk on Thursday evening at dusk and saw a wader looking odd among the blackwit flock. Looked smaller but with similar bill. Photos and video proved inconclusive as light was almost gone. Returned Friday to check for it and found one blackwit among the flock in summer plumage. Made the bird look smaller than the grey liveried ones. Interesting little learning experience.

Thursday also saw a barn owl hunting over the patch. Great news as I haven't seen one here for over a year.

At least 9 Common scoter on Thames at Mucking flats on Friday eve. Only one Curlew, numbers reducing as I suspect they are moving north. Still c1000 dunlin, 300 avocet, 30 Blackwit, and a few grey plover, redshank and oycs.

PS. Think I recall someone discussing pagers - Noticed RBA have some offers on them at the moment.

Hey all,

I don't know how sensitively the LEO at Wivenhoe is being treated, but as I have seen RBA reports and blog entries with details about the bird I presumed it was OK to ask?

I was wondering if there been any sightings the last couple of evenings? I haven't seen anything online.

I Wanted to perhaps try for the bird tomorrow, been struggling for one in Norfolk for a long time.

Any details could you please PM me.



Tried yesterday but no sign by about 5.45 when we gave up!
Had Barn Owl for the second time ever at Limbourne today, great views. At least 5 Yellowhammer with a large flock of Reed Bunting, other Yellowhammers scattered around the place. Massive flock of Golden Plover flying around endlessly above me. 1 Fieldfare too.


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Adult Iceland Gull reported yesterday along Westcliff Seafront at Rossi Ice Cream Parlour on the falling tide at about 12.30. Its the right time of year for white-wingers to be on the move and Iceland Gull has occured here in years past so its well possible.

It could be worth a look if anyone is in the area
The Thames has been great today - lots of kittiwakes and little gulls right up into London. Currently a flock of 8 little gulls at Grays just upriver from the Wharf pub, several past upriver, and so far 3 1w and 1 adult kittiwake past too. 3w yellow-leg on foreshore.
Penthouse?! Hah! Aren't penthouses meant to have kitchens bigger than cupboards?

Another 3 kittis and 3 little gulls since last posting.


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My records of yesterday's HWC included 8 Twite on the Salcott Channel sea wall -- but omitted the Twit observing them in a freezing gale. Brian Churches found a Woodlark at Old Hall car park. Waiting for a nice southerly wind but I gather cold wet weather is forecast through April. Should have chosen stamp collecting!
The 3 most interesting birds at Limbourne today all appeared within 2 minutes of each other, I had just found the Barn Owl when two Grey Partridge flew out of the grass, then I was looking through the bins at the Barn Owl when a Merlin flew straight in front of it, unfortunately I lost the Merlin pretty quickly.

It's odd considering the first time I saw a Barn Owl at Limbourne was December 4th 2011, and I hadn't seen one since until last week, now i've seen it 2 weeks in a row, hope it sticks around.
Just into Essex, on the 'splodge' at Cattewade this afternoon were: 3 Little Ringed Plover, 2 Green Sandpiper, 4 Dunlin and 4 Redshank. The LRPs were a sign of spring, but they were the only sign - bitterly cold!

The pair of black redstarts are still performing well at Ferry Lane at Rainham. A nice male wheatear today as well, and the usual common sand.
Looks like a fair enough photo to me Phil. Right place at the right time - well done mate! And a just reward for all those days over the last few weeks and months, freezing your ballbearings off at Abberton.

I visited Abberton today and got lucky too, Bl@@dy cold on that causeway though.


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