I've disliked and complained bitterly about (as have many others on here) the hard rubber rainguard supplied as standard with NL's, which drags the eyecups all over the place because it's so tight. I was, therefore, most intrigued (and delighted) to have my 8x32 NL's returned to me by Swarovski (after repair in Absam) with part number 678-0288 attached to the oculars. This is apparently the rainguard supplied with EL x42's and works magnificently with x32 NL's, unlike the rainguard supplied as standard.
I have since contacted Swarovski Customer Services to express my delight and requested they send me a second 678-0288 for my 10x32 NL's, which the lovely ladies at the UK office have posted out to me and should arrive today.
Hope this info is useful to some who read on here.
I have since contacted Swarovski Customer Services to express my delight and requested they send me a second 678-0288 for my 10x32 NL's, which the lovely ladies at the UK office have posted out to me and should arrive today.
Hope this info is useful to some who read on here.
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