RSPB Saltholme - am - west pond - Common Sandpiper, Green Sandpiper, Ruff x2, Little Gull x5, Black-tailed Godwit x18, Dunlin x3. Peregrine x2 (juv & adult).
East Pond - Red-crested Pochard
Phil Stead Hide - Greenshank x5, Ruff x2 (different pair), Snipe c.50.
The Peregrines were more in evidence today hunting over Saltholme Ponds, Haverton Viewpoint and the Wildlife Watchpoint - seen making kills at the latter two.
Greatham Creek - 6.30pm - Spotted Redshank, Common Sandpiper, Sparrowhawk, Dunlin x3!
East Pond - Red-crested Pochard
Phil Stead Hide - Greenshank x5, Ruff x2 (different pair), Snipe c.50.
The Peregrines were more in evidence today hunting over Saltholme Ponds, Haverton Viewpoint and the Wildlife Watchpoint - seen making kills at the latter two.
Greatham Creek - 6.30pm - Spotted Redshank, Common Sandpiper, Sparrowhawk, Dunlin x3!