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Durham Birding (5 Viewers)

Spent a couple of hours with Stig of the Dump (Klingon Foghorn) admiring the waste tip at North Gare.
Iceland and Glaucous made themselves available for photos (through two wire fences and into the sun most of the time) but I didn't get to see the yellow legged gull.


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Dormans Pool - 8.45am - Stonechat by bottom car park.

Cowpen Bewley Woodland Park - 9.30 am - 18 members turned up for the TBC escorted walk led by Dave Nelson on an overcast but fine morning. Car park tables held the usual selection including around a dozen Tree Sparrow, Yellowhammer, Dunnock, Reed Bunting, Robin,Blackbird, Great and Blue Tit and a couple of the group saw a Brambling visit the tables. A GSW was seen twice in flight as we headed over to the lake. A small flock of finches were in the trees between the small hill and visitor centre - mostly Goldfinch with possibly one Redpoll amongst them. The RN Duck was still on the lake along with Gadwall, Tufted Duck, Little Grebe, Pochard, Mallard, Mute Swan pair, Coot, Moorhen and several BH Gulls. As we left the lake two Canada Geese flew in landing on the water. We headed up Claxton Beck to the cycleway turning left back towards the car park seeing very little other than a few distant LTT and two pheasant until we reached the path along the upper reaches of Cow Bridge Beck where a finch flock c.100 was feeding in the trees. The light was pretty poor but it contained at least Goldfinch and Siskin though I wouldn't be surprised if a few Redpoll were there as well. There was no chance to get a closer view as the flock moved on. We continued along the cycleway back to the car park with a brief look in the feeding station - but with no food there were no birds. Thanks Dave for a very pleasant couple of hours.

RSPB Saltholme - pm - Haverton Scrub - LEO x2, Green Woodpecker seen and heard several times. Redwing c.12 & Mistle Thrush x2, Song Thrush x1 in trees alongside the Community Farm. Female Kestrel. Heron and Tufted Ducks on the small pools.


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Saw evidence of first birds starting getting ready for breeding this morning.A magpie with a huge twig flew in front of me as I took the slip road off the A19 at Peterlee. (7.25am)
Link to a bit better quality image from Wednesday (cant edit that post) :
i use Adobe photoshop Elements 7, saving 'for web', but invariably the images posted here are poorer than the original.
I suppose elements will be the same as photoshop?
Try using the crop tool instead Steve. Set crop size to say 900 pi X 600 pi & resolution to 72 PPI. After you have cropped it, bring back some sharpness & 'save as'. In the jpeg box, you can then fiddle with the quality until the file size is less than 300kb.

That's a bloody good job with a hand held phone up to your eyepiece :eek!:
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A quick post to let you all know that Ray (scuzz) is in Sunderland Hospital having suffered a minor stroke.
I have to stress that it was a minor stroke but was sufficient for him to lose the use of his right hand.
I've just been to visit him and he now has a little movement in his hand but cannot move his fingers i.e he can spread his fingers but can't bend them at all.
His main worry is of course how he will press the shutter button if things don't improve - I told him that won't affect the quality of his shots too much :)
I asked the nurse if he can have a robotic finger attached - may be Canon can come up with a remote finger.
He's had the scans you would expect stroke victim to have and is in hospital for at least the weekend (he was took in a couple of days ago)
Hopefully he will make a full recovery really soon.
There has been no effect on his mouth and he can still talk which will soon drive the nurses mad :) :)
He also managed to scrounge an unopened bottle of Lucozade off some guy who was leaving hospital so he's obviously been letting everone know who he is :) :)
Fingers crossed he'll be out of hospital early next week.
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