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Durham Birding (3 Viewers)

A pretty good day on and off around Saltholme Ponds area.

RSPB Saltholme - Bottom Tank - Curlew Sandpiper, Garganey x2, Black-tailed Godwit c.15, Greenshank, Little Egret x5, Teal, Wigeon, Little Grebe, Gadwall, Dunlin, Redshank, Snipe c.12, Kingfisher. Around 4.00pm a possible Little Crake was reported on the far side of the pool from the screen to the left of the fence end - not seen by me but may be worth watching for.

At 8.30am a flock of Whooper Swan x16 flew over the main road from east to west.

Saltholme Hide - Pink-footed Goose c.35, Barnacle Goose x7, Peregrine juv., Merlin fem/imm perched by end of hide screen for around 20mins. Fox outside hide. Several hundred Greylag Goose and quite a few Canada Goose.

Wildlife Watchpoint - Snipe, Black-tailed Godwit, Greenshank. Greenfinch c.40 hanging around feeders and hedge behind hide.

Main Pool - Hooded Merganser gave very close views in SE corner for 15-20 minutes as it fed.

Dormans Pool - RB Shrike viewed catching a mouse on the slag ridge on top car park approach from 20' away. Carried it into a rose bush still wriggling before dropping down low and out of sight. Merlin also present am plus Stonechat x3, Reed Bunting x2, Kestrel.

BTW from today RSPB Saltholme opening times are - 10.00am - 4.00pm.


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Maybe of interest, some places left:

Durham RSPB Local Group
Coach Trip to Holy Island - Saturday 10th October 2009

Price: £17 Durham RSPB Group Members, £18 non-members, £6 juniors
Departure: 9 am, University of Durham Science Site, Stockton Road, Durham
Return: Arrive back in Durham between 6.30 pm and 7 pm.
Bookings: Contact David Sowerbutts (0191) 3867201
Re Castle Lake

How else is it possible to purchase a key for Castle Lake. Do you have to become a member ?.

And where abouts is castle lake.
How else is it possible to purchase a key for Castle Lake. Do you have to become a member ?.

And where abouts is castle lake.

Castle Lake is at Bishop Middleham near Sedgefield. The hide is run by Durham Bird Club - see here for further details

I believe keys are available to non-members - I'm sure this can be clarified, though it has to be said that becoming a member is well worth while.
Thanks Ian

I am tempted to become a member but with the distance i would have to travel to sites and already being a member of three other birding bodies i dont know if i can justify it.

Are there other hides that the key opens, so if i did join i could make a day of it once a month sort of thing.

I have had a look on the DBC web site but can see no mention of birding sites.
I have had a look on the DBC web site but can see no mention of birding sites.

Durham Bird Club is a fantastic club and I would recommend you join. :t:
If you join you can get access to the latest sighting page that gets updated nearly every day! Therefore you will know what is about and where.
Also you can gain access to the Durham Bird Club forum. You also get an annual report each year as well as a quarterly magazine.

There is a site guide on here about birding sites in County Durham: http://www.durhambirdclub.org/dbc.pl/static/site-guide.html

There are also other sites not mentioned on the link such as Castle Lake, Whitburn Observatory.
Castle Lake: http://www.durhambirdclub.org/dbc.pl/news/conservation/2009/20090521a-CastleLakeOpen.html
Whitburn Obs: http://www.birdwatch.co.uk/website/content/view/106/98/

I hope this helps.
Just the one hide at present I'm afraid.

If you look under 'Resources' on the DBC web site a few locations are listed but they're only a fraction of the birding sites around the County. TBC has a more extensive site list but of course it only covers the SE part of the recording area. Even then isn't a comprehensive list. The sightings page gives a good idea of what's being seen in the area including RSPB Saltholme.

The forum section of the DBC web site covers local birding in other areas in more detail - but is only accessible if you're a member.

For a better idea of birding areas people visit this thread which is pretty good as In and Around South Tyneside and Gateshead Birding.
Castle Lake

Excellent selection today despite excavating works for new scrapes on site.

Pectoral Sandpiper, 5Whooper Swan, Spotted Redshank, 2-3Greenshank, Ruff, Dunlin, 50Snipe, Grey Wagtail, Swallow, Redwing, Stock Dove, Kestrel, GCGrebe etc all seen during brief sessions from the hide today.

On shallow flashes to the south, 2Bar tailed Godwit, Green Sandpiper, 6Black tailed Godwit etc etc.

We have now sold close to 100 Hide Keys - profit from key sales is put directly back into the clubs conservation fund for its various projects around the County.

Keys are available to all who want them
Send cheque payable to Durham Bird Club for £6 to DBC, 4,Leyburn Close, Houghton-le-Spring, DH4 5EF.

Steve 079 79 60 1231
Hooded Merganser

(The following feature was spotted by Chris Bell)
There was some interesting photo's taken today by "lapland mull" or Mick or Sylvia Brennan.

If you take a look at these two images on the Teesmouth Bird Club website the bird has an abnormality on it's right leg:
OR here:

Now last year some of you may well be aware that at Tayport in Fife there was a Hooded Merganser. Now the bird in Fife looks like the same bird that is in Teeside! It you take a look at the image of the bird in Tayport it looks as if it has the same abnormality on the same leg!!!!!!:
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There was some interesting photo's taken today by "lapland mull" or Mick or Sylvia Brennan.

If you take a look at these two images on the Teesmouth Bird Club website the bird has an abnormality on it's right leg:
OR here:

Now last year some of you may well be aware that at Tayport in Fife there was a Hooded Merganser. Now the bird in Fife looks like the same bird that is in Teeside! It you take a look at the image of the bird in Tayport it looks as if it has the same abnormality on the same leg!!!!!!:

Well spotted Andrew - I'd say pretty concluisve that it is the same bird - which I believe has been accepted as wild by the BBRC.
Sorry to bother you chaps again but where exactly is Castle lake. How would i get there by car from north and whats parking access like etc. I have sent for Membership and key today so look forward to going next week sometime.
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Well spotted Andrew - I'd say pretty concluisve that it is the same bird - which I believe has been accepted as wild by the BBRC.

It was actualy Chris Bell who spotted it, Chris talks more about it on Durham Bird Forum if you would like to read about it.
I just thought I would share that on this Bird Forum.

I would agree with you Ian that its pretty conclusive now that it is a wild bird, and yeah the bird in fife last year was accepted by the BBRC as a wild bird.:eek!::eek!: (See how the twitchers run!)

Andrew K:t:
Sorry to bother you chaps again but where exactly is Castle lake. How would i get there by car from north and whats parking access like etc. I have sent for Membership and key today so look forward to going next week sometime.

No problem at all, Castle Lake can be found in the village of Bishop Middleham. If you take a look at this hyperlink:
You should see the red circle on Church Street. On the map follow that circle west along the road and you will go past a 3 houses and then you should see a farm track road heading south.

On the map On the farm track road you should see a large tree on the right and some more grass on the left. It looks like there are two roads merging together on the left hand side. You park here. You go through the farmers gate walk straight ahead and you should go through a kissing gate and see Castle Lake.

My directions are not that good I am affraid but Durham Bird Club's website have fantastic directions to here: http://www.durhambirdclub.org/dbc.pl/news/conservation/2009/20090521a-CastleLakeOpen.html
It shows the location of the hide, how to get there from the stile, and parking.:t:

Might bump into you some time, hope this helps
It was actualy Chris Bell who spotted it, Chris talks more about it on Durham Bird Forum if you would like to read about it.
I just thought I would share that on this Bird Forum.

I would agree with you Ian that its pretty conclusive now that it is a wild bird, and yeah the bird in fife last year was accepted by the BBRC as a wild bird.:eek!::eek!: (See how the twitchers run!)

Andrew K:t:

Well done to Chris as well - I should have checked the forum first |:$| - though obviously only DBC members would be able to view it!

Sorry to bother you chaps again but where exactly is Castle lake. How would i get there by car from north and whats parking access like etc. I have sent for Membership and key today so look forward to going next week sometime.

This link gives all the directions you need - DBC Castle Lake - just scroll in/out on the maps to sort out directions -ther's a few choices of route you could take - though I'd imagine A1(M) junction 60 would be the easiest if you're not familiar with the area. Just follow the A689 to Sedgefield then the A177 taking the Bishop Middleham turn off. An alternative from Junc 60 would be following the signs to Mainsforth and then Bishop Middleham.

Using junc 61 you could follow the signs to A177 Sedgefield then taking the Bishop Middleham turn off.
(The following feature was spotted by Chris Bell)
There was some interesting photo's taken today by "lapland mull" or Mick or Sylvia Brennan.

If you take a look at these two images on the Teesmouth Bird Club website the bird has an abnormality on it's right leg:
OR here:

Now last year some of you may well be aware that at Tayport in Fife there was a Hooded Merganser. Now the bird in Fife looks like the same bird that is in Teeside! It you take a look at the image of the bird in Tayport it looks as if it has the same abnormality on the same leg!!!!!!:

Thanks for the comment we were aware of the abnormality but it was interesting to hear from you that it is possibly the same bird as in Tayport last year.
regards Mick and Sylvia
Sorry to bother you chaps again but where exactly is Castle lake. How would i get there by car from north and whats parking access like etc. I have sent for Membership and key today so look forward to going next week sometime.

Good to here you are joining up & giving yet another club your support.

There will be further works on site next Wednesday - this is in front of hide & will obviously affect viewing to a certain extent . . .

Both John.O & myself are happy to answer any queries - mob no's on DBC website.

Over the autumn volunteers from the clubs Conservation team "The Shovellers" & other community group workers will be making a start on a wildlife garden & feeding station in the area around the hide.
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How else is it possible to purchase a key for Castle Lake. Do you have to become a member ?.

And where abouts is castle lake.

Hi Davy,
Hope you enjoy your visit to Bishop Middleham/Castle Lake, I find its an ideal place to visit on the way to/from the Saltholme/Teesside area, although its also possible to spend the whole day exploring the BM area. Speaking of which don't forget to check the A1 Flashes, which are only a five minute walk South from the hide (over the stile in the corner of the field then follow the stone wall), Pectoral Sandpiper favours the nearest body of water, usually on the right hand (west) side.
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