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Durham Birding (4 Viewers)

Teesmouth Bird Club Trip - East Yorkshire

The Teesmouth Bird Club has organised a day trip on Sunday 20th September 2009. The planned itinerary to East Yorkshire includes a visit to North Cave Wetlands in the morning and Blacktoft Sands RSPB Reserve in the afternoon. At this time of the year, a wide variety of species is anticipated, particularly waders and raptors, along with Blacktoft’s specialities, Bearded Tit and Bittern. The trip will be led by Julie Mason and we are proposing to use the following pick-up points:

Hartlepool (M & S Car Park) at 8.15am
Stockton (Swallow Hotel) at 8.35am
Middlesbrough (Dorman Museum) at 8.55am.

There are still places available, the cost being £12 per person, plus an entrance fee to Blacktoft Sands for non-RSPB members (£3.00 adults and £1.00 concessionary). Please bring a packed lunch, drinks and appropriate outdoor clothing and footwear.

If you wish to book a place send me a message or find full contact details on the TBC website.
Newburn Bridge - am - Sanderling c.20, Ringed Plover x6, Oysetercatcher x5, Turnstone x9

Seaton Comon - Kestrel x2, Swallow c.30, Goldfinch c.80, Meadow Pipit c.16, Linnet c.12

Dormans Pool - path to hide - Reed Bunting x2, Stonechat x3, Lesser Whitethroat x1.

RSPB Saltholme - main pool in front of visitor centre - Hooded Merganser, Greenshank x3, Grey Wagtail. A single Avocet flew west to east over the visitor centre.

Saltholme Hide - Ruff x2, Greenshank x1. Lots of Teal, Shoveler, Wigeon and Gadwall.

Bottom Tank - a fox and most notable bird was a colour ringed Little Egret.


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Just a reminder that foxglove covert will be closed today until 6pm when it opens up for this years postponed moth night, where about 4 or 5 traps are put out around the reserve. With the lovely warm weather we are having (could this be our summer) it expected to be a good night, the traps will be closed on sunday morning and identification begins at around 07:30am.

There will be some photographic opportunities as I take my light tent and flash heads.

Also thanks to all those that voted for my butterfly in the recent photo360mag competition, I was told the closing date was the 11th, I have not been contacted yet but am way in the lead, so expect to be contacted in the next few day's as the new issue should come out on monday



...Bottom Tank - a fox and most notable bird was a colour ringed Little Egret.

Hi Ian,
The colour-ringed Little Egret is the same bird as was at Castle Lake DBC reserve in mid-July (and probably also at Hurworth Burn/Crookfoot in early August). It was ringed as a juvenile earlier this year at a site near The Wash, Norfolk. Great to see it's still around!
Hi Ian,
The colour-ringed Little Egret is the same bird as was at Castle Lake DBC reserve in mid-July (and probably also at Hurworth Burn/Crookfoot in early August). It was ringed as a juvenile earlier this year at a site near The Wash, Norfolk. Great to see it's still around!

Thanks for that Mark :t:

I knew one had been around but couldn't locate the details again.
An hour or so spent at RSPB Saltholme was well rewarded with some great views of the Hooded Merganser - whatever it's origin!

I checked the Bottom Tank when I arrived. Not a great deal - BTGodwit x1, Dunlin x4, Shoveler x5, Redshank x2, Little Grebe x4.

Main Pool - Greenshank x2, Black-necked Grebe and Hooded Merganser.

Wildlife Watchpoint - very quiet again. Snipe, brief views of a Greenshank that flew in and straight out again. Quite a few Teal on the back of the pond. Curlew c.20 flew in and behind reeds.

Walking back to the Centre I spotted the Hooded Merganser asleep close to the bank sheltered from the strong winds. I waited a while and when it woke up it began feeding close into the edge of the bank giving by far the closest views I've had.


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That's what they're calling the pool behind the Fire Station. It could do with a better name really. A viewing screen has been erected but in due course will be replaced with a new hide the 'Phil Stead Memorial Hide' - a joint venture between TBC and the RSPB.

The screen has been pretty good for waders on and off over the last couple of weeks.
Hartlepool Headland - 12.30

Heugh Pier - Snow Bunting x1 feeding on grass seeds in between the flagstones on the lower deck, Purple Sandpiper x2, Turnstone x12.

Parton Rocks - Greenshank x1, Rock Pipit x2, Curlew x2, Reed Warbler x1 on promenade, Med Gull x1, Eider x1, Linnet c.10, House Sparrow c.20, Pied Wagtail x3, Redshank c.50, Turnstone c.40, Cormorant c.15 one caught a large fish it had to juggle to swallow.

Teal and Wigeon c.30 plus Shoveler x1 briefly landed by edge of beach before departing again. Several House Martin over the beach.

Sandwich Tern juvenile flew along the beach heading towards Newburn Bridge.


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That's what they're calling the pool behind the Fire Station. It could do with a better name really. A viewing screen has been erected but in due course will be replaced with a new hide the 'Phil Stead Memorial Hide' - a joint venture between TBC and the RSPB.

The screen has been pretty good for waders on and off over the last couple of weeks.
Thanks Ian.
A rather large tank then. Thought it may have been one of the smaller pools (empty) by the roadside. I had a look there Sat afternoon- an off day, with only a couple of Liitle Grebes. The 'round' hide had a bigger selection.

On the subject of hide names: Do you know if Paddy is the same Paddy (Fleming) as at Washington WWT? He was a friend of the Father inlaw & would be of interest to him.
.....................On the subject of hide names: Do you know if Paddy is the same Paddy (Fleming) as at Washington WWT? He was a friend of the Father inlaw & would be of interest to him.

I've no idea where the name came from. They're quite keen on local history though so I wouldn't be surprised if there's a local connection.
timber beach 0640-1000
c10 grey heron
3 teal flew west
f sparrowhawk
c50 lapwing
4 dunlin
1 black tailed godwit feeding at claxheugh rock
20 curlew
c50 redshank
2 turnstone flew west
Brent goose photos

Seaton Snook - am - Curlew c.30, Knot x2, Dunlin c.150, Turnstone x2, Oystercatcher c.20, Common Tern x2, Ringed Plover c.30, Teal c.20 Brent Goose x2.

Fabulous shots Ian 'F' of what I assume are an adult pair of Atlantic light bellied Brent geese.
Keep up the quality wildfowl photos!
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Had a ride to Washington WWT yesterday and was surprised to see a wild (no leg rings and flew off to another area if you got too close) Egyptian Goose there..

On the way home over the A19 wear bridge a Green Parrot, not Parakeet, flew over the top heading towards Washington:eek!:


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Hawthorne dene feeding station had no feeders up at all today so after putting some seed out and waitng a while only a few birds tipped up.
blue/great tits
no sign of any woodpeckers at all.
think a few feeders need putting up and hope the kids keep away.
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