DBC Latest News page
I apologise to Birdforum members who are not interested in this subject but since it seems to be a permitted subject within this thread I wanted to express an opinion on the recent discussion about the Durham Bird Club News page - I prefer to call it a "discussion" rather than "aggro" since this has been a polite debate as far as I can see. My opinions here are personal and not DBC-endorsed! I am, however, currently a DBC committee member but have no more influence over committee decisions than any of the others.
Jumpin 4 joy and Ray-S have made points which are worth considering.
J4J seems to be saying that the DBC News page would be useful for a visiting birder who does not live in Co Durham and wants to plan a visit and that such a person is very unlikely to be a DBC member. Ray-s says that he was put off joining the club because of the portions of the website which were unavailable to non-members.
As I understand it, the DBC's primary concern is bird conservation in County Durham. We try to further this cause by promoting enjoyment, appreciation, correct identification and, as a result, accurate recording of birds in County Durham. We do this through publications, running local trips, workshops and more wide-ranging field trips, holding indoor meetings, organising voluntary conservation work and either organising or taking part in surveys. Most of these activities have their social aspects too - all are done in a friendly atmosphere. Note that we are not particularly a listing, or twitching organisation although some of our members do enjoy finding and seeing rare or unusual birds.
I see the club website as an extension of the club publications, which acts as a way of letting members know about the various coming events and, to the public, as a way of explaining what we do and why we do it. There is a lot of information about our activities on the website.
The only content on the website not available for public viewing are the Discussion Forum, the Latest Sightings and some electronic excerpts from previous publications.
The justification for these being private was to give our members some added value for their subscriptions. Although in the case of the forum, it was also to provide a private area for friendly discussions - some people may be too shy to ask questions in a widely viewable public forum.
To be honest, there was some discussion about
whether to have a sightings page at all - bird information is freely available on the web for the whole of the UK and if you really want to know what's about in great detail then you should subscribe to a pager or text service. Some of these services even allow you to receive news from individual counties for short periods of time (e.g. when visiting).
To address the point made by
Ray-S : It is concerning that the existence of private content on the website put you off joining the DBC. It would be very useful to know what extra information about the club was missing from the website?
Perhaps a freely downloadable sample past issue of our quarterly magazine would have helped you decide about the merits of joining club? What do you think? This is something I will suggest to the committee. However I do not see how access to recent bird sightings would have helped. Perhaps it was just the idea of private information that put you off. Other organisations (the DWT and RSPB, for example) have magazines which are exculsively for their members - but they do not have downloadable versions on their websites for members - so the DBC is ahead of the curve in this respect
J4J's point is entirely accurate but I am not sure it is reason enough to make the sightings page public.
I would hate to see people using this situation to post, for want of a better phrase, "teases" as regards content on the DBC website. eg. I've seen something but I'm posing it on the DBC website - I can see how this might cause friction even if said in jest and this certainly isn't what the DBC intended.