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Durham Birding (4 Viewers)

Ho'ton patch

a wet & windy afternoon - didnt expect much other than fresh air or maybe a Tengmalms from this visit...

1-2 Short-eared Owls ranging widely
2 Barn Owl hunting from 16:20 both appeared from the East
1 Long-eared Owl hunting & perched at 16:35

goes to show how effective having the air con on full heat, combined with the boot up as a wind-break can be.... ;)

Bonus of 1 Tawny Owl sat on the Co.Durham sign nearby @17:00 while driving back out.
A bright sunny start to the day. I was heading out until Marmot spotted a Blackcap in the garden. We usually get one or two in winter but not usually until late December or more often January.

Whilst watching it three Long-tailed Tit flew onto the feeders - again only seen in winter. Next two Wrens and half a dozen Blackbirds. The Blackbirds having stripped all the berries from a neighbours mountain ash have started on our orange berried pyracantha.

Plus the usuals of Greenfinch, Goldfinch, Chaffinch, House Sparrow, Robin, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Coal Tit, Dunnock, pigeons and Collared Dove.

I dare say it won't be long before the Sprawk arrives as well!


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Nearest R.S.P.B Shop

can anyone plz tell me if thay are an rspb shop and where the nearest one in north east plz

Hi Vivster
At present there are only two shops in the North of England:
Bempton Cliffs East Yorkshire B1229 from Flamborough to Filey. Visitor Centre open all times March to November 10am - 5pm Winter months weekends 9:30 to 4pm.

Fairburn Ings West Yorkshire (South of Leeds) north east of Castleford signposted Allerton Bywater off A656 Visitor Centre open weekends and Bank Holidays 9:30am - 5pm. Weekdays 9:30am - 4;30pm.

As Andy has already said hopefully Salterholme in the New Year.
Or you could try BTO online shop which has a good variety, it depends what you are after. http://www.bto.org

Hope this is of some help
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Had a look along Seaton Snook this morning with the missus.
Nothing on the water other than 2 redshank and a few oyster catchers on the waters edge. Good numbers of lapwing, oyster catchers, redshank on the horse field with also 6 dunlin and a single shellduck which took of as we approached.
Only a single stonchat and kestrel hunting on Znkwks road.
Not much on North Gare either apart from a couple of distant curlew, 3 wigeon and 1/2 dozen mallards.

Called at newburn bridge:
The usual sanderling, oyster catchers, redshank, ringed plover and 2 purple sandpiper + med gull on the water amongst the BH gulls.


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Not much on North Gare either apart from a couple of distant curlew, 3 wigeon and 1/2 dozen mallards.............

Not much there this afternoon either on the Common. Very wild and windy though. Stonechat x1, Skylark x1 and a few Lapwing and Curlew.

North Gare Pier - 2:00pm - RT Diver x13, Rock Pipit x3, Skylark x1, Stonechat x1.

Greenabella Marsh - 1:00pm - Twite x32, Grey Plover x1, Ringed Plover x2, RB Merganser x7, Redshank x9, Little Egret x2


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Little Gull and Roseate Tern???

I must have just missed Scuzz at Newburn bridge today and Ian F. at North Gare:hi:.

Only additions at North Gare was half dozen Greylags and Kestrel.
Newburn brige additions where 3 Red Breasted Merganser about 100yards out, My first ever Little Gull on the beach and a Visit from a Tern:t:.

Can anyone tell from the pic's if it is a Roseate Tern???... If it is then that's another new bird for me:loveme:.


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I must have just missed Scuzz at Newburn bridge today and Ian F. at North Gare:hi:.

Only additions at North Gare was half dozen Greylags and Kestrel.
Newburn brige additions where 3 Red Breasted Merganser about 100yards out, My first ever Little Gull on the beach and a Visit from a Tern:t:.

Can anyone tell from the pic's if it is a Roseate Tern???... If it is then that's another new bird for me:loveme:.
Wish I'd met you - I'd have gone along there myself! I've been looking around for Little Gull as we got quite a few over last winter and then summer. I think it is an Roseate Tern though I'm no expert. One's been reported a couple of times in the last week at the Headland and then at Newburn Bridge.
I must have just missed Scuzz at Newburn bridge today and Ian F. at North Gare:hi:.

Only additions at North Gare was half dozen Greylags and Kestrel.
Newburn brige additions where 3 Red Breasted Merganser about 100yards out, My first ever Little Gull on the beach and a Visit from a Tern:t:.

Can anyone tell from the pic's if it is a Roseate Tern???... If it is then that's another new bird for me:loveme:.
I would say your Tern is a Arctic there have been a few reported recently on the east coast.They sometimes stay well into November.Roseate Tern would be exceptional at this time of year.
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I must have just missed Scuzz at Newburn bridge today and Ian F. at North Gare:hi:.

Only additions at North Gare was half dozen Greylags and Kestrel.
Newburn brige additions where 3 Red Breasted Merganser about 100yards out, My first ever Little Gull on the beach and a Visit from a Tern:t:.

Can anyone tell from the pic's if it is a Roseate Tern???... If it is then that's another new bird for me:loveme:.

I wouldn't say it was a Roseate Tern. It looks like a Common Tern to me.
But don't take my word for it. Becuase I am not very good on terns. The bill seems a bit short for a Roseate Tern.
It looks like I'm stuck at a cross roads and I don't know which to Tern:h?:.
Roseate, Arctic or Common, anyone else know? with one suggestion of each I need a decider;).
It looks like I'm stuck at a cross roads and I don't know which to Tern:h?:.
Roseate, Arctic or Common, anyone else know? with one suggestion of each I need a decider;).

Best bet would be to put it in the Bird Identification forum where you may get more info from memebers who normally see Terns at this time of the year.

Must admit I'm leaning more towards Arctic. It does appear to have a shortish bill (A) but legs seem pretty long and bright (R) rather than dark red (A). The wings and back look greyish rather than pale(A). Seems a lot of black on the bill though for Arctic. Overall structure/shape looks more Arctic.
It looks like I'm stuck at a cross roads and I don't know which to Tern:h?:.
Roseate, Arctic or Common, anyone else know? with one suggestion of each I need a decider;).

That's a juv Common Tern you have there. Very late record, as juv terns in early Nov are often Arctics.

Compared to bulky Arctic, the bill is too bulky and long, it shows too much orange, the legs are too long are bright, the dark on the wing coverts too extensive and overall it appears quite a bulky bird.

Compared to juv Roseate, the bill is too orange, again the wingbar too extensive and overall appears too dark.
That's a juv Common Tern you have there. Very late record, as juv terns in early Nov are often Arctics.

Compared to bulky Arctic, the bill is too bulky and long, it shows too much orange, the legs are too long are bright, the dark on the wing coverts too extensive and overall it appears quite a bulky bird.

Compared to juv Roseate, the bill is too orange, again the wingbar too extensive and overall appears too dark.

Thanks Ross:t:, juv Common Tern it is then.
That's a juv Common Tern you have there. Very late record, as juv terns in early Nov are often Arctics.

Compared to bulky Arctic, the bill is too bulky and long, it shows too much orange, the legs are too long are bright, the dark on the wing coverts too extensive and overall it appears quite a bulky bird.

Compared to juv Roseate, the bill is too orange, again the wingbar too extensive and overall appears too dark.
Having looked at the pic again i agree with you Ross

Its a Common Tern what put me off was the head shape did'nt look right for Common Tern and the bill on pic 2 did'nt look long enough for being a Common Tern.The legs are to long for Arctic they have very short legs
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I wouldn't say it was a Roseate Tern. It looks like a Common Tern to me.
But don't take my word for it. Becuase I am not very good on terns. The bill seems a bit short for a Roseate Tern.
You are getting good on bird id it is a Common Tern.Just goes to shows experienced birders do make mistakes i been birding for over 25yrs and i thought it was a Arctic Tern.Sometimes bird pic ID can be difficult at times its a lot easier to ID birds when you are out birding actually seeing them flying and moving about.
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You are getting good on bird id it is a Common Tern.Just goes to shows experienced birders do make mistakes i been birding for over 25yrs and i thought it was a Arctic Tern.Sometimes bird pic ID can be difficult at times its a lot easier to ID birds when you are out birding actually seeing them flying and moving about.

Thanks very much. I'm just a begginer and it didn't seem like an Arctic Tern to me. I was right for once. :king:

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