Bishop Middleham (17.08.07)
An early morning visit to the lake proved very relaxing and worthwhile.
On arrival, there were no birds in the vicinity of the sewage works so I sat down, set the camera and waited. Unfortunately the sun was behind the birds, but it was a joy to just sit and watch the behaviour of the waders that soon began to arrive.
Waders included Wilsons Phalarope (1), Greenshank (at least 2), Ruff (5), Ringed Plover (5+), Little Ringed Plover (2), Dunlin (7) and Common Sandpiper (1).
Four Canada Geese were amongst Greylag Geese (150c), with no sign of the recently reported Egyptian Geese. Wildfowl included Little Grebe (8+), Mallard (20+), Tufted Duck (10+) and Shelduck (1). Not so many herundines about this morning with only a handfull of Sand Martins seen.
Other birds in the immediate area included Linnet (20+), Goldfinches (50+), Meadow Pipit (5c) and Pied Wagtail (20+).