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Dr Manjeet Singhs Malayan Patch (3 Viewers)


Well-known member
Opening introduction to Dr Manjeet Singhs Malayan Patch.

Some time ago I mentioned to Dr Singh that he should have all his writings put together into some kind of book form because to me they would make hilarious reading. After experimenting I have at last been able to gather all of his articles together and am now busily editing them. I sent the good Doc this letter to get his approval and received the reply.

Hi-ya Manjeet, I see that you are on line and I thought this is a good time to tell you that I am working on a big project. Remember I once said that your stories would make good reading if seen all together, you know, like a book. Well at last after ages of experiments I have been able to draw off your writings into a folder and am able to edit them and will eventually post them into “Dr Manjeets Malayan Patch”. That is if I have your permission to do so. I only started yesterday and looking at the finished first page I feel that they will be well received by our readers. Let me know if you approve of my efforts. Tanny.

My Dearest friend..for you any thing you hear.. by the way I had gone to see a publisher here and told him I want to make a calendar for 2008.. with my stories and 12 birds.. you know what he told me ..good idea..but you must get 12 of the most beautiful birds .. I asked him I hope you under stand what I am asking ..*YES
12 Girls from Malaysia ..: ‘ D..*..almost strangled him..left crying ..:D..*..do what
You want..my permission for you is always there..yes you are right.. do we have any publishers in Birdforum..who could help..may be after seing your collection they may help..it will be nice..regards to family my friend . . .Manjeet . :t:

It will take a long time to finish editing and posting but I will start now from the beginning in 2005 when Manjeet joined us. At first his postings were just descriptions of the birds he posted, but gradually he became more confident after receiving friendly comments from forum members.
After he got encouragement by the replies from members to his amusing stories there was no holding him back and gratefully we are constantly kept laughing at his anecdotes.
Early on in his association with us he asked a very serious question in a thread he posted, and this question to me seems to sum up a little of the personality of our favourite forum member. I have posted the replies because through them Manjeet seemed to relax more with his writings.

Compulsion for birding, is it addiction or creating space away from family and friends.
13th August 2005

Compulsion for birding, is it addiction or creating a space away from family, friends and work and enjoying it.
Guys I have been an unofficial birder for a long time and used to go birding on and off with my battered camera and binoculars. I used to take snaps and develop them and keep them in files. Since I officially joined this birding web I now have a new camera and telescope, and have this overwhelming compulsion to go birding at any free time I get, looking for birds to photograph.
Theses past few days the haze has been high in Port Klang-my home town (you all must have seen the story on C.N.N.) I have been advising my patients to stay at home and don’t go out due to the haze, but I ignore my own advice and go out to all the birding areas to get some pictures, even though I know they will not be clear due to the haze.
Addiction or looking for space? Do any of you feel the same, or am I just a lone nutter. Have any one of you felt the same compulsion like me?
The main thing when I am birding I feel (in my mind at least) that I don’t have to face the patient in my practice to whom I have to tell that he or she is terminally ill and has a short time to live (selfish isn't it.) These one or two hours away helps me to make up my mind and free my soul.
I would like you to tell me how you feel during birding, is it compulsion with addiction or creating a space away from family, friends and work The new camera may have increased my compulsion by giving me easier access to developing the pictures that I have taken. I wonder if there were no computers or digital cameras, would there be the same compulsion and addiction for birding or would we find some other way to create our own space.
I think a mixture of both; Manjeet. It begins as a hobby and interest, but then begins to be compulsive. As indeed so does the photography which one has taken up as an added interest? My life seems to be planned so as to make "my time”, to escape from the house and just watch and listen to the birds. No matter where I am or what I am doing outside of the house my eyes are always cast upwards and ears are always listening. Even indoors, I constantly watch the feeders when they are in view to see which species are visiting, and watch the antics of the regulars.
Like yourself, Manjeet my work was with the sick and needy, but at that time my escape was fast motor bikes, and the open roads, holidays spent camping and traversing the country side, but now I find birding is so relaxing, just being out of doors in a quiet environment watching the birds doing "their thing”, give me immense pleasure, and if I manage a decent photo along the way, then I am very happy.
Stewart J.
Compulsive yes, relaxing, soothing and so enjoyable, in fact "Therapy"
For me birding is the excuse/reason for going out in the countryside to places I would not have gone to normally. I would never have thought of going to Norfolk before I took up birding and would never have found out what a beautiful county it is.
I think the others have pretty well summed it up already for me
Whereas I'm not in a job like yourself where I may have to tell folks on a regular basis that they are terminally ill etc I still find it relaxing and a way to switch off from the artificial 'pointlessness' ( for want of a better word ) that seems to be life these days......everything seems to be rush, rush, rush nowadays and greater importance placed on trivial things rather than what is around them......since I moved up here to the countryside I'm amazed *and quite saddened too* that so many folk seem to be bored senseless with their lives and rely on artificial pick-ups like alcohol, drugs, TV etc etc - even more so, it seems, than folk in towns and cities - yet if they would just open their eyes and look around at what they have living right on their doorstep, they would see the answer staring them in the face!!! It's just not natural for humans to be cooped up indoors each and every day!
To me getting out into the open spaces and fresh air away from the crazy rat race is an obsession and a need - a chance for me to totally switch off and forget about everything except the skylarks singing above me, the woodpigeons cooing in the trees, the wind blowing, the sea - everything!!!! Just being able to share a moment with the other creatures on this planet puts life into perspective for me.......and helps restore me to sanity! According to my husband I'm a right grumpy old mare if I don't get my 'fix' on a regular basis - and he says there IS a marked difference in me being much calmer when I've been outdoors
If I do have ONE teensy grumble it's that since meeting Neil I've had another person to consider - can't go off birding seven days per week anymore!

For me it’s similar to all of you.
I love the country and all my sports I have done have been in the country. I constantly went to the Norfolk Broads as a Kid on a Boat and loved the smell of Water and Forest.
To watch the dawns and Sunsets, the rain which I love especially summer rain as it’s warm, and immediately after it stops you get a FRESH SMELL in the summer and that smell is the best.
The different colours of the Trees in autumn (fall) and the new life in spring. The mist and fog at dawn in winter.
My least favourite is summer, I know that sounds odd but it seems a stale season...I don't know just my opinion.
I love all Birds from a Sparrow and pigeon to a eagle and Hawk. And I am still learning about them. The BB C's 'Life of Birds' is stunning and I defy anyone to say that these creatures are not Beautiful, intelligent and are FREE after you have seen the series.
My son who had no interest in birds after watching it now watches them and although other species of 'Birds' at the age of 18 is his priority he really does appreciate them more.
To sum it up for me I guess its escapism to land that was once uninhabited by us, a land free of the crap of society a land that we must enjoy before although not in our lifetime will come to an end.
I heard that in 50 years time it is estimated that 40% of Animals will not survive some going extinct and some lowering in numbers.
I am proud that in my lifetime I can still see these wonderful creatures.
Bit of a Waffle on but that's how I see it for me.
It seems that all of us who have replied to this thread feel much the same. I am compelled to go out, more and more, and at times, I have to (and want to) rein that in a bit so that birding doesn't take over my life and totally dominate it. (I do have other interests, and one or two things that are more important to me.)
I'm lucky that my family is prepared to come out birding with me. My husband is just as besotted by birds as I am, and my two adult children like walking in the countryside, and are prepared to walk slowly with me as I spot birds, and will even occasionally point things out to me. So birding is definitely not a time to get away from family.
But I think the most important reason is the one first touched on by Katy - to get back in touch with the natural world. I just find this vital to my mental wellbeing.
Gus Horsley
I think there's a level of agreement here. It's nice to contribute to a "safe" topic for a change.
I do a stressful job and live with kids and grandkids and I need the opportunity to get outdoors with my wife, away from the 9-to-5 life, to recharge the old batteries, etc. So I go birdwatching, climbing and caving. The trouble is that once I get really involved with these sorts of activities I also tend to get embroiled in the political side of them as well (such as cave conservation) which can sometimes get me stressed, so it's all a pointless exercise really....
Blimey, I wish I'd never said all that!
My boss is looking at me - I'd better get back to work.
I love getting away from it and it's great when you can add to your Year List, too.
I don't watch birds to simply get them on my list (I once spent 10 minutes watching two Kittiwakes, the were not doing anything particularly interesting, I was just looking at them):-it's just a bonus.
I wish that my birding spots were a bit less isolated/dangerous, though.
Mabel, you have said it all here. For some of us the enjoyment of birding is to actually watch the birds, study their behaviour, smile at their silly squabbles, watch as a parent Gull spends a few moments opening a mussel shell for junior, whilst the offspring impatiently nudges the parent and cannot wait for the contents to be opened. Just like human children. Birds have to fight for their survival, their habitat is slowly dwindling, and I for one, have a great deal of respect for our feathered friends, I feel privileged to be able to view their every movement through scope and bins.
When you think, how would we feel if someone was doing the same to us!!!
Hi Doc,
I think it puts you in another world away from all your troubles and woes and makes you forget all bad things that are happening and also it is a quiet time as all you can hear is the Birds not the rush and clatter of today’s busy times.
13th August 2005,
Katy Penland
For me it's to get into the rhythm, sounds, smells and feel of the natural world, away from the artificial environments most of us have to live and work in. And to be honest, whether it's birding or whale watching (yes, even on a noisy twin-diesel boat) or hiking or any other outdoor activity, it's about encountering other life on their terms and in their own space that's so calming and rejuvenating at the same time. I don't think there's anything better than the fragrance of a forest at dawn or the wind in your face on the open ocean. That we also get to see who (notice I don't say 'what') else lives Out There is a gift.
Adey Baker
I don't have the same decisions to make at work that you do, Manjeet, but I do work in a noisy and sometimes hot factory so there's no doubt that a walk in the open to see birds and any other forms of nature is a complete contrast - and any new camera equipment is a real incentive to get out even more!

My location
Thank you all for the support and understanding-When we become medical students our Professors tell us that we should not get involved emotionally with our patients but don’t forget we are humans too-some times some one slips through our guard-I realised that by taking time off at that time may have been wrong but later realised that 1to2 hrs did help to clear my mind and make the right choice but I did feel guilty by taking off to do birding which I love. Thank you for the support.

At the end of each dated article I have left the name of the bird posted and if you wish to see it and also read the actual un-edited version then please feel free to go into Dr Manjeets Gallery and scroll down to the date provided.
When editing the stories I have deleted all the smilies because they seem to spoil the flow of the story but their loss doesn’t diminish the humour, I have also deleted the numerous, “Lol – lol” that Manjeet is so fond of after he learned what it meant. All abbreviations have also been changed to the full word. At all times I have kept to the exact wording, however on some very infrequent periods I have altered the words to make them more readable in the English language. Some of the words Manjeet has written totally bamboozle me and I have put them in brackets with a question mark, I hope the Doc might come back after reading it and give an explanation. We will never really know what makes the Doc tick but I for one hope he ticks on forever.

Here is another (un-edited) example of Manjeets writing before I start posting the first of his Patch.

Hilarious Misspelled Comments in the Photo Gallery..lol..
I have been viewing the gallery for couple of years..and had some good laughs from miss-spelled comments..i will start with comments that i remembered the most..one is MINE & the other.. A.dancy's..lol...
1. I was viewing a picture of a bird which realy excellent and the details were fantastic(i cant remember who's picture it was)..scrolled down and saw the one comment only by dancy..it said
EXCELLENT SHIT and ,..i collopsed with laughter but immediately p/m/ dancy..and said my soul friend ..you mis-spelled word the ...waited laughing..30 mins passed no reply from dancy..he was on line..then went back to the bird..oh my God the person who had uploaded the bird had replied..ARE YOU SURE dancy..i could magine him slowly writting it..the reply..i at once wrote a comment..saying dancy has mis-spelled the word..or the O..is missing in his key board..and i started laughing..i am sure he was laughing too...then i get the yellow flashing sign on my moniter..dancy.. my God Manjeet i typed it wrong..i told him too late my friend..howled with laughter..remember dancy.. ,
2. 2nd was my own blunder..i had gone birding..and had got my first twitch..the Chestnut-winged Cuckoo..came back and uploaded the picture..i was so happy with the picture and more so because our Birdforum member JAMES EATON was here and on sunday we were going birding..as usual i had to write a story..in that i wroteHi people i had gone birding to-day.. i was HORNING MY SKILLS (INSTEAD OF HONING.. )..so that to-morrow James may be impressed..lol....there were many comments on the picture..but LIMA..caught it and ran me rugged....oh guys i collopsed with laughter..it is still there..
Now i am sure there were many more comments like these which you'll have seen..would it be fun to share them in this thread..i am sure you'll are laughing.Regards people.

Last edited by Dr Manjeet Singh : Thursday 16th August 2007 at 09:45. Reason: missed words
Manjeet but it one of yours.
From your write up on the photo "I slipped, stumbled....."
"The land there had lots poodles filled with rain " ---------------- I smile every time I see a Poodle.
Marmot YOU HAD TO REMEMBER THAT DIDNT YOU..lol.. ..oh God i had forgoten that.Thanks Marmot for the blushing reminder..lol.

That's hilarious. Thanks for the laugh Doc. I have mistyped things myself with embarrassing results, I once - on another forum - mistyped the word can't as something very rude, substitute the a for a u and you'll see what I mean.
As usual, rely on the Doc for a laugh. Thanks Doc!
Another Manjeet gem
"...people it isnt easy to photograph this bird..the cock screw motion of it's body..makes a blurr in the picture.."
Think you were supposed to say corkscrew
Originally Posted by robinm
Much more of this and it will have to be moved to Ruffled Feathers

Certainly brightened up a dull day

robinm..Much more of this and it will be moved to ruffles feathers..ME OR THE THREAD.. , ..cheers my friend..

I am extremely lucky that my normal browser has a spell checker! Or I would make even more mistakes than is shown. However, will also admit that I am sooooooo very glad this forum uses English as it's language. Otherwise, I'd never type a word. I love to tease Manjeet and others (at least in my mind) for misspellings. But, also admit they do better than I would if English were my second language!
So to all my friends here on line who wade through our language everyday - have one one me
"I hope you love birds too. It is economical. It saves going to heaven." Emily Dickinson

Originally Posted by Reader
Manjeet, you are a star. As others have said, there is little more that I can add other than Birdforum has been both funny and informative over the years.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIRDFORUM and thank you for the countless hours of enjoyment that you have given us.. TO THE BEST BIRD SITE IN THE WORLD.. , and thank you Steve,Green Fields Andy Bright and the others for making this site the BEST IN THE WORLD..and for the MODS . ..a thank you from the heart for putting up with us and FOR BEING THERE WHEN NEEDED.. , ..last but not the LEAST..THANK YOU TO ALL THE MEMBERS OF BIRDFORUM..YOU"ll ARE GREAT..

Thanks for being in existence Bird Forum, without you life would be very empty. I’ve said it somewhere before, this Forum to be like a family and like a family we sometimes have misunderstandings but as the years go by we mature and draw closer together. Through the Forum I have made so many friends and although I will never personally meet everyone like my happy friend Dr Manjeet, his writings and writings from others have stimulated and enhanced my life and each day when I log onto the Forum, all stress and worries disappear and when I log off I feel rejuvenated.
Tanny the half cast English Aussy. - Dr Manjeet Sings ghost writer
13th Aug 2005
Thank You very much for allowing me to join this forum. My name is Dr Manjeet Singh. I am 50 + yrs old. I am married (happy most of the time) I have 3 kids, 1 Girl-15 yrs, 2.boys,12yrs, (Twins ?) and another girl 8yrs ((who teaches me to use the computer). Sorry for the mistakes, one finger typing). I have been a doctor for the last 25yrs and for the last 16yrs have my own practice. My passion has always been wild life(birds)and reading books. I think I have the best library in a loo in Malaysia (ah). When I was a student I had passion for wildlife but no money for my passion, and when I became a doctor, no time for my passion (Wildlife). My wife always says that my 1st wife is my profession and my 2nd wife is her.(ha-ha).HELLO TO EVERY ONE.
Dr.Manjeet Singh
Registered: April 2005
Location: Klang, Malaysia
Tall, dark and handsome with a Turban while working and when birding without turban but carry's a sword. Best looking Singh in the world for when GOD made me he threw away the mould (stop staring you hear).
Born on 16.06.1954.
Married on 16.06.1985.Tried to have my three kids on 16.June but failed (how much money it would have saved me if I could have the FIVE functions on the same day).
My job: Healing people.
Hobbies: Birding, Music, playing musical instruments and the best instrument I play “IS MY OWN TRUMPET”. (Ha - Ha).
Social status: A WALKING NATIONAL DISASTER for my Town since birth.
MOTTO: Laughter is Life and enjoy life with laughter for remember LIFE IS SHORT.
Fri November 11, 2005 • Views: 1,212. Additional Info Keywords: Dr.Manjeet Singh.
Scientific Name: Homo sapien-related to Apes and Bears(Theory of Charles Darwin.)
Equipment: Born with it and now acquired a T.D.1 for birding.
Location: Klang, Selangor, Malaysia.
Habitat: Singh’s are found every where in the world
Date Taken: 31.10.05. (Picture taken by my Elder brother)
Registered: June 2005
Location: Johor Baru
Fri November 11, 2005 9:13am

Hi Manjeet,
Nice picture (Though I took it myself).
Your camera is definitely better but my subject was infinitely better man.

Love your sense of humour and your attitude to life
Manjeet, it is great to be able to put a face to the smiles and laughter.
Karim Madoya
Glad to recognise and meet you here DOC.
Nice hat! You have there! Stole from DONALD, may be.
Happy birding to you.
May GOD bless you?
Nice to meet you Doc, nice sense of humour.
“Hehehe” maybe Tilley hat doc?

Hi Dr Manjeet,
That's a serious looking birdwatcher. Nice to 'meet' you. Look forward to more of your nice photos with humorous wordings.
It's a pleasure to put a face with a post
I love the description of yourself and the equipment. I didn't realise the other DR Singh was your brother either.
Mark Bruce
Hey Doc, Good to finally see you.
Nice to see you again Manjeet and thanks to your brother drknsingh for taking the photo!
Donald Talbott
Hi Manjeet (Dr) you are a man of many disguises. All we need now is to see the mighty sword. My wife thinks you look very young. Keep on taking photos of the amazing birds in Malaysia. Donald.
Absolutely fantastic to see you Doc. Has anyone approached you as the next James Bond?
If you look at your photo on screen you will see there is a tap behind you, so fill your hat with water and have a drink on me! Leave some water in you hat and let the birds bathe in it. That will be your next photo assignment; birds bathing in your hat.
Hi, Manjeet, lovely to "see you”. Your sense of humour is second to none, keep the pics coming.
John N
Great to see you Manjeet. Love the hat and your sense of humour and your great attitude to life. Bring on the sword.
Ahhh, my older brother! Wondered for a while what you looked like, bro Great to see you Dr Manjeet; looking forward to my next prescription, only this time, forget the arm-wrestle :)
Nice to meet you Manjeet, now I can put a face to all the funny stories.
Matt green
Greetings Manjeet, good to see you in the flesh!
Hello there Dr Singh. Nice birding outfit, sunglasses and a great birding hat to go with your photo gear. Looking good with great detail
Now I can see why women faint or scream when you are around and disaster befalls you!! Great to finally see who I've been conversing with all this time. Keep up the birding and hope to hear "more Manjeet misadventures"!!! Makes birding worthwhile.
Johnny oxygen
Nice to see you doc great sense of humour. Manjeet. Thank you very much but I do like your name-Johnnyoxygen. I like it. (Ha)’smile.

Steve nova
Nice to me you Manjeet.
Hi! Felt that it would be nice to see the face behind all those wonderful pics and stories, as a new comer I have felt very welcome and encouraged to take better photos. Thank you very much!
Good to finally see you, doc ... good shot! :)
Great to meet you again, doctor! Rock on!!!!!!!!
Clive Timmons
Ah The Funniest Doctor in the world I will leave it to the Ladies to decide if your the Best looking :) but its fair to say your the Coolest looking Doc around and Long may the Laughter continue Great to See you
Hi there Manjeet, you look exactly as I had imagined. Thanks for all the comments, stories and the laughter they bring.
Tim Taylor
You don't seem to have had a post against your picture for a long time so I thought I'd change that. Nice Tilley turban to complete the outfit there.
James Eaton
Is that really you Doc? I don't think so, can't see a can of Tetley’s anywhere!
Hi again Manjeet - just reading your description - 'Life is short. .. ???' Is this how you greet your patients? Ah well, I suppose it's one way of getting the waiting list down. Hope the kids are driving you mad -as mine are me. Cheers - Tim.
Keith Reeder
Is that a telescope in your hand, or are you just pleased to see us?
Nice to finally meet you Doc! You are a bona-fide Renaissance man, thanks for sharing!
Likeable image between Conrad Lorenz and adventures (y)
ciao picus
Rajiv Lather
Dr Singh, nice meeting you here, again. How is it that my beard has got more grey in it than yours? Something fishy going on there!!
Hello Manjeet! So you play a trumpet! I like to play a flute. Please, send a new photo, with the red turban, I bet people would love to see it!
How did I miss this I wonder? Although I seem to have seen it somewhere else recently - something about a T-shirt and a hen - I can't remember...nice to see you Manjeet, thanks for the photo. :d It's nice to have faces to put to names.
Strong man, my friend. Nice to see your photo. Definitely one of the best looking Singh’s in the world, even it may not be the only one.
Duke Leto
Manjeet great to put a face to a name.

Well, I should have guessed that you'd be a musician!! I Know another Dr/Trumpeter and a Brain-surgeon/Bassoonist, I'm a Clarinettist as well as an opera singer, but would be sued if I practiced med!!! I'll stick to birdies.LOL
Good to see you doc.
Marian Alvarez
Oh, Doctor, I'm really late... but better late than never! I had a great time reading the comments to your pic, and seeing you... now I understand certain mentions to your hair and to your appeal! I must confess you don't look like a doctor... but certainly an avid birder! Great to "meet" you... and I agree with Luiz, I would love to see posted a real picture of you with the red turban. The contrast with this one would be very interesting, that's for sure! Cheers!
Birders, Birds, Wild Animals & Mother Nature. A hilarious combination while I was birding.
I just had to go to Kuala Selangor for a birding trip, so got up in the morning at 6am and fumbled my way through getting dressed in the dark (afraid of awaking my mother who sleeps in the next room). She’s a bit of a tyrant. My wife told her to keep an eye on me until she returns back with the children from a holiday in the U.K. My mother, she kept me in her womb for 9months and has turned into a right (TURNCOAT.) I am considered the son-in-law (out-law) and my wife is her daughter, cruel people (Ha). Silently I went to the car and stealthily pushed the vehicle out of the drive, then jumped in and bolted for the Nature park (Kuala Selangor) then I realised that I was only wearing my shorts but being really hairy I consoled myself that no insects could get me, after all I was wearing my religious sword and it’s magic would protect me. I reached Kuala Selangor at 7.15am and the nature reserve was closed, It was due to open at 8am so I killed time by eating my packed breakfast and was in high excited about my visit and my imagination began running wild. I started imagining seeing birds that no one had ever seen or heard about, but then my imagination went haywire and I started seeing birds with turbans, “Yikes” that snapped me out of my daydreaming). Then my phone rang as it usually does when I want to be free. (MOTHER), “Where are you son”? “Mom, I have gone birding to Kuala Selangor”. MAKE SURE THEY ARE FEATHERED ONES NOT TWO LEGGED KIND, DO YOU HEAR ME SON.” Blimy, she’s 80 yrs old and still doesn't trust me, or is it a mother and daughter-in-law understanding.
Took the map from the counter and paid RM2 for entrance fee to the girl, and that girl had the cheek to tell me there will be small children in the park and the way you are dressed you may frighten them. I told her, “I can always take off my shorts if it frightens the children”. She fainted. I didn't know that she meant the sword not the shorts. (Why do people faint?). I started to walk through the track and the unbelievable sounds overwhelmed my senses and I forgot all my troubling thoughts and started looking for birds. I also had to watch where I put my feet because Snakes frequent this area. When I headed away from the track into the scrubs and tall trees, I started hearing this small moaning sound but didn't pay any attention to it because I had seen this ELVIS THE PELVIS BIRD. with black and white patterns on wings and breast and it was swaying it's body slowly from side to side in a peculiar corkscrew fashion. After taking a picture of the bird I realised that the sound had increased to a roaring pitch and the bird was about to fly away, quickly I got my second picture and on turning around I saw myself surrounded by monstrous mosquitoes. The cloud was about 3feet thick by 2feet wide and 10feet long. This black hoard of “kubla khan's” were attacking me but my hairy birthday suit protected my legs and arms. The sound was the disgust of their failure to penetrate my hairy armour. I bolted from there and galloped back to the main trail with my sword banging against my hip and with my scope, camera and tripod on my shoulders. The fiendish creatures pursued me relentlessly for sometime before giving up. (I was too fast). I used a small towel (4x4inches) to (shead?) swat all the mozzies from off my legs and spat out a few hundred more mozzies from my mouth, then blew my nose and another couple of hundred mozzies shot out. I don’t think I will ever forget these mozzies and will come prepared next time I visit this park.
I don’t know what species of bird I risked my life for, but I will find out when I get home and check my guide book.. The phone rang again, (MOTHER). Son have taken your food, I was still spitting mozzies from my mouth and said – “NOSH YESG (I meant not yet)”. “SON,- HOW MANY TIME HAVE I TOLD YOU NOT TO TALK WHEN YOU HAVE FOOD IN YOUR MOUTH, WHAT TYPE OF DOCTOR ARE YOU - YOU HEAR” I decided then to switch off the phone - peace at last. Then I started walking, and walked, and walked, and saw many wonderful birds. A Serpent Eagle, Grey Heron of which I took a few pictures (50 I think). Then a brown-throated sun bird, a Brahminy kite (couldn't take pictures of the kite because there was no way to get close.) Then got a picture of a bird with a curved and yellowish white ring around the eyes - didn't know what it was (I will upload it in bird forum for Identification)
Oh, by the way, I left my turban at home and was using a old Australian hat, (Fair dincum mate, they’re the best. Sorry, couldn’t help putting that in) camouflage coloured, it had a long chin strap which has a small button with which one can tighten the chin strap. I wandered off the trail into the jungle and saw two birds running up a tree, quickly I positioned my scope and camera and hid behind a nearby tree. Through the scope I watched a woodpecker with a red blazing crest and golden brown body, what type I don’t know, that’s another bird I will check up on later. I started taking photoes. It was on my 5th picture when I felt something splat on my left shoulder and trickled down into my left breast pocket where I kept my last piece of half eaten chocolate bar, I assumed some ripe fruit had fallen on my shoulder. Then I heard this unearthly scream near my ears, my last bit of hair stood on end, knocking off my hat. The birds for miles around fled away. I looked up and just 4feet above me sat this primate humanoid creature, black in colour with a grey under belly and black face with grey whiskers (a monkey, and a big one). My adrenalin diminished and was replaced by anger because he had scared the birds away, I glared up at him, and he glared back in a challenge, then he curled up his lips and showed me his long teeth in a massive grin, I replied by showing him mine. With a final glare, (and I like to believe he recognised me being a distant relation of his), he flicked his tail, missing my nose by a few inches and jumped onto another tree and went away laughing (I swear). Then I realized that there was a foul smell coming from my left shoulder, turning to look I could see the result of a bloody monkey with the runs and now I also smelled to high heaven. I searched for a water sauce to wash off the revolting excrement. I found a small stream and scrambled down the bank less than a cubit high. On taking off my shirt I almost cried when I had to throw the half eaten choc bar away. The stupid monkey’s slimy turd had covered it. Luckily I had this tiny piece of soap, I think I purloined it from one of the hotels where I had gone for a doctors meeting. I washed the t-shirt and hung it up on a branch to dry and as I turned, a snake dived through my legs into the stream, I was so startled that I fell backwards onto my rear end on the wet bank. I looked down and noticed a stone right between my legs, a centimetre more and it would have damaged my “goodies”. Then I heard this loud tearing sound and my rear was getting wet “Oh No”, my canvas shorts had split from between the legs to my rear, right up to the belt loop behind. I stood up and checked by bending over and peeping between my legs, thank God all parts were there. Now how do I go back to the car in this condition, and then I remembered that today was, Independent day for Malaysia and there will be hoards of people at the main area. Sweat was starting to pop out on my brow in my panic, (I am dead). Then I had this brilliant idea, the Aussy hat came to my rescue. I opened the chin strap put both my legs through the strap and adjusted the hat on my rear end then pulled the chin strap tight, the strap itself hanging down in front, I pressed the button to lock it. The hat had successfully covered my rear end. I picked up my things and went to the car park. On the way a family group past me and some of them asked, “Hi Doc, been Birding”, then one of the small brats asked me, “Doctor why are you wearing the hat behind, the hot sun is falling on your baldy head.” I growled and said, “this is the new fashion for birding, the hat chases the birds away, so I’m hiding the hat”, As some of them moved passed me there was a lot of sniffing (I don't know why). Then I found out when I had got into my car, I had to open all the windows because the poo smell was hell. I drove to the restaurant and there were two tables occupied, one of them by the District Officer and his family. “Hi doc” but refused to shake my hand (the smell was following me), then I called the waiter, who turned out to be a clown, he stood 10feet away from me and was bending 90degrees backwards when taking my order. I went to answer natures call and a wash. Returning to my table I passed the D.O's table again and his small son shouted, “Doctor is wearing RED UNDER WEAR” the hat had slipped up from my rear end, now I know why I was feeling a tightness inside, I had put on my12years olds red jockey underwear, in the dark when getting dressed this morning. I picked up my equipment and bolted for the car. Then called mom and collapsed with laughter with the phone left on, my mother must be thinking that I have gone totally loony this time.
The bird with curved beak and yellowish white around the eyes was uploaded for bird Identification. in bird forum.
7th September 2005
Birders, Birds Wild Animals, plus Monkey
Well people by now you must have read my 1st birding trip to K.Selangor which was 2 months ago and now I am forced to go back because I started “TWITCHING”, “Oh no”, I hear you say, but honestly, no disrespect to all the true bird twitchers please. In medical terms, twitching is one of the withdrawal symptoms of Drug Addiction. You have twitching of hands, muscles, feet and even facial muscles leading to unbearable pain, for example seen in Heroin addiction, cannabis, etcetera. In my case I was barred by court from going to my patches because of the BIRDS. I had received a stay order form from the court because the birds claimed that I invaded their privacy, and the last straw that broke the camel's back was when I took the picture of the White-throated kingfisher and the Pink-necked pigeon in a compromising pose (see my gallery, (“Oh no the Singh paparazzi has found us”)' and the STOOL PIGEON WAS THE SQUIRREL. who had dobbed me in. The judge said if I violated this court order he will throw me in the country ZOO FOR TWO YEARS. I cant even touch a camera in Klang now because, “the BIRDS AND BEES ARE WATCHING ME”. So I have decided to go to K.S. again and this time I will take my clinic guard with me to carry my brewery, Tetley's Ale. I arose at 6.00a.m.and dressed, making sure I was wearing my own clothes this time, then I WOKE UP MY MOTHER LIKE A DUTYFULL SON (oh I love waking people up like this -don’t forget they have been doing that to me for the last 25yrs) I told her that I was going and she replied, “DONT COME BACK”. I ran down the stares and hopped into my car and started the engine and left it on for TEN MINUTES. Oh, did I tell you, my cars silencer had fallen off a couple of days ago. I’m SURE MY MOTHER AND MY NEIGHBOURS ARE STUFFING BLANKETS IN THERE EARS. Oh How I love making a loud noise at 6.21am in the morning. As I left I could hear my mother and neighbours cursing me, and do you know, IT WAS SOOO SOOTHING. So there I was, on my way with my walking brewery, my scope plus camera, my Tilley hat and my old poncho. Remember the choc-bar which I had to throw because of the monkey, well this time I will be able to cover myself down to my knees with my poncho. Oh, before I forget, the T.D.1 is quite heavy, (2.5kg) so I saw an old Chinese cobbler I knew and both of us worked on a belt and harness to carry it. We rigged two shoulder straps of leather attached to the belt in front and back (well padded) and a smaller straps of leather to button the T.D.1 on to the belt in the front pointing down and when I throw my poncho over, it wont get wet and its easier to walk with. We reached K.S.at 7.45.a.m. When out of the car I fixed my T.D.1 to my waist with the rig, and right on the dot at 8.00am I walked into the reception area, inside there were three men and a female manning the counter, they turned and saw me, the female screamed and fainted and the three males ran towards me with their fists raised and eyes on my waist. “oh no”, I had blundered again, in my haste to fix my scope and camera I had fixed it standing OUT and with my poncho covering it -it gave a tenting effect out wards. Quickly I flipped the poncho to my left shoulder, exposing the scope and camera. (like Clint East wood in the good, the bad and ugly)They saw the scope and stopped and had sheepish grins on their faces, now remember, attack is the best form of defence in this type of situation.(MOE TZE TONG) I started shouting at them. You young people have a dirty mind just because I am old you think I’M A DIRTY OLD MAN. The side room door banged open and a small bold man with a Charley Chaplin upper lip moustache ran in. “Wo.ho, Doctor Manjeet how are you” (he knew me, I think) “what happened” and I told him but didn’t say that the scope was covered. He scolded them and they said sorry, then I took out RM4 to pay for both of us but the senior said no, its on the house. (Ye-ha now that's the way to get a free admission) Went outside and the first thing I did was to readjust my scope downwards and then collapsed with laughter. We started walking, 8.00am to 9.10am, no birds seen or heard, the weather was gloomy and over cast. We walked and walked until we saw a small path with a sign. “To hide and observation tower”. My walking brewery and I entered the hide but found it dirty, full of leaves and with those big red ants that give a nasty bite. On deciding to go to the top floor we started huffing and puffing up the stairs of the four story tower. When reaching the top we collapsed and I just had to open the first Tetley's ale can, I passed it to my guard and his face light up like a candle. I took a big swig and all depression flowed from me. In a moment I had my camera on the tripod and sat there waiting. Suddenly I saw a group of little birds jumping in a tree close by. I started snapping pictures and suddenly they were gone as quickly as they had appeared. I put replay on my camera and saw 3 lovely pictures of the Oriental White eye, a first for me. I drained the ale can in celebration. Knowing that there was nobody around I let go a HUGE BURP ( I am sure all of you have done that when you felt you were alone). I swear then that I heard a answering Burp, and looked around wildly but saw no one. The weather was still dull but bird watching was quite fruitful from the tower. I saw a Grey Heron, Olive-winged Bulbul, Malkoha, (will i.d. it later from birdforum), Little Heron, Egret. We then decided to go back down and walk again, and while strolling along we had another drink. (My walking brewery was as happy as a mudlark, the load was getting less and the alcohol increasing in the blood.) I then saw a Common Koel, and a Starlings or two, Then I got my 1st Thick-bill Green Pigeon and snapped away like glory, (my reflexes were becoming super fast (I wonder if ale causes that). The weather was less rainy (is there a word! never mind it sounds nice) but still over cast. I looked at my watch, the time was almost 1.05pm. We decided to go for lunch in the small town outside the Park. Taking the trail called Danae, (I think!) this was where last time I photographed my red-turbaned Woodpecker. When reaching the place, saw nothing and sat on one of the benches there, as usual the mozzies were everywhere but I was well protected this time. I took out another can of ale and had to refuse one to my side kick because I had visions of having to carry him home. Just as I took a sip I heard a burp to my left. I quickly put the can down on the bench and stepped away to take pictures of a bloody monkey who was sitting there burping and grinning at me. Then I heard a rustling sound from behind where I had left the can, I turned and saw this big chap scooting off with my can of ale. I gave chase but the monkey almost laughingly flicked his tail inches from my nose and went up the tree. I then gathered my camera and took a few shots of my nemesis, the crapping one. He tried to smile when I took the shots but his RED RIMMED EYES gave me the impression he had a hangover. Then he took a sip of my ale and unashamedly gave a HUGE BURP. I think that’s one of the reason why Monkies differ from Humans, we’re not so rude. I picked up my equipment and galloped off to the office area with my sword bouncing against my hip. It was then I noticed about twenty feet in front of the office, a huge tree and the Woodpecker with red-turbaned head was running up the trunk. I looked around for a good place to get a picture and saw a small building, a ladies loo, it was close to the tree and had leafy cover. I ran like mad and just near the toilet door I saw that I had the perfect sight of the birds, fifteen feet away. I adjusted my scope and on manual started to click a couple of hundred times as the red turbaned bird ran up the tree. Wow-wee, was I having fun. Then it suddenly dawned on me that some one was kicking in my shin, I looked around, nobody, then I looked down and there was this little old Indian lady, about four feet 6 inches with white hair, aged about seventy six years old. She was hammering away at my shin and shouting loudly in the Tamil language, (her mother tongue). I actually speak Tamil but my mind was on the turbaned one. The old girl then started yelling in English, “OOh you big Doctor ahan-I CHANGED your DIAPERS when you were one day old, and when you were 7yrs old you used to steal my jambus from the tree, remember, and then do you remember Manjeet when I caught you kissing the Chinese head masters daughter through the fence”. I quickly scooped her up and hugged her, more to keep her quite, because I was worried what other secrets she will expose, seeing as by now there where about 25 people around us (her extended family I presumed, fifteen of them and then the ladies from the loo who came out to see what the racket was all about. Everyone with a dirty look on their faces).Then It came to me, (always shout when you are in trouble, people may believe you are innocent). “Oh Aunty MALER you where my other neighbour, (a Tamil school teacher) how are you.” I quickly took her to one side and hugged her again. She was crying and I was crying, (I because I was not sure if I’d got my picture of the Woodpecker) she started remembering my Dad and My brother, (middle) I asked her to lunch but she and her family refused because they had to leave, thank God, I don’t know what else she will tell them about me. By the way, the Chinese headmaster left the next day for the northern states, his daughter and I swapped telephone numbers. That’s another story. I bolted for the car and went to have lunch with my side kick. I had planned to go back to the Park after lunch but it started raining cats and dogs, (sorry to cats and dogs lovers, but I was taught this expression by my English school teacher from Kent.U.k). We decided to call it a day and headed for home. I’m hoping by now all of you are laughing your heads off at my adventures, and I shall right now attach the monkey and the stool pigeon Squirrel pictures, and if I see the monkey gets more comments then my face in the members gallery then I wont talk to you all again. The moral of this story is “LAUGH WHILE BIRDING”.Oh, according to James Eaton, I hope I got the name right, if not forgive me, the monkey is a Silver Languor from India, “what else”.
14th November 2005
17th November 2005
How to stay cold in the tropics while birding-can any one help
I have been reading threads about how to keep warm while birding but, “sob”, can any of you advise me how I can keep cold while birding. “Any one please”.
I wanted to go birding in my BIRTHDAY SUIT but my wife threatened to leave me.
I went birding in minimal cloths and THE POLICE ARRESTED me,
I wanted to go birding without my HAIR and TURBAN but the RELIGEOUS PRIEST stood out side my house WITH A NAKED SWORD.
So please is there anyone out there can help me, “TO STAY COOL WHILE BIRDING”.
29th Nov 2005
I went to my patch near my practice yesterday around about 5.10pm, I had earlier seen a kingfisher but was unable to get a picture of it, or to see if it was a Rufus-eared or Common Kingfisher. I parked my vehicle under a stunted tree with another tree about 15 feet away. My observation site overlooks an irrigation canal and usually the kingfisher would come there to fish. Suddenly the kingfisher was there even before I could take a picture or see through the scope. Then dash it all, the 6 to 8 Starlings I had seen earlier flew down to the tree in front of me and started a racket and the Kingfisher flew away. I shook my fist at the birds and believe me they kept on squawking and giving me dirty looks. As I left I took a shot at one of the more aggressive birds. And at a spare moment in the practice I decided to have a look at the picture, and yes the effect of the green with the bird was very pleasing to me and I hope it's the same with all of you.
Philippine Glossy Starling. (Aplonis panayensi)

7th Dec 2005
Was sitting near a small dirty river near my place, waiting for the elusive kingfisher. It has been raining for the past week and the small river had risen to about ten feet and now the banks were almost covered down to the fast flowing dirty water. I heard a splash from the other side of the river, about twenty feet away, and then I saw a huge Monitor Lizard heaving itself from the water on my side and started hissing and inflating it's throat at me. I quickly stood up to run away but not before I had taken a few pictures. I looked at the lizard and it's eyes told me, “Doc, you’re next on the menu”. I backed away and left that patch in one heck of a hurry. I think the Lizards size was about 7 feet long and the tail was still about another three feet in the river, and guys, I wont be going back there for some time.
Monitor Lizard.

24th December 2005
Hilarious 2 hrs birding on Xmas Eve.
Today is Xmas Eve (24.December 2005) and I went back to my patch to seek out the Purple-backed Starlings after I had made a blunder in the identification of them yesterday, I thought they were the Common Iora but James Eaton very gently told me that they were the Purple-backed Starlings. I decided to go during my lunch break from 12.45pm to 2.30pm. I reached my patch and right away saw a huge flock of the Purple-backed Starlings. I had great fun clicking away for about 20 minuets. I think after I reviewed my pictures on the L.C.D they appeared to be O.K. I then decided to go deeper into this patch. This area has a resident King Cobra and of coarse the Mother of All Monitor Lizards, posted on the seventh in my gallery. I had bought myself a Hickory staff, 10 feet long by 2inchs thick and had burnt one end and sharpened it. I had also cut it into two halves, five feet each, and made a metal cup to fit one piece into the other, it’s easier to carry in halves. The king and the monitor are in that patch and I thought a sword would be too short to fight them with.(hee-hee ). Ten feet between me and them I think is a safe distance, and also by jabbing the pole into the inclined banks of the pond fifteen to twenty feet from the water would assist me not to slip and fall due to the wet and muddy conditions. I decided to sit near the bank under a stunted tree, about 4 feet from the path. After spreading my water proof canvas sheet to sit on under the cover of branches and leaves. I set up the T.D.1 and reclined on the sheet completely hidden and waiting for the birds on either bank of the pond to appear. It was about twenty minuets without anything showing up when I heard two murmuring voices coming on the foot path and they stopped behind me about 4 feet away. Then suddenly, “TWO ENORMOUS BARE BEHINDS CAME INTO VIEW” to my left and started to squat and were about to perform their bodily functions. I have seen many ugly behinds in my twenty five years as a doctor, but these behinds took the prize for grotesqueness. Multiple ugly warts hanging down and a mile of fungal infection covering the colossal backsides. “Oh no” the nearest one moved closer to me and it looked like he was going to crap just a foot from my shoulder. I quickly jabbed him in the left behind with the point of my pole, but still it kept coming, I then jabbed him hard on the right behind, this caused him to bellow with pain and I heard him crying, “oh mother I have been bitten”, and the obscene apparition disappeared and the running footsteps receded quickly into the distance. All this had spoiled my birding and I was wondering what next was going to happen here in this unlucky place. I decided to go back to the practice and packed all my equipment and drove back. When I reached my practice my staff called and says that there is a snake bite victim waiting. I told her to take the patient to the recovery room and set up a drip and to ask the patient what type of snake had bitten him. My staff came running back and said, “Doctor I think it is a huge King Cobra because she had seen the “Fang Marks” on both cheeks of the backside and the gap between each bite mark was very wide. A bell started ringing in my head and I went quickly to the recovery room to see the patient lying prone with his pants off, and lo, there was the most ugliest behind I had ever seen in my medical life, the same one I had seen half an hour before. I told my nurse we don’t need a drip, please remove the drip and gave him a A.A.T. jab and clean up the twin holes which were Leaking like Dracula's mouth after he has fed. The jab to prevent Tetanus because who knows where I have prodded the hickory staff. Then I told them that it was not a snake bite but me with my hickory staff. I told him, next time check where you are crouching or go home and do it. Then I asked them what were they doing out there and they said catching birds. To say that was like insulting my wife, I shouted at them and told them that they were illegal immigrants and I will call the police. They started to pay, (I was tempted to take their money but said, no) but, NEVER, EVER LET ME CATCH YOU CATCHING BIRDS. They bolted from the practice and my staff and I collapsed with laughter. Merry Xmas To All.
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12th Jan 2006
The weather is still overcast and will probably remain like this till end of January. I decided to go to one of my patches about 6 km from my practice, a Palm oil plantation. Once out of my car I adjusted my sword and slung my T.D.1 with the tripod onto my shoulder and walked into the trees, and lo and behold there were about 11 monkeys on the palm trees and the Alfa male was having a Sex romp, he growled at me, and for a moment I got the feeling that he was considering me to be some kind of competitor. So I quickly took some pictures and got out of there before he attacked me. I headed deeper into the plantation but the bloody monkeys kept following me and their growling and howling drove all the birds away. After an hour and a half I decided it was useless and decided to go back. On the edge of the plantation I turned and brandished my sword at the Alfa male who had led the pack and was now sitting on the last palm tree. “You will not believe it” but he stood up on his hind legs and brandished his middle sword at me and then collapsed howling in merriment. Startled at the undignified sight, I bolted out of there. Trust me to pick on a monkey weirdo.
Monkey: Primate

23rd Jan 2006
The bird was quite large with a chestnut crown, broad white eye ring, rufous chested and chestnut undertail coverts. I saw this bird on Frazer's Hill and like a mad-man went galloping after it. After an hour of groaning, huffing and puffing the birds, about six of them kept “LAUGHING” at me (I think that’s why they are called Laughing Thrushes) as they stayed hidden in the shrub making it difficult to take a picture.) Just as I was about to give up, this five year old Indian girl came to me and speaking in the Tamil language, asked me, “uncle do you want to take a photo of this bird” “YES” I said. She took me to her house just twenty feet away, it was an old wooden house and there was a old plywood bird table nailed on a stump. She asked me to wait about twenty feet away at the corner of her house. She went inside and brought out some cooked rice and placed it on the table. Within moments the birds started arriving and I got my pictures and had the last laugh on the Laughing Thrushes.
Chestnut-capped Laughing thrush.: Garrulax mitratus.

18th Feb 2006
Today being Saturday I decided to go and see some Baya weavers. I’m on my own because the wife and kids had gone to school for their sports day. I first went to mom's room, I usually see her before I leave for my practice. She asked me “why so early” I said “I am going to see some birds”. She then told me that she also wanted to come with me. My mother is 81yrs old, and has had a right-sided paralysis, a stroke, and hasn’t left the house since January this year. I was amazed but so pleased and handed a stool to the maid and asked her to follow me with it. With great difficulty I carried mom out to the car. After loading the stool and mom into my vehicle off we went. I was so happy and sang, “a birding we will go, a birding we will go, E-I Adio a birding we will go).When reaching my patch I got her down from the car and she walked with her Zimmer frame to where I had placed the stool. Once she had settled down and was comfortable she went and hung her walking stick onto the back of my collar, “ah, true to form, she always does that”. After a few minuets waiting there the Baya Weavers arrived and I enjoyed taking plenty of pictures. I also managed to show mom how a bird looks through a telescope. Just as we were about to leave for home, mom said, “ Manjeet, are you sure the scope cant see through one's cloths”.
I hope all of you don’t mind me writing about this incident here. It was just one of the best days for me and I just had to share it with you.
: Baya Weaver.(Breeding Male): (Ploceus philippinus).

27 Feb 2006
I went to my Tmn Klang –jaya patch on Saturday twenty fourth of this month. I was wanting to find the Oriental Reed warbler. It was early when I arrived and the weather was dull with no sign of sunlight. I at last saw the Warbler but it dived into the reeds and photography was impossible. It was after an hour when I was just about to give up and head back to work when I heard this loud chirping to my left and about fifteen feet away was the bird, sitting there, singing away.
Baya Weaver. ( Ploceus philippinus).
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Dr.Manjeet Singh

Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Klang, Malaysia
Posts: 10,250
My location
Hi Soul friend..
__01 Oct 2007______________________________________
Thank you very much, I read the file my friend, you have taken a colossal load on your shoulders, ‘Ha’, you are certainly my ghost writer, only a small correction, my Name is, “Dr Manjeet Singh” ( not Sing Ha-ha. Mind you I do enjoy singing). I have 3-children; the eldest on the 13th Aug 2005 was a15yrs old. Female, the second is a boy 12 years old at that date, and the last is another girl who was 8 years old on the 13th Aug 2005, No twins “Ha-ha. Tanny, this project is going to take much of your time. I just hope it gives you as much satisfaction as it is giving me. Initially I was a little hesitant in writing because I was not proficient in the use of a computer. I first learned how to use a computer in February 2005, Self taught, the only lessons was with my daughter. I joined the Bird Forum on the 7th April 2005 and was a bit embarrassed at making mistakes, and wondered how Admin would take to my kind of humor. I have now discovered that the Bird Forum is a safety valve for releasing tensions due to my job which I love very much. Keep them coming my friend, and I hope people will enjoy reading my stories. You have taken so much trouble, thanks again. If only one person laughs after reading all the stories, then I feel I have made one person forget his worries Then I am satisfied. Regards, Manjeet.
No worries, she’s, right mate, I’m enjoying going through your stories and fair dincum, some of them are absolutely hilarious and have me laughing all the time, and a good laugh is a great way of healing, so you can take pride in knowing that you are not only healing the patients in your practice but are also healing many others throughout the world. I was a little bit disappointed at the lack of response to the thread but its early days yet and I still have another 180 stories to post, so your patch will be on the front page for a very long time yet. I bet you never realised you wrote so many stories.
I still can’t believe how I managed to get your name wrong, So sorry for that. I’ve tried to get in and alter it but am unable to do so, so it looks like you will have to be a “Sing-er” forever in this thread.
2nd Mch 2006
It was while I was waiting for the elusive Kingfisher today that I saw the Little Heron. I was in my patch hidden under a stunted scrub beside the dirty Aru river, (all the muck for miles around flows along it to the sea, it’s filthy and stinks, but wow, what a haven for birds. The Little Heron landed 20feet away on the opposite side of the bank. I was excited because I had never been this close to this bird before. Little Heron, small, heavily plumaged, dark-grey or green, grey with nearly black crown, pale face marking, streaks on breast and narrow buff edges to wing feathers. Size about 45cm.
Little Heron. ( Butorides striatus)

21st March 2006
Just A Silly Thread: Have You Ever Scared Some One Witless When Birding

I’m sure most of you birders have done this, scared people witless when out birding. So please share with us your experiences.
(I know you have already started grinning in anticipation at what is coming.)
Yesterday I saw a Juvenile Goshawk on the tree just out side my gate. The tree is about 60 feet high and shades my house and also my neighbour's house. Some of the big branches are quite thick and lean over from the outside to the second floor window ledge. Late last night after finishing my work I went home and did the usual things and went to sleep. I suddenly woke up because I heard the hooting of an Owl out side my house coming from the big tree. The time was 2am. I got up and as it was a warm night I was only wearing my skimpy shorts, and singlet, (or Singh-let)
(The Brits used to call a collar-less, sleeve-less and neck-less shirt, a Singlet.) so I call it a Singh-let. (Ha-ha)
As I was about to leave I gave my wife a dirty look (she was awake) and asked her, “are you pregnant by any chance”? She glared at me and said, “NO”. I don’t know why I wrote this here, probably something to do with my post in Donald Talbot’s thread called Superstitions and Myths.
I tippy-toed down the stairs quietly so that I wont wake the children, and opened the front door and went outside. I was bare footed and was carrying my huge torch which was given to me by a Naval Doctor.
When opening the gate I heard the “hooting” again and decided to climb into the tree to see the owl. At about thirty foot up I rested on a big branch, the end of this branch was almost touching my neighbours upstairs’ window. I started to shine the torch up and down the tree looking for the Owl. Then I noticed my neighbour walking up and down in his room. He made his millions with his poultry farm, and I suspect he was worried about his farm and the recent bird flu scare. The only thing that I know about my neighbour, is that he’s always boasting that he’s not afraid in the night.
(Well now how could I resist such an opportunity, “Naaa,” “I wouldn’t,” “would I”?) Then with a big evil grin on my face I started jumping up and down on the branch, and the branch started hitting his window ledge. (I’m very hairy, just like a bear or big foot). Suddenly, my neighbour ran to the window and slammed it shut and then dashed all around his house slamming shut all the windows and doors. I saw him peering between the curtains up at me and he looking very pale. He was alone in his house because his wife had gone to her mother's with the children and had asked me to keep an eye on him, medically that is. I collapsed on the wide branch with laughter then started looking for the Owl again. After some time, feeling warm and drowsy I rested and must have dozed off. Suddenly I was woken up by sirens and bright light which was shinning on me from below. I shouted down to the people, "Put that --- Light off”. They heard me and switched out the light. When I got my sight back I saw a red fire brigade truck and a police patrol car parked by my gate. I then scrambled down from the tree and walked towards the police chap who at once said "Tuan (Sir) Doctor (Thankfully he recognized Me) and started laughing, and the fire brigade people also started laughing, and when they stopped I asked them why they were here? “ Oh doctor, your neighbour phoned us and told us that there was a huge animal trying to get into his house through the window and he was scared.” So all of us, the police and I went next door and the police man shouted for him to come out. When he came out the first thing he asked the police man, “did you catch the wild animal? he was visible trembling. The policeman moved to one side and my neighbour saw me with a huge grin on my face. I said, “I thought you said you’re not afraid at night”. All of us collapsed laughing and after saying good morning I went to my house and as I opened my gate there was a huge clapping sound, All the people in the neighbourhood had come out onto their balconies to see what all the noise was about, and were clapping and laughing. Then I heard my daughter's voice, shouting loud and clear, “YES, THAT IS MY PAPA, WAKING UP PEOPLE IN THE MORNING AT 3 AM WITH SIRENS, JUST TO SEND THEM BACK TO SLEEP LAUGHING.
25th Mch 2006
I thought I had better go back to the mangrove patch to get a better picture of the Pied Fantail. On reaching the place I set up the camera's etc. and waited. All kinds of strange sounds can be heard in a mangrove swamp, Slurpy sounds, plopping sounds mixed with rustling sounds of the leaves. Of coarse there is always the whining sounds of the numerous mozzies. A rustling splashy sound to my left made me turn and a large Monitor Lizard slithered into the brackish water. Turned back, and as if by magic sat this Kingfisher, sitting on the same branch on which the pied fantail had set. The gleam in his eye and the disgust on his face was quite clear believe me. I think he said “WATCH MY BEAK MATE IT"S SHARP” and then with a loud laugh it flew away. The gleam in his eye and the laughter was his joy of being Free.
White-throated Kingfisher (Halcyon smyrnensis-F.Alcidinidae.

7th April 2006
For the past 10days all birds are on strike in my patch and I was feeling quite low and angry and I have been taking it out on my patients (evil me-ah).
Then I get a call, from a well known birder from U.K, he is here and would like to go to Kuala Selongor on the 8th of April, said he was flying down from Cambodia (I think) Well I did ask him, “are you certain that you want to go birding with a “toddler” and you may not be certain if we come back in one piece or land up in jail”. He laughed and said “come on Dr.Manjeet, dont joke”.
Today is the day I joined Bird forum, my membership anniversary. I decided to go (“horning”) honing my skill at bird watching so that I don’t look like a idiot.
Went to my Panda Aran -jay patch. No birds seen at first, then I noticed this beauty across the river, about 50 to 60 feet away. I haven't seen this bird before-but no problem -guide book and Birdforum is there.
Monotypic-Adult-Distinctive, slender and long tailed, glossy blackish upperparts and crest, white hind-collar, largely Rufus-chestnut wings, whitish under parts with a buffy-rufous throat, blackish vent and white-tipped outer tail feathers(not seen in pictures).Size-38-41.5cm
: Chestnut-Winged Cuckoo. Scientific Name: Clamator coromandus.

17th April 2006
Decided to go birding on Sunday alone, with no walking brewery tagging along. I was heading to the area called Telor Gong, about 10miles from my house. I wanted to find the sea and mangroves and breath the fresh sea air. When I came to a cross road I had no idea which way I had to go so closing my eyes I left it to instinct and drove down one of them. After about five miles I came to a dead end at an old jetty where fishermen used to tie there boats, but now the jetty looked like it has not been visited for years. A shaky derelict jetty, and I like a fool parked my car and decided to stroll down it and see if it was a good place to see birds. I set up my camera etc, and sat on one of the half broken planks. Then it dawned on me, there was no room for me to turn the car when I want to leave. Oh no I would have to reverse my car the whole five miles back up to the cross road. (I am a real idiot aren’t I) While pondering what to do I saw a movement on one of the rotten bamboo posts, on checking it out I became very excited because there it was, my first sighting (but was not sure) of the Sunda or Grey-capped woodpecker. Lou Solomon (I hope I got the name right)-identified for me. Thanks Lou.
Similar to Grey-capped pygmy woodpecker but smaller, with distinctly brownish crown. base colour above generally brown; streaking below generally broader and more diffuse. Short red-streaks(not seen in this picture) on the side of rear crown Size-12.5 to13cm.
Well guys and girls, I had to reverse the five miles back, and when I reached the junction, my neck had spasms. (painfull man).
Sunda Pygmy Woodpecker (Dendrocopos moluccenis).

21st April 2006
Found a new patch today, roughly 7 kilometres from my practice. A pond about 220ft by 150ft. I had settled myself down in the reeds at the edge of the pond without taking much notice of where I was sitting. Then I saw this beautiful bird about fifty feet away, bright bluish-purple, green on wings, greyer on the head. Big red bill and legs, white beneath tail. size about-42cm. After taking the pictures I released that a horde of ants were all over me. I was out of there like a shot and doing the rain dance, swatting and shaking the little monsters off. Most of them fell off but I still discovered a couple hanging onto my cloths when I got home. “ouch”, the bites, I’m sure some of you have had the same experience some time or other. This was my first, both with the bird and the ants.
Purple Swamphen ( Porphyrio porphyrio)
Tanny,you have put a great deal of effort into this thread,very good,so are you going to turn this into a small book,as you did with the Turtles ?.
25th April 2006
Decided to go for a quick one, birding I mean, “ha-ah”. I have found this new pond that I mentioned before, surrounded by weeds and with water lilies and reeds growing all around it. Its about 10 minuets drive from my practice. I reached the pond at 1.05pm.and wriggled my way through the weeds and reached the pond edge. As I crawled through I had disturbed a small monitor lizard who dashed away from me. Moments after getting myself set up a this good looking chap pops up about forty feet away and who would miss a chance like this.
I hope you like it. I was back in my practice by1.35pm.for some minor surgery. A quick visit but a successful one. I felt very relaxed after the birding.(I just love it).There was quite a strong wind blowing at the time.
Yellow Bittern Ixobrychus sinensis.

25th April 2006
I was surprised by the amount of birds seen in this pond. I saw a Purple Heron, Moorhen, Purple Swamphens, Great Oriental Warbler, Kingfisher(white-collared), White-breasted Hen, and a pair of Lesser Whistling Ducks, I got a picture but they were hiding in the weeds and reeds so the results are not clear. Well there is always a next time, or is there, just 300yrds away is a large construction in progress.
Purple Swamphen ( Porphyrio porphyrio)

28th April 2006
Decided to go to my gloomy mangrove patch at 5.00pm. I had only one and half hour to see some birds. As I walked into the patch and settled down, hoping some birds will come. I had heard an ?(Artic Warbler?) earlier there with his zheet zheet sound. I waited for about an hour and suddenly a Brown Shrike came and perched itself on a half-burnt tree about thirty feet away and started laughing at me, “chack-chack-chack” I was feeling angry and swung my T.D.1 like a seasoned gunslinger and nailed him with a shot.(I had to laugh Ha.). My time was up and I had to go, believe me the shrike followed me all the way to the car, with it's “chack-chack-chack”, almost sounding like my elder brother scolding me. (drkns-if you are reading this -when are you going to up-load some pictures. Were waiting-Broc, he is your best friend-tell him if you read this.) Today I viewed the picture, well it is better then nothing.(GRIN).
Brown Shrike. (Lanius cristatus)

2nd May 2006
On Saturday I got a call from an old lady at 3pm. Doctor my grand son wants to see you, they are a fisherman family. I told her I will pop in at 5p.m. (she has been a patient, bed ridden due to old age, so I thought that was the reason. When I reached there the grandson about-9yrs old came running out and told me that he has seen the ((((-(BOTAK(bold)?) bird-patient forgotten.?)))))
I squatted down after collecting my Craig Robson guide book from the car and asked, “is it a huge bird” he said, ”yes” then I showed him the pictures of (stocks) Storks, and he pointed to the Lesser Adjutant.
Next morning, being Labour day, I went to the small jetty, in Pandamaran-jaya. The boys father was waiting with the young fellow. I looked at their boat-and said, “no way am I going in this boat”, (5feet long and 2feet wide) Laugh if you want too, I need space-ah). I looked around and saw a 40 footer moored nearby. I went and checked it out, and asked whose boat is this, a chap came out and said “Tuan it is mine”. “well it’s mine now” I said. He laughed and took us aboard. We sailed out to the sea and started trawling up and down the Telok Gong area (from the sea). 9a.m to 12 noon, Nothing of interest seen and I had followed my soul friend's advise, no drinking while birding. (Donald Talbot). Finally I couldn’t stand it any more and took out my Ale can and had a long cooling drink. (there was an ice box in this boat and I had put the ale there for later when I was going back). Then, “what do you know”, there they were (it’s the ale I think, well that’s my excuse, Ha-ha) just about 60feet away, five huge birds had just flown down onto the mud flat. Now guys and girls it is not easy for me to take picks on a boat, the sea was moderately rough. I started shooting, but they are very shy birds and kept moving away. So I asked the owner if he could anchor the boat and for all of them to hide down below. I waited nearly two hours in the blistering heat. The sun was killing hot and I was killing the ale cans, (Hee-hee, Giggle-giggle). I eventually saw them again, about 40 feet away and took about fifty pictures, and hoped I had managed to get a good one.
Large stock with massive build-orange neck and dark under wings. Size-114cm.
These were my first , and you know what, I swear that I thought that I looked like them in morning with out my make up. “Oh by the way” I took the man and his son for a good lunch in gratitude.
Lesser Adjutant (Leptoptilos javanicus).
3rd May 2006
After getting my Lesser Adjutant, I watched for birds but the weather was getting rough and the sea more so. I decided I had enough and asked to be taken back. When reaching the jetty, stepped of the boat with my kit slung over my shoulder and started to sway from side to side. Well was it the sea or the ale ?. Final test was when I walked off the jetty and spotted a small tree with a Magpie Robin sitting on a lower branch with the last sunlight seeping through on it's back. I quickly set up my camera and took a shot. When viewed in the L.C.D I decided it was not the ale but the sea, the swaying I mean, the picture was steady as a rock. Hope I passed the test. Big grin.
Magpie Robin Copsychus saularis
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Thanks for the comment Christine. I had thought about putting cartoons with the stories but honestly after editing them I just don't have much time left, as for turning it all into a book, well that's up to the doc himself because he has the copyrights to the stories.
Thank you, the person in Admin who altered "Sing" to "Singh". I felt such an idiot at getting our Manjeets name wrong.
I notice there are up to nine hundred people who have viewed this thread so far, I hope all of you are enjoying it. Tanny.
8th May 2006
I took this picture on the twenty first of April, but was not happy enough with it to load in bird forum, I actually refused to look for it in my folder, but today while going through my folders I saw this bird, Well Manjeet, you’d better upload this picture and tell the story of when it was taken, because it’s the closest you ever got to this bird. I know you are going to laugh. Well here goes, I had told you that I had recently discovered a new patch surrounded with reeds with a pond and these birds are big but to get near them is almost impossible, they have this long neck and excellent eyesight, but my thinking is that I am smarter than a bird brain. I went to this patch at 5pm it was getting dark with an overcast sky. I cut some weeds and tied them around the outside band of my Tilley’s Hat. I used quite a few of them and waited. At 6.20pm the four birds arrived. I had wriggled to the edge of the pond and started taking pictures but just after a couple of shots one of them saw me and with one harsh croak they bolted, but I knew I had the pictures I wanted. The time was already 6.30pm. When on the way to the practice I thought something was wrong with my driving seat because the roof of the car kept bumping my head. When reaching the practice and entered I was met by about 35 patients (adults and kids in the waiting room). I said “good evening” and there was a pin drop silence until a small child asked me, “where you playing cowboys and red Indians Dr Singh”, then everyone collapsed with laughter and it was then I realised that the REEDS WHERE STILL DECORATING my TILLY HAT. I bolted into my room.
Purple Heron (Ardea purpurea).

8th May 2006
Today I decided to go to my original patch, the place where I started taking pictures in July last year. It’s been a long time since I was here and those Bee Eaters were very difficult for me to take pictures of. last time, but this time I swear they greeted this old man like an old friend. How I loved their antics in the air. Hope you all like it.
Blue-throated Bee-eater. (Merops viridis.)

17th May 2006
Bright cinnamon, Rufus with whitish narrowly streaked head and breast; outer primaries blackish. Size 45cm.
Since 6 days ago I injured my left heel, which has swollen up, thus I couldn’t go birding, but yesterday the addiction took over and I padded my left boot and went to one of my patches at 1pm. As I entered the patch, two small Quails erupted from between my legs, blackish-grey almost no tail, only a short flight of about five feet then they disappeared running into the scrub. I looked for them but to no avail. I decided to come back at 5.pm. to this same place and this time I slowly eased myself into the area and waited for an hour and then decided to call it quits. As I turned I saw this raptor bird, about forty feet away. “Oh my”, my first such majestic bird. I think it knew I was there and gave me quite a few shots and even obliged me by turning and giving me the other profile. The evening sun and the shadows were playing tricks with the light and I found it rather difficult to get a good shot. Finely, believe me, it lifted it's wing as if to say good bye, and then it flew away.
Still thinking about the bird my mobile rang, my staff ringing to tell me that there were patients waiting. I should have been there ten minuets ago. I ran to my car and floored the accelerator after switching on the flashing lights that I uses in emergency There are 4 traffic lights between this place and my practice and when I reached the main road a petrol cop saw my lights and came alongside on my right. I rolled down the window, “ Hi Doctor-lambat kah, (are you late). I just nodded my head and the next minute his sirens were on and we were speeding to my practice. After reaching I thanked him and he laughed and said in Malay. “photographing birds Doctor caused you to be late.” I gave him a grin and then both off us laughed. As he pulled away he shouted –“You’re OUR KIND OF DOCTOR”. and sped off. Well my friends, twenty five years in this town brings some benefits now and again. I hope you'll like the picture, I tried my best but I know it could have been better.
Brahminy Kite (Haliastur indus)

22nd May 2006
On Saturday at 4.45pm I was getting ready to go birding and had just put my camera and etching into the car when a young boy came up to me and said, “Doctor can you come and see my father in the house, it’s quite near please” How could I refuse because the hospital had called me and asked me to make this persons life comfortable till the end, his illness was terminal. And sadly he was only 39yrs old so I followed the boy to his place and did my best to ease his fathers problem by sitting with him and cleaning him up. Then it was time for me to go back to my practice. I felt so angry with my self for not being able to cure the young man, angry with God for many reasons. (Believe me I was, I am human too) I took a short cut through a lane and at the edge of this lane I saw a bird sitting on a large rusty bin. I stopped the car and the bird was cooing to itself and continued doing so while I set up my camera. I felt that the bird was calling to me and when I looked through the scope I felt an overwhelming since of peace engulf me. It was when I looked into the Peaceful Doves eye the returning look told me, “Life goes on Manjeet, there is birth and there is death in all living creatures but life goes on with memories of the good times, and the memories can bring peace to the heart. I am naming this picture “my peaceful one” Hope you don’t mind what I wrote, because as I have said before, I am human too and my professional occupation can deal me a rotten hand at times. I am thankful to Bird forum because I am able to offload my feelings without my patients knowing how I feel. The Bird Forum bring's peace to my mind.
Zebra Dove (Peaceful Dove) (Geopelia striata)
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25th May 2006
There are some days when I just like to work, well Monday & Tuesday was like that, I just worked my butt off but on Wednesday I told my staff I was going to my local patch, I just wanted to walk among nature, not taking pictures but just walk. At 5 p.m. when I got into my vehicle I discovered that my efficient staff had loaded all my equipment into the car. I reached the patch and decided to just carry my camera, but was still in no mood for taking pictures. Reached the foot-path about half a mile with no birds seen, then I saw this small tree covered by grass half as tall as the tree. Suddenly a flock of glossy starling flew in. I watched them for a while and was feeling good as I walked passed the tree. In the corner of my eye I saw a lone Starling hiding among the leaves. I carefully sneaked back and took a picture, the bird heard the shutter click and turned towards me with a look of disgust and almost said “caught again”. I started laughing at my resolution not to take pictures of the birds today. The bird went flying off. As I was going back along the path chuckling to myself I saw three guys coming towards me. When they saw me their smiles became strained and they gave me a sickly look and said tuan (Sir) doctor. As they passed me I heard one guy tell the other two that this is the “Gila (Mad) Dr.” I burst out laughing and they bolted. Any old bird brain cant fool Singh Brain.
Glossy Philippine Starling (Aplonis - panayensis)

29th May 2006
This Purple Swamphen was taken from the hide that the Developer built for me and he also has fenced the pond. A little bit of blackmail and my toothy grin got the job done 3 weeks ago. I am sure you have heard this, “All’s fair in Love and War” and I include “Birding”. I found this pond on in April but every time I went birding the ants, and rain made it very difficult because I have to crawl to the edge of the pond through the reeds to see the birds. Well 3 weeks ago I decided to look for the developer and went to the housing estate and called a couple of Indonesian workers and asked them to call the boss. They looking at me, bearded and carrying a bazooka (T.D.1), well it does look like one. They ran and got him and I saw this roly-poly guy coming towards me with a angry look. Suddenly his face turned green and a smile was pasted to his face, I knew him. “Hello Doctor any problem”, he looked worried. ( He had come to see me a year ago after he had gone to a neighbouring country and had visited the red zone and contacted, V.D. I had treated him.) I told him, “till now no problem but do you think you could build me a hide at the edge of the pond and please if possible fence it”, he looked at me I had my wicked grin on my face because I also knew his wife. He told me no problem and I left. Next day when I drove back I saw the pond was fenced and a hide according to my sketch was there. He had also put up a notice board saying. “DOCTOR'S house” . I could hug him for it.(mean aint I.) This picture I took yesterday from the hide, the bird was about 40feet away. No ants, no rain on the head and I can snore to my hearts contents. Ah bliss.
Purple Swamphen Porphyrio porphyrio

5th June 2006
The 3rd of June was a public holiday in Malaysia because it was our King's birthday, and my day off so I decided to go back to Telok Gong, to the old jetty where I had seen the Sunda woodpecker. This time I left my car 5miles up the road. When reaching the old jetty I started walking on the Bund which separates the mangroves and sea from the villages and cultivated area. The time was 9.30am and the sun was blazing hot. I walked about 10km and rested. Then decided to go back. I did see quite a few birds but too far away to take pictures. Half way from my starting point I stopped and took some water, and as I tilted my water bottle, what did I see? Four sentries standing watching. The sun was to my left and shining full on the birds. I took the shot and hope it is o.k.. Well now I don’t need to use a boat to see them. Ah.
Lesser Adjutant Leptoptilos javenicus

5th June 2006
After getting the Lesser adjutant I wanted to see if the Sunda Woodpecker was still around. There are about 4 to 5 poles imbedded in the old jetty and the poles facing inwards to the jetty have no holes, but I suspected the woodpecker’s nest was in a hole facing outwards because I saw him come two or three times in two hours and disappear. To find out I had to wade into the mangroves, tramping through the oozing, stinking mud. The tide was out and I managed to reach a stunted tree to hide behind. It wasn’t long before the bird returned, and I watched it clinging to it’s nest hole then vanish inside, but not before I took a picture. I hope it is a good picture because it was the only one I could get, the smell of the stinking mud was just too much and drove me back to dry ground, about thirty feet away.
Sunda Woodpecker. Dendrocopos moluccensis
Tanny ,very good.Has Manjeet seen this thread and been in touch with you ?.

Yes..Ma'am.(Christine..:t:).lol...he is crazy..so much of work for this hairy Singh..keep them coming..you know i am also enjoying reading them again..each and every one brings back memories and laughter..A Thousand Thanks Tanny..B :)B :):-O:t:..Oh Tanny it was IanF who did the correction in my name..after i was on my knees for a few hours my Out-law obliged..lol..:'D..Thanks Marmot for hanging on to his ear until he said ..:D..'YES'.:t:
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Hi Christine, Manjeet and I are regularly in touch, he's a total nut case but a lovable one.
I really do enjoy re-writing these stories but as you see by the Doc''s letter above, it can be quite difficult deciphering some of the words and meaning. It will also be a long term project because the total of stories are now over 180.
Thanks IanF and Marmot for saving my embarrassment.
Warning! This thread is more than 16 years ago old.
It's likely that no further discussion is required, in which case we recommend starting a new thread. If however you feel your response is required you can still do so.

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