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Where premium quality meets exceptional value. ZEISS Conquest HDX.

Damaged diascope 85 worth buying? (1 Viewer)


New member
Would it be worth it to buy a drop-damaged Zeiss Diascope 85 with something loose inside + a 20-60x zoom lens for around 250usd$, or would i be better off buying something new in the same price range?
Hi Bob,

first of all, welcome to BF!

It's hard to give good advice here - it could be anything from a fantastic deal because the loose part is small and mechanical and can be fixed by a skilled craftsman (especially where the rates for skilled labor are not 120€ per hour).

It could also be a complete writeoff because the loose parts are the remnants of some optical elements.

Don't expect to send it to Zeiss to fix it unless you are prepared to pay at least double the price for shipping and the repair bill.
I would not hold my breath for them to fix it on warranty (if it still has some and it's transferable), especially if there is traces from the drop visible on the outside.

Can you get and/or post images (post only ones you made yourself, link those from ebay or other websites)?

Especially ones of the eyepiece and body on their own, showing the lenses and prism in the eyepiece receptacle in detail - ideally each side once with the other end pointing at a dark background and once with the other end pointing to an overcast sky or a well-lit white wall.

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If you're willing to pay the shipping to get your scope to Zeiss to be inspected, the answer is 'maybe'. I shipped them my Green 85mm Zeiss Diascope (circa 2007) to inspect an anomaly on the glass. They received my scope and called me back and shared it was still covered under warranty. Turns out the Zoom eye piece was faulty. They replaced it, no charge. The eye piece I received back was OK. Strong green/yellow hue to it, so I swapped it out for a 30x ultimately. Cost me ~$35 to ship to them.
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