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Dalian (Jinshitan) Birding Reports (1 Viewer)

Sea-farming Ponds and Jinshitan Reservoir March 25, 2011

Sea-farming Ponds:

Common Pheasant
Ruddy Shelduck
Falcated Duck
Eurasian Wigeon
Spot-billed Duck
Northern Pintail
Eurasian Teal
Red-breasted Merganser
Eurasian Kestrel
Common Buzzard
Whimbrel (FOS)
Mongolian Gull
Black-tailed Gull
Vinous-throated Parrotbill
White Wagtail
Meadow Bunting


Common Goldeneye
Hen Harrier
Mongolian Gull
Oriental Turtle Dove
Great Tit
Vinous-throated Parrotbill
Naumann's Thrush
Siberian Accentor
White Wagtail
Oriental Greenfinch
Pallas's Reed Bunting
Ochre-rumped Bunting


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Do you know where those were taken? Baer's Pochard would still be a life bird for me. Let me know if you would like to get together for birding while you are here. You mean Sicheng Island?

Do you know where those were taken? Baer's Pochard would still be a life bird for me. Let me know if you would like to get together for birding while you are here. You mean Sicheng Island?

I'll ask my friend for the exact spot of Baer's Pochard. Thursday he told me it might still be there.
Jin Shi Golf Course March 26

Jin Shi Golf Course: Very early morning

Pheasants ( almost outnumber Magpies there )
Common Hoopoe
Great Spotted Woodpecker
Great Tit
Coal Tit
Varied Tit
Yellow-belled Tit
Chinese Hill Warbler
Vinous-throated Parrotbill
Naumann's Thrush
Red-flanked Bluetail (FOS)
Daurian Redstart
Blue Rock Thrush
Siberian Accentor
White Wagtail
Long-tailed Rosefinch
Meadow Bunting


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Country Club March 26, 2011

Afternoon visit:

Spot-billed Duck
Eurasian Sparrowhawk
Great-spotted Woodpecker
Great Tit
White-cheeked Starling
Naumann's Thrush
Dusky Thrush
White Wagtail
Yellow-throated Bunting
Rustic Bunting


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Small Golf Course March 27, 2011

Family afternoon visit to the beach near the smaller golf course in Jinshitan along the ocean. Brought my camera along. Many Hoopoes feeding on the fairways. Also some Goldrest in the shrubs, and my first Grey Wagtail of the year. Other birds included White Wagtail, Meadow and Yellow-throated Bunting, one Daurian Redstart, and an Orienatal Turtle Dove.


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Hi, Tom. did you go and check the Baer's Pochard. This morning my friend told me it is still there.

I plan to go to Dalian by overnight train on April 2nd. And will stop for a morning at Dalian and then may head for Shicheng Islands Of course it will depend on the weather. So it's not the final plan.
I wish you luck with the Baers, a smart individual.

Tom, that Pipit you sent me (I've just got back) is definitely a blaikstoni Water, very nice!
No, I haven't got out to see the Baer's. I am quite busy and I will be in Shenyang this weekend so no chance then either. It would take some moving of things around for me to get there while it was still light out and things are not movable at the moment. It is killing me knowing it is there.

I'm going to get one in Jinshitan yet anyway:eek!:

March 29 + 31, 2011

Two very quick trips to the Sea-farming ponds and then the Country Club today. First of the season Great Egrets and a Winter Wren last Tuesday. All the regular ducks and other stuff around at the moment. Still a very large group of Naumann's and Dusky Thrushes at the Country Club. I spent a lot of time sorting through them today hoping for something else but came up empty handed. I had my camera in the wrong mode for the Winter Wren:C


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Sea-farming Ponds April 5, 2011

Spring in the air today. In just over an hour:

Bean Goose
Ruddy Shelduck
Falcated Duck
Eurasian Wigeon
Spot-billed Duck
Northern Shoveler (FOS)
Garganey (FOS)
Eurasian Teal
Little-ringed Plover (FOS)
Kentish Plover (FOS)
Great Knot (FOS)
Black-tailed Gull
Vega Gull
White Wagtail
Meadow Bunting


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Several good sightings. I would love to see a Great Knot again. Is that Bean Goose an unusual sighting? I don't remember seeing any in Jinshitan. Which sea-farming ponds do you refer to lately, the ones by the new bridge?

Dave Beeke
British Columbia
Yes, a Bean on the ground is not a common occurrence in Jinshitan. They do fly over during migration from time to time. Yes, the sea-farming ponds are what is left of the area by where the new bridge was going in. Unfortunately 80% of that area looks like the surface of Mars at the moment and I was told by a guy who lives there that in 2013 the entire area will be history. I'm sure the main river channel will have nice concrete bottom and sides soon. 3 Golf Courses, a main movie production area (Hollywood China?), and housing upon housing. I see there is a marsh in the middle on the plan but I'm sure it will be completely unusable because of people everywhere.

I've said it so many times but the waterfowl in this area is as jumpy as can be encountered. I am taking photos with an 800mm lens and still cropping almost to the point of disfiguration. It would be impossible to identify the Shoveler above as such with the naked eye. More people in area will mean more stone throwers, horn honkers, etc..

I was sitting behind a hill watching the 5 Whooper Swan that were in the area a few weeks ago and a small van suddenly appeared on the dirt pond-side road. When the driver saw the swans, he sped up and layed on the horn, forcing them to leave the pond for the time being. I walked out onto the road to intercept the guy on the way back and stood in the road so he was forced to stop. I then simply asked him what he was doing. He was clearly embarrassed and lost some face and drove off with me screaming the question again at him. There are no farms in the areas where the swans would be a nuisance (there's nothing planted yet anyway). I believe the person just wanted to have some fun scarring swans. This is not as serious (swans will learn) in areas where there is an abundance of swans, but such is no tthe case here.

Areas like Laotieshan are protected by law but Jinshitan is not so fortunate. Basically this area is being made into one of the much needed holiday locations in the country. I would love to get involved and steer that into some eco-friendly holiday activities. There are multiple sites here that could use a nice self-guided board-walk with educational oportunities about the life in the area. Instead all the development seems to be making concrete statutes of just about anything (Jinshitan related or not), concrete parking lots, and completely demolishing the natural beauty of the area for housing. There is a nice self-guided board-walk into the geo-park but that is RMB 80 a person and therefore only available to the rich (that's how they keep the number of people down as well).

It seems one of the common themes to be introduced to the area (and many other places) is that a natural landscape is beautiful. Areas don't need any signs of people to be beautiful. Right now, it seems the majority of development doesn't understand this.
Hi Tom - the last post is one that a rang a bell with me!!!!!!

Last year, on Ruo Er Gai Marshes, I witnessed a group of tourists throwing stones at Black-necked Cranes - so they could get some in flight shots.

Like you I now confront all these kind of stupidities head on!!!!!
Sea-farming Ponds April 7, 2011

Dark, foggy, and cold today. Watched two separate Peregrine Falcons go for ducks today and miss. The first chased a female mallard for a bit before diving at some others on the ground. Never seen mallards move that fast before. The other went for some Little Grebes who immediately dove. Little Grebes have the ability to come back up with only their eyes above the water and they kept doing that as the Peregrine circled and circled really close to the water waiting for another chance. I've never seen a Peregrine wait around like that, usually they take one shot and then are gone. The interesting thing is that two Spot-billed Ducks were about 20 feet away and couldn't have cared less. Think they knew it needed more speed to get them? After the whole thing was over, I realized I could have videod the whole thing. Anyway, here's the list:

Ruddy Shelduck
Falcated Duck
Eurasian Wigeon
Spot-billed Duck
Northern Shoveler
Eurasian Teal
Common Goldeneye
Red-breasted Merganser
Little Grebe
Peregrine Falcon
Kentish Plover -- close to 100
Far Eastern Curlew (FOS)
Mongolian Gull
Black-tailed Gull
White Wagtail
Meadow Bunting
Pallas's Reed Bunting


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Jinshitan -- several places

Went to four separate places today.

Common Pheasant
Ruddy Shelduck
Falcated Duck
Eurasian Wigeon
Spot-billed Duck
Northern Shoveler
Northern Pintail
Eurasian Teal
Common Goldeneye
Red-breasted Merganser
Grey Heron
Great Egret
Eurasian Kestrel
Eurasian Sparrowhawk
Grey Plover (FOS)
Little-ringed Plover
Kentish Plover
Far Eastern Curlew
Dunlin (FOS)
Black-tailed Gull
Vega Gull
Common Gull
Oriental Turtle Dove
Great Spotted Woodpecker
Great Tit
Coal Tit
Chinese Hill Warbler
Chinese Bulbul
Vinous-throated Parrotbill
White-cheeked Starling
Naumann's Thrush
Dusky Thrush -- large flocks
Red-flanked Bluetail
White Wagtail
Oriental Greenfinch
Meadow Bunting
Yellow-throated Bunting
Black-faced Bunting (FOS)


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