Björn Bergenholtz
(former alias "Calalp")
In today's Key we find the following entries:
Thus, here's look at all those Birds (I think/hope?), and a few extra ... and have patience, bear with me, it's a long and lengthy thread (maybe even too long), with various twists and turns.
However, here we go (in chronological order, for each name) ...
cuvieri as in:
• the invalid (Lineated/Silver) Pheasant "Lophophorus Cuvieri" TEMMINCK 1820 (here, with a Plate on the preceding page):
• the invalid (White-throated) Bee-eater "Merops Cuvieri" LICHTENSTEIN 1823 (here), from "Senegambia" (?) (West Africa), no dedication, no explanation. Based on Levaillant's Plate 21 (? – Plate unseen by me!)
• the invalid (Tawny) Frogmouth "[Podargus] Cuvieri" VIGORS & HORSFIELD 1826/1827 (here):
• the long-debated species, or subspecies, Cuvier's (White-throated/Red-billed) Toucan Ramphastos (tucanus) cuvieri WAGLER 1827 (here), as " R. [Ramphastos] Cuvieri", no dedication, no other explanation, at least not as far as I can tell (it's all in Latin – and, as such, beyond my grasp) [earlier a k a Cuviers tukan, in Swedish (hence my interest) today it's just an anonymous ssp. (at least among Swedish ornithologists, as we today follow IOC].
• Red-billed Brushturkey Talegalla cuvieri LESSON 1828 (here), as "Talegalla Cuvieri":
• the invalid Wader/Shorebird (Curlew Sandpiper?) "Falcinellus Cuvieri, Nob." BONAPARTE 1838 (here), ... clearly in reference to "Gen. [Genus] 239. FALCINELLUS, Cuv.", a Genus described by (Chevalier/Baron) 'Georges' Cuvier in 1817, here [nec (not) Falcinellus, Vieillot 1816]
• White-throated Rail Dryolimnas cuvieri PUCHERAN 1845 (here, in text), as "Rallus Cuvieri":
On top of this we also have some fossil, alt. sub-fossil, taxa [marked with orange dots • below] (neither one are incl. in today's Key – simply as they are too Old, too Ancient, I guess):
• the extinct (Nuthatch?) "Sitta? Cuvieri, Nob." GERVAIS, "1848–1852" (here). Also commented by Milne-Edwards in 1870 (here, in text), later, in 1908, a k a "Palægithalus cuvieri"
• the extinct (Rail?) "Gypsornis Cuvieri, nov. gen. et sp." MILNE-EDWARDS "1869–1871" (here, with the Plate here, fig.1–5):
• the extinct (Osprey?) "Palæocircus Cuvieri , nov. gen. et sp." MILNE-EDWARDS "1869–1871" (here)
● Léopold Chrêtien Frédéric Dagobert Baron Cuvier (1769-1832) French anatomist, better known by his nom de plume Georges Cuvier (syn. Calidris ferruginea, Dryolimnas, syn. Lophura leucomelanos lineata, syn. Merops albicollis, syn. Pachyramphus viridis, Phaeochroa, syn. Podargus strigoides, subsp. Ramphastos tucanus, syn. Regulus satrapa, Talegalla).
● Frédéric Georges Cuvier (1773-1838) French zoologist, palaeontologist, brother of Baron Cuvier (Falco).
(Falconidae; syn. Falco † African Hobby F. cuvieri) Frédéric Georges Cuvier (1773-1838) French zoologist, palaeontologist, brother of Baron Cuvier; "According to Mathews (B. Australia, v. 221, 1915) the genotype of Falco is F. subbuteo, a migratory species which occurs as such in South Africa. The resident representative of this species appears to me to be F. cuvieri A. Smith, which has, however, long ago lost the character of the heavy stripes below (being finely striped in immature only) and has the primary formula different; I propose for it the new generic name of CUVIERIA." (A. Roberts 1922); "Cuvieria A. Roberts, 1922, Annals Transvaal Mus., VIII (4), p. 210. Type, by monotypy, Falco cuvieri A. Smith, 1830." (JAJ 2020) (see Confusiana).
Léopold Chrêtien Frédéric Dagobert Baron Cuvier (1769-1832) French anatomist, better known by his nom de plume Georges Cuvier (Campylopterus).
(Falconidae; syn. Falco † African Hobby F. cuvieri) Confucius or Kong Fuzi (551-479BC) Chinese philosopher, teacher and great master (cf. L. confusus confused < confundere to disturb); coined as a replacement name, no doubt linking one great master with another; "Cuvieria, l. c. p. 210 (1922) [nec Lesueur & Petit 1807-1816] benenne ich Confusiana m. Wie jemand noch im Jahre 1922 glauben kann, dass ein Name wie "Cuvieria" nicht praeoccupiert sei, ist allerdings schwer zu verstehen. Auch in seiner "Synoptic Check List" von 1924 figuriert noch "Cuvieria" (Falconidae)" (Strand 1943) (Laurent Raty in litt.); "Confusiana Strand, 1943, Folia Zoologica et Hydrobiologica, 12, p. 73. New name for Cuvieria A. Roberts, 1922, not of Lesueur and Petit, 1807 (Cnidaria)." (JAJ 2018).
Thus, here's look at all those Birds (I think/hope?), and a few extra ... and have patience, bear with me, it's a long and lengthy thread (maybe even too long), with various twists and turns.
However, here we go (in chronological order, for each name) ...
cuvieri as in:
• the invalid (Lineated/Silver) Pheasant "Lophophorus Cuvieri" TEMMINCK 1820 (here, with a Plate on the preceding page):
Le Muséum royal de Paris, seule collection en Europe où se trouve un individu de cette espèce propre au continent de l’Inde, en doit la possession aux soins de MM. Diard et Duvaucel, deux jeunes naturalistes élèves de M. Cuvier, dont j'aurai souvent occasion de parler dans cet ouvrage.
• the invalid (White-throated) Bee-eater "Merops Cuvieri" LICHTENSTEIN 1823 (here), from "Senegambia" (?) (West Africa), no dedication, no explanation. Based on Levaillant's Plate 21 (? – Plate unseen by me!)
• the invalid (Tawny) Frogmouth "[Podargus] Cuvieri" VIGORS & HORSFIELD 1826/1827 (here):
In honorem principis Zoologorum, hujus generis fundatoris, hec species nominatur.
• the long-debated species, or subspecies, Cuvier's (White-throated/Red-billed) Toucan Ramphastos (tucanus) cuvieri WAGLER 1827 (here), as " R. [Ramphastos] Cuvieri", no dedication, no other explanation, at least not as far as I can tell (it's all in Latin – and, as such, beyond my grasp) [earlier a k a Cuviers tukan, in Swedish (hence my interest) today it's just an anonymous ssp. (at least among Swedish ornithologists, as we today follow IOC].
• Red-billed Brushturkey Talegalla cuvieri LESSON 1828 (here), as "Talegalla Cuvieri":
Cette espèce, par sa rareté, comme parce qu’elle fait le type d’un genre, a reçu le nom de TALÉGALLE DE CUVIER, talegalla [sic] Cuvieri , Less., Zool. de la Coq., pl. XXXVIII. [= here, as. "(Talegallus Cuvieri, N.)", also 1828 (N. = Nova/New), edit: = nobis (new) according to Laurent, in post #5]
• the invalid Wader/Shorebird (Curlew Sandpiper?) "Falcinellus Cuvieri, Nob." BONAPARTE 1838 (here), ... clearly in reference to "Gen. [Genus] 239. FALCINELLUS, Cuv.", a Genus described by (Chevalier/Baron) 'Georges' Cuvier in 1817, here [nec (not) Falcinellus, Vieillot 1816]
• White-throated Rail Dryolimnas cuvieri PUCHERAN 1845 (here, in text), as "Rallus Cuvieri":
... which I assume is a reference to Lesson's: "RALE A GORGE BLANCHE; "Rallus gularis, Cuv.", of 1831 (here).C’est cette espèce que Cuvier et M. Lesson ont designée sous le nom de Rallus gularis. Mais cette dénomination ayant été auparavant appliquée par M. Horsfield au Rallus fuscus, L., nous croyons convenable de lui substituer celle de Rallus Cuvieri.
On top of this we also have some fossil, alt. sub-fossil, taxa [marked with orange dots • below] (neither one are incl. in today's Key – simply as they are too Old, too Ancient, I guess):
• the extinct (Nuthatch?) "Sitta? Cuvieri, Nob." GERVAIS, "1848–1852" (here). Also commented by Milne-Edwards in 1870 (here, in text), later, in 1908, a k a "Palægithalus cuvieri"
• the extinct (Rail?) "Gypsornis Cuvieri, nov. gen. et sp." MILNE-EDWARDS "1869–1871" (here, with the Plate here, fig.1–5):
... which I assume is a reference to: Recherches sur les ossemens fossiles [où l'on rétablit les caractères de plusieurs animaux dont les révolutions du globe ont détruit les espèces], published (posthumous) 1834–1836 (in 12 volumes, with several editions onwards), by "Cuvier, Georges (1769–1832)", according to Gallica/BnF (Bibliothèque nationale de France).[In footnote (on p.140)] Voyez Cuvier, Recherches sur les ossements fossiles, 4e édit., t. V, p. 569, pl. CLV, fig. 7
• the extinct (Osprey?) "Palæocircus Cuvieri , nov. gen. et sp." MILNE-EDWARDS "1869–1871" (here)
— to be continued —
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