If you buy something that is from a chinese brand, the money the manufacturer gets is spent on making the product and on QC. If the company has issues they produce cheaper, or fire some staff or cut some products or close shop. The people who sell and the people who make are basically symbiotic, in the same economic zone. As a result the price of the product is directly related to the cost of making it.
If you buy from a European brand pr Apple etc, at least 50% of the money is spent on brand maintenance, marketing staff, and prestige boutiques in developed countries. And often the actual product is anyway mostly made from MIC or MIJ subassemblies because … the guys in the head office decide who they’re gonna pay, and they’re not going to pay totally useless workers who only make stuff.
Reminds me of that staff at an Apple contractor in India who rioted and broke everything in the factory, and got beaten up by the police, because the contractor had been paid by Apple to make stuff cheaply, and the only way to do that at the prices Apple demanded was not pay the employees at all.
Enraged workers reportedly caused millions of dollars in damage at an Apple supplier’s factory in India where they protested poor labor conditions over the weekend. Thousands of contract work…
I recently got myself a low-end Apple phone and another Chinese branded one for my son. The Chinese one cost me less than 1/3 of the price of the Apple and the hardware is way better. It has a decent big screen and it’s much faster, and it even came with a charger and uses standard USB-C connectors. On the other hand that brand doesn’t advertise in Europe, has no lifestyle stores, pays Google for its software and is a healthy engineering-oriented business, while Apple is a US company that continually alleges its competitors steal, forces developers to pay it a percentage of the revenue from every app, and assembles its phones in exactly the same factories as its competitors

My Apple computer broke down recently, and Apple quoted me a huge price for repair. I said I can go and find the parts and an independent repair shop. Apple employees told me ”even if you swap the parts it won’t work because to use the parts one needs special software which only we are allowed to use”. I think that when companies start to behave like that one is not paying for the product - one is paying for something else, that has perceived value, but not the product itself.