How about if you don't want anyone else to keep a copy of your pictures for free don't post them on the internet? Nobody is forcing you to. If your aim is to advertise the pictures for sale then set up your own website at your own expense and stop poncing off the free sites set up for birders to share their info, opinions and perhaps even pictures.
You see it cuts both ways so it's really not worth getting so upset about.
I'm merely trying to defend and support the photographers here for their efforts, cruddy photo's, amateur's, video grabs or professionals. The image and copyright still belongs to them.
Yes the surfbirds gallery is free to VIEW, ThereforI see nothing wrong with photographers protecting their work to prevent people from downloading.
I have noticed that many photographers are now leaving the surfbirds gallery because there is nothing to protect there images, unlike Birdguides etc. This spoils it for everyone.
Just because you cannot right click to steal the image on Birdguides, does that mean that you don't look at the pictures there ?
Surely if you want to view pictures on the web of a bird, and were faced with a copyrighted image or nothing at all, are you saying you you would not bother to look ?
In most cases the watermarking is offsett so that the id features are still available, its just the background thats spoilt.
Do you walk into a gallery in London and walk out with a painting you like under your arm, with an excuse of well the artist should'nt have displayed it if he didnt want anyone to steal it- nobody was forceing him to?
In my opinion, photographers are provideing a service by submitting to a gallery, If you like the picture enough to want a copy, offer to buy one.