Hello, I doubt that the SF is inferior to an HD, HDX or SFL. Please verify and calibrate your SF by using also the diopter setting. (Well I noticed a small intolerance of my SF 10x32 of 0.5 dioptre. After calibrating it, it has the same clarity and sharpness as my SF 10x42, whose diopter is at zero position).
By my own experience the coatings of the SF’s are optimized for clarity, contrast, resolution and natural colors under a broad band of different light situations, I think with a preference to keep high as possible detail recognition, also at bad light. So the coatings do actually differ from SFL and HD/HDX, of course. There is probably a good reason for the SF‘s transmission curves.
I can speak only for SF 10x32 and SF 10x42, which I own. I will try an HDX and SFL too, eventually.
If the SF‘s would be inferior to HD/HDX/SFL then Zeiss would kill their premium line itself, long term. But maybe they will change the requirements for future SF’s, but I don’t know.
Just my cecents.
In my opinion about 8x42 SF, it has inferior central sharpness, color fidelity and CA at the edge.
but it leads in FOV, edge sharpness, central CA correction, brightness, color contrast.
higer range bino doesn't mean it is better at EVERYTHING then the bino that palced right below.
such as, in comparison of EDG and MHG, MHG deliver better central sharpness and FOV but EDG leads in overall optics.
also, EL & NL.
EL have better color fidelity, central sharpness, distortion and glare surpressed then NL
I'm only talking SF 8x42's inferiorness central sharpness and color fidelity
and that doesn't make SF a totally inferior bino becasue people don't judge bino only by those two strengths.
(and SF 10x42 is better then CHD in terms of Central sharpness and inferior of color fidelity)
guess there is something about 8x42 SF.... much higher edge CA then 10x42 and two of the model in Korea both have central sharpness issue in every tubes.
and for the diopter setting, it is indeed bit finicky in SF but I also do comparison between each tubes before I madeup my opinion.
in order to minimize the QC influencing the review.
(also both with one eyes closed or both eyes opened with one objective lens sealed by objective cap)