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Common/Mealy Redpoll (1 Viewer)


Moorlands Macro: Close up and personal....with bug
Had another Common/Mealy Redpoll visiting the garden for the last few days. The second one since December 2013.. Still getting upwards of 50 birds in at times. It seems to favour feeding on the ground, but I have seen it on the feeder. Managed to get some pictures through the window which I can upload later if required.

Had another Common/Mealy Redpoll visiting the garden for the last few days. The second one since December 2013.. Still getting upwards of 50 birds in at times. It seems to favour feeding on the ground, but I have seen it on the feeder. Managed to get some pictures through the window which I can upload later if required.


Hi Neil, glad to see you still attracting the Redpolls in good numbers. I have had a poor winter quantity wise, although had 3 Mealys for a few days just before new year. Must catch up sometime, best regards Dave.
Great to here you are still getting the Redpolls in good numbers, only had a single Redpoll this winter which I kept missing.
Got a few Siskin now visiting though which is a nice garden addition.

All the best

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