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Colombia April 2015 - Andes, Santa Marta, Mitu (2 Viewers)

Hi Dave,

I've now been in May/June, January/Feb and September /October. Birding's always been (very) good, but a lot depends the areas you intend to visit to as to what constitutes the optimum time of year as those aren't the same all over the country. Also within areas abundance of certain food types (fruits / flowering trees) may result in different species being easier or more difficult at a given time of year.


Its taken a while to collate into my lists and still have a couple of queries to get answers for but looks like my trip list is 666 species of which 464 are lifers.... and with the species that Jeff got that I didn't its probably 680 trip species. Happy days.

Blog nearly complete too, just 1 more post to publish.

Where next????? Lol
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