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CJOakley Bird Art (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Hi All,

Haven't posted for ages but would like feedback on some recent drawings - if you'd all be so kind...

First is a northern saw-whet owl - second a female black-headed grosbeak and third a violet-green swallow.

Comments - criticism? It's all good.

Thanks in advance.


  • northern-saw-whet-owl2.jpg
    53.4 KB · Views: 90
  • black-headed grosbeak female drawing 2.jpg
    black-headed grosbeak female drawing 2.jpg
    35.7 KB · Views: 85
  • violet-green- swallow-male2.jpg
    violet-green- swallow-male2.jpg
    19.2 KB · Views: 86
I cant give you criticism Chris as Im not qualified enough. I can give feed back though, all nicely exercuted but my favourite is the swallow only wish the pic was a little bigger :t:
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Fine group of birds! The owl is my favorite, probably because I see them so seldom - but all are very well done.
Nice and delicately done Chris.

I would agree with User, maybe a little more contrast would help with the variation in tones?

The owl is quite mesmerising!..for perches etc my advice is to grab something from the garden and draw it from life...not a criticism of your work, just something I find useful.
I agree that the contrast could be better on the owl - I'll have to re-scan and see if I can improve it...

I do usually draw perches from something real - in these two instances the grosbeak was actually sitting on a bird feeder :( and the swallow on some twisted electrical wire so I faked in branches - but agree that real works better.

Thanks for taking the time to provide your thoughts...much appreciated.
They're all very fine Chris...and my personal pick of the bunch would be the saw-whet Owl...almost like a carving....

My only other observation is that i would like to tweak the contrast up on the owl....[just a tad]...:cat:

All the best....!


All nice Chris. I think a bit more contrast might be helpful. And as others have said there is a very sculptural quality to the owl that I personally like quite a bit.
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